Can someone tell me how these bullshit departments manage to drum up enough money to say in existence?
The humanities now only exist to push these ideologies.
Can someone tell me how these bullshit departments manage to drum up enough money to say in existence?
The humanities now only exist to push these ideologies.
Other urls found in this thread:
>Can someone tell me how these bullshit departments manage to drum up enough money to say in existence?
Government-backed student loans awarded to anyone with a pulse.
And to think if these colleges are state-funded, you are paying for this shit as well.
>Government-backed student loans awarded to anyone with a pulse.
Won't that pot ever run dry? These people clearly won't earn a degree fit for any industry.
We need to lynch the niggers now. Burn thier kids in acid
The one chick has a "make America brown again" shirt. Was it ever brown?
Aren't they state-funded? WTF is this shit.
>Won't that pot ever run dry? These people clearly won't earn a degree fit for any industry.
Universities aren't for job training. You want that, go to trade school.
And no, student loans are a backdoor funding mechanism for the most leftist institutions in the West. You give taxpayer money to pay the salaries of tenured professors and administrators to brainwash young people. It's a win-win for the state.
It should be very clear that we need to return to the medieval ideal of a university, a monastic pursuit of knowledge in a broad set of fields. Without loans or grants, or for that matter gyms, lounges, and Starbucks.
You know the answer!
These departments cen be set up by the colleges practically for free - no expensive labs, libraries, computerpools or anything requiered.
There are thousands of of people (who should be in a mental institution) who are willing to "teach" at these departments.
The colleges gain MASSIVE amounts of money from idiots who picked up a loan through something that can only be described as usury.
The banks that give out these loans don't give a fuck if these idiots are ever going to pay back, since they will get goverment backing through bail outs and dirt cheap official cash rates. And they sell these loans anyway after a few months.
She is why Hillary lost the election.
i bet they all have white boyfriends
Ah that makes sense, but it will produce so many untrained useless people who could have learned a trade.
many of these ((liberal arts)) programs are self-perpetuating in that the only job you can really get is in academia
so you pay thousands of dollars to learn from professsor goldstein, then you yourself teach marxism to the next generation, and it's all heavily funded and subsidized by the state. simultaneously, they ensure that you will not pair bond because you've been conditioned to hate the other gender and the idea of having kids
it's not unlike a jewish pyramid scheme
these people pay for this shit
Remember that
I think the point is to crest something the common idiot, like these people, can excel at, so they go to college and spend their money. These people are inferior to anyone who could be in an engineering program or physics, or really anything of any value. So in a traditional college they wouldn't be included at all, this allows the colleges to take their money, by making fake subjects for little brained lemmings to rejoice in.
The (US) colleges don't care. They get free money.
The banks don't care they get free money.
The leftist parties don't care because they more voters.
That is the funny part.
Something you have to understand about the modern higher education system is that it is first and foremost a bureaucracy. Is it all about getting income and how to spend it. There are dozens upon dozens of employees whose only job is to raise money. Combined with a tenure system this creatures an environment where people are looking for holes to fill that aren't there so they can have their share of this money.
You're right, then they have to deal with the banks later.
>dosen't realize that in order to even leave Europe they had to made great progress
Of course that scheme cannot run forever.
Because as soon as the first highschool alumnies start opting for going into trade a snowball effect start and the education market will see a massive correction.
That would be the first time an "education"-system would cause a financial bubble to burst.
>fuck privilege shirt
>while unironically wearing a gnome hat
This has already happened with a couple of the most glaring examples of these schools so we can only hope. Maybe the average high school student will receive so much imagery of people in debt and doing nothing with their degrees the allure of higher education will be removed for good.
autistic faggot replying to so many posts at once kys
Its about indoctrination and not about education.
These courses are tailored for the Lumpenproletariat and subhumans to take over the country.
Its literally creating thousands of marxist soldiers and "thinkers" on the taxpayers dime.
Its long term society forming
Could you you point me to an example of a college/University axing such departements, please?
