Muslims hatred for dogs

Why do muslims enjoy torturing dogs so much?

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Evil, fucking evil.

I don't know for sure but I was told Mohammad hated them for some reason, and since Muslims never think beyond what Mohammad says...

I wonder what people before Mohammad thought about this at the time?


wtf I hate muslims now
wtf I love nazis now

One smart doggo bitten hand of Muhammad. Muhammad got butthurt for the rest of his life and said that dogs are evil.
>since he was a "prophet" he had no other choice

It's Sunna; Muhammed hated dogs and compared them to devils. If I find the hadith I'll post it here.

Actually, there's quite a lot. I've only ever read Sahih Buhkari but here's everything about dogs in hadiths:

>tfw not retarded enough to watch

This can be the definitive meme against muslims. We can exploit the liberal pussiness this way. Think about it. However, don't think it

I think they are dumb enough to kill the dogs for islam. This will only make every natives to go nuts.

Now the poor dogs are being slaughtered in the name of Muhammed

That is the part of Islam I hate the most. I think it is an facet of Arab culture.


How come?

Mohammed was a little bitch boi that was scared of dogs and the dogs smelled his betaness so they alpha'd all over him and bit him so he got butthurt and said they were evil.

True alphas love dogs.

>I think it is an facet of Arab culture
Just like everything else not taken from the Abrahamic faiths?

Islam is pretty much built on the proto-religion and culture of Southern Arabs. It is why Muhammad had such an easy time to convert them to his cause.

Dogs are good judges of character and they know they can tell how despicable mudshits truly are.

I'm pretty sure he never said that. Dumbasses.

here, friend

Dogs are friends to humans and have been for eons, a sacred trust and bond that has lasted lifetimes. There is a reason why so many people are revolted by animal abuse and especially the abuse of dogs.
Now take the muzzies in Africa (pick a place, any place), they enjoy the suffering of lesser beings so they can feel stronger or more advanced or hell, maybe just because there is nothing on the television.
In reality, the answer is very simple.
Dogs are friends to humans, obviously, after a few generations of incest, murder and stupidity, muzzies are not human by our standards.
Remove them, you should feel no sympathy for them or pain about it, much like the gardener feels no pain when removing grass or moss.
They exist, they shouldnt, lets keep it at that and remove them from this planet.

>Per Muhammad’s orders most dogs were to be killed and all dogs of a specific color (black) had to be killed
was mohammad,dare I say, /ourguy/?

Mohammed probably hated dogs because he was attacked by one when he tried to rape a young girl and the dog was simply defendingits owner.

Degenerate scum hating the most patrician pet.

Dogs can sense evil, making them natural predators of Muslims

I literally despise muslims.
They really are shit.
They have NO empathy for their fellow man, or any other living thing on this planet.
They are just like liberals.

Here, senpai a lams

Dogs aren't hated in Islam, it's ignorance and stupidity that leads to shit like this

They are jealous of the dogs innate dignity

I like your thinking.

>romanian pitbull owner starts thread to try and make it seem "muslimish" to hate pitbulls because they are dogs


Dogs can sense evil and all !Muslims are evil and they hate dogs because a dog will warn non Muslims of evil when ever a Muslim is nearby.

Because dogs are the physical embodiment of love in a living being, and Islam is human barbarity in it's absolutely perfect form.


Because they are subhuman. Another reason to keep them out of our countries and at the very least, to bully the shit out of them if they are here.

> Why do muslims enjoy torturing dogs so much?
Zoroastrians liked dogs and where in almost all perspectives better than mudslimes.

> why kikes and "ex"soviets hate Russians
> why anglo hate Germans

You must kill ones soul for him to be the perfect slave to Allah.

I literally had to type in dead muslim children to subside the rage I got from that video. Im saving that bitch and force my gf to sit through it anytime she opens her cunt mouth about muh tolerance

Took me 2 second to Google, you fucking piece of shit. I bet you're as filthy muslim yourself, aren't you? Human garbage.

a filthy*

Wuff wuff!!!
Am Doggo, faithful companion of Tammuz.
Master is God of Amorite master race (i.e. true Syrians fighting ISIS and not rapefugee coward JewSlave Achmed-tier sandnigger losers).
Saudi-tier sandniggers hate me cos am GG Bashar-tier freedom fighter!!



Are you trying to say white leftists will renounce dogs if they see that it is what Muslims want? If so, this is also my fear. Especially if right wing, traditional cultured whites fight for the doggos then the psycho antifa types will start abusing dogs just to spite us as they do at every turn.


I sent the link to 3 cucks I happen to know.
2 of them have dogs.

Dogs have good instincts and are loyal.

Muslims are natural born backstabbers, dogs know this. A dogs instinct is to protect its master, hence why Muslims want dogs gone.

Also somewhere or someone said Mohammed was bitten by a dog? I don't know, don't really care, that man boobed child fucker should have manned the fuck up.

indeed aussie

He looks like Shkreli.

Sounds legit.

this desu

They should try it.

Will be not the first time dogs martyr for us.

Thanks men. I speak of Muslims abusing dogs, too. It's one of the only ways to get through that I know of.

>I speak of Muslims abusing dogs, too. It's one of the only ways to get through that I know of.
This should be memed.
It would be brutal for those of us that love dogs.
But it could turn a lot of people against letting in anymore muslims.

can't we just fucking exterminate all muslims already? just deport them back with all leftie SJW faggot and fucking nuke the shit out of all the middle east
I litteraly pray every day to see those glorious times of cleansing

Djinn can appear as dogs this is why they are unpopular among muslims.


Red Dog!

I think it's bubbling up. Most people consciously resist because of their mental fragility. Subconsciously, we have to plant the seed which will grow.

moslems are animals.

Pretty much this. Doggos can detect when people have bad intentions.

Soooo what's stopping people from walking their dogs past mosques? Let the dogs scare them, stress them out armor being unclean, let them worry about peeing near them in front of the mosque.

This is brilliant they will get so butthurt that a fuck mayor will start to create dog mosque laws. Once these laws hit the news more people will be red pulled to Arab/Bedouin degeneracy.

New Yorkers, San Francisco's, Texans get your doggos ready

Before the time of Muhammed Zoroastrians believed that dogs belonged to the good god Ahura Mazda.

>They exist
>They shouldn't
very well put my friend.

IIDF pls.

That video was hilarious. Especially when he was swinging the dog around and the dozer at the end scooping up all the dead dogs lol. I hate dogs. Worthless animals.

Heh, I love muslims now

nah jk but I hate dogs.

Thank you for using moslem instead of cuck muslim.

How are things in Italy? How fucked are you?

that's some 9gag level of ebin le troll.
how old are you?this board is 18+

muslims consider dogs filthy animals.
What a funny double-think, considering that muslims are poo-in-loo-tier dirty humans

dogs > muslims

Because dogs are evil.

I might or might not make a point to rub the condiment nozzles on one of my bacon hotdogs at convenience stores, then throw said hot dog away because germs. It's the little things.

>tfw just watched the Twilight Zone about the old man saved by his dog from getting tricked into Hell for all eternity.

Lmfao nah dogs are just lame. White people treat em like humans and are now diminishing

Are there many of you mudslimes in Luxembourg?

This desu. They'll even kiss their dogs after it just got done licking its own butt/genitals, and let it sleep in bed with them.

burger edukeishion

That really says something about the type of humans they don't want living around them.

because muslims are jealous of the dogs superior social standing

The dog was right to not want a group of liberal ninnies to put a sweater on it. Let's be real here.

It's okay, Ahmed. We'll give you death you so rightly deserve.

Hmm, dogs are shit, but so are muslims...
It's a real conundrum.

Dog are one of man's oldest and greatest friend/ally.
Muslim hate dogs.
Muslims are not human.

I'm not muslim tho.

Dogs can detect evil.

Muhammad saw every dog barking and growling at him and didn't want anyone getting suspicious.

No there are not

Why are westerners so eager to bend to the whims of people from foreign cultures? They wouldn't respect your infidel ways in muslim countries.

For that pat on the back, whites would kill someone if it got someone to say "you a good guy"

Yeah dog people are just pathetic. They let them lick their faces and mouths and treat em like humans. They do that and put themselves lower than the stupid cur itself. Sure they make good defense and can be treated like the stupid dog they are but treating them any higher or saying "I don't feel bad about humans dying but dogs..fuck :((" warrants you execution

>emergency kittens
>dogkeks btfo

The same way they bend to the whim of a dog. They are even cucked by their pets. They even clean up their own dogs shit, making them lower than dogs.


>Dogs can detect evil.

This is what cringey dogfuckers actually believe. Face it, your doggos are stupid animals, there is nothing special about them and they have no "sixth sense" They'll bark at anyone or anything that comes near. They'll bark at the wind.

It shows that you never had a dog.


Post your evidence that dogs can somehow "detect evil"

Oh, you are a faggot. You actually think that all people are equal, don't you?

>M-M-M-MUH ANIMAL FEEEEELS (but i eat meat doe)

Whites and dogs co-evolved and became the best team ever.
Blacks and Arabs constantly hurt dogs, in return, dogs have a genetic hatred for the bipedal mongrels. I guess it also says a lot in that a four-legged furball can learn how to behave and where to properly shit when given food and shelter and blacks/arabs can't.

>This triggers the dogfag

I suppose they harbor a disdain for dogs because dogs can see what traitoruos fith they are