This vid annoys the shit out of me. The WINNERS of the CEDA final debate for 2015. What they're saying is literally incomprehensible.
You guys raging over this don't seem to understand you'd just be feeding these retards if you got violent.
The best thing to do get involved in their classes. Infiltrate, then in a lecture like this, sit back with a smile, or a hearty laugh, and just say "niggers".
>white tears
o rly? lol you nigger. BIX NOOD where da white wimmen at?!
Make fun of em, and the first one that tries to assault you, slam his/her head into a desk/table. NEVER stop laughing and saying "nigger" though.
Better yet, fill your slide show with some Sup Forums classics.
>That would be the first time an "education"-system would cause a financial bubble to burst.
What happened here was we started importing Turks instead. Still you need to do quite a bit to learn a trade. What will all of these libs do when they can't sit around eat until they are 200 lb and twitter all day about not having privilege?
BTW, the heartier the laugh the better.
Also, don't be afraid to make fun of women as well.
>You guys raging over this don't seem to understand you'd just be feeding these retards if you got violent.
Here's a homework assignment for you to research, user: why do most leftists go out of their way to defend Islam in spite of the fact that it stands for so many of the things they claim to hate?
In seriousness, I think this can't be stopped. More of these morons with the slideshows here will become "professors" just to teach more Chicano Studies, Diversity Studies and Wmynmyns Studies.
Mizzou, the site of some heinous Black Lives Matter protests in which the staff were heavily involved had their enrollment rate drop 8% and they had to close down two dorms because they had no students to put there. Other schools in the area saw rises in enrollment.
The state government decided to cut funding to school so this process can be repeated.
Completely unprofessional. Even if the degree itself is worthless, you'd think the university would at least teach skills like how to create and deliver a presentation.
Guess every school on the planet has privilege. Indians learn Indian history in India. Germans learn German history in Germany. You learn American history in The United States.
If you want to learn your own history, go back where you came from. This is basic logic, but you can't expect liberals to possess any.
>why do most leftists go out of their way to defend Islam in spite of the fact that it stands for so many of the things they claim to hate?
Because it's anti-European and anti-American.
Protip: If one of these idiots is a mudslime, when he/she goes to do their presentation, yell out a high-pitched allahu akbar.
Say "allahuhluluhulu akbarlullullu" for better comedic effect. Roll the tongue with heavy exaggeration to add hilarity.
From article:
>As of the first day of classes, Mizzou enrolled 4,799 freshmen — the smallest class in almost a decade. That number is down more than 1,600 incoming freshmen from fall 2015.
Yes, that could very well be the first symptome of an incoming crash.
HELLO? What about the great people like the Indians, Chicanos, Asians, Blacks, LTGBQ+ people that have BUILT you nation? What about their histories?
Don't you watch MTV news ffs? Get a clue, you cis white piece of shit:
Why are these motherfuckers so goddamn smug
I'm sorry, but are you seriously telling that proud, strong African QUEEN that she has to adopt your colonizing language and social customs? Congrats, you've just had this incident put on your record and have to issue a public apology to her.
mfw I'm hardly even exaggerating
"I gots muh degree n shieet, gimme job rassis cracka bix nood muhfugga"
Nice bait muhammad.
Because they ere entitled fucking scum of the earth niggers
idk about brown, but it was certainly red
No. Why should they?
Quality of edcucation and cash flow (proivded by student loans) are completely decoupled from each other.
Black women in USA, especially those pro-black chicks, admire white men.
They do this just for your attention... they want you to stop being racist, so they can merge with you. get that white seed, give birth to your babies, cuddle with you on the sofa
Black chicks don't care about arabs being racists to them. They don't care about gooks being racist towards them...
Again, like that chick who was arguing with that dread locks wearing white boy. She wanted his attention and when he refused to give her any, she got mad at him.
Black women are in a hate-love relationship with white men.
>Because it's anti-European and anti-American.
Half credit.
looks like an actual monkey, race war when?
Fuck, these people are in desperate need of getting jihaded. Stuff like this makes me understand why they hate us so much.
Because no one humiliates them properly.
Have you ever seen a small child say a bad word or kick over something and they smile and wait for the reaction it will cause? It's exhilarating for them because they're testing the boundaries while getting attention.
Anime con or smth, not an uni
>studies show companies are far less likely to hire someone with a degree in Africa Diaspora and Racial Theory than in business
>look how racist this country is!
Are american high schools the biggest jokes on this planet?
the government subsidizes their education
because they are low iq plebs who get to larp as some educator about muh whitey privelage
>invented the computer he used to type that
>and the projector
>and the screen
>funded the scholarship he goes to college on
Yep. Whites are definitely cancer.
>claims to be a cookie monster
>buying the shitty gooey Chip Ahoy and not the classics
People like this are the reason why racism even exists and it's so tempting to become a racist.
>Said the SJW dindu in a class room, using a projector, the roman alphabet and emoticons all made by Whitey
This is just pathetic. What does this even mean?
This guy gets credit for being the first one posted on this thread with a halfway-decent-looking slide deck.
welfare state gone amuk
That's not a high school
That's a major university
and they're all like that
Seriously. Has any of you ever been in a class where a nigger tried to lecture "ya'll white people"?
I live in fucking Sweden and has never personally seen it happen.
This seems like a real Burger thing unfortunately for you lads.
At my uni one of my tutors organized a class assignment where we had to defend Adolf Eichmann, the tears were absolutely delicious and it went on for weeks.
>american college
Why the fuck do they let people making that kind of shit? In my uni, they ask me to do presentation about fucking charlemagne or WW1, not some blog-tier bullshit
Jesus fucking christ, get your shit together. What's wrong with american college? Why is there such things as safe spaces or those presentations?
I couldn't even imagine sitting in a class with these Tumblr-indoctrinated retards. I would just insult these people after the presentation.
And people wonder why Americans are largely illiterate.
Because telling them they are wrong is racist so they are constantly validated.
They also walk around with a victim complex which they know full well gives them power.
Because first of all, they wouldn't be capable of holding an actual presentation. Secondly, this would require reading actual books on WWI or Charlemagne, not copy-pasting wikipedia passages.
If you would require them to do actual work and be parked on it, most of them would fail out of the university. I know this because I taught at a South African university for several years. In courses where there were blacks, I was forced to dumb down the course to get at least a 50% pass rate. In my regular courses, almost everyone was white.
The Americans are perhaps far ahead of the South Africans as the blacks have been allowed to attend universities for a longer time.
They take it from other people - recipient classes threaten to cause trouble at the university if their demands are not met, and the universities do what they can to try to prevent the trouble.
There's a whole website cataloging their demands from a student uprising in late 2015:
this is depressing, yet true
Now come the shaming tactics where they try to make this an issue about country dick waving. Funny how we can have a thread with little to no shitposting discussing the downfall of these people and then instantly it starts.
>emojis in a school presentation
We need a new Hitler to fix this.
Because the university will get money from retarded leftists paying to take the courses, and they cost fuckall to run because there's shitloads of terrible literature for almost no cost and because they don't really need facilities or the like.
even if they charged double for physics and had more applicants for it they'd still need to pay for a specialised lab for some practical work
if it were chemistry they'd need a fully stocked lab full of fucking elements and chemicals and gas and shit
Gender studies? Race relations?
Shove some shitty barely reviewed books into the shitty part of the library and call it a day.
Yes, I also left the university and went into the industry. The difference from when I was studying and when I was lecturing was very noticeable. I think this all changed dramatically in the past 20 years.
I am much happier now that I don't have to be around these people anymore.
>that title
Actually kind of true though
Good thing I cheat on my taxes and hide money.
Fix yourself, Murica, it's embarrassing!
>historical link between homophobia in communities of colour and colonialism
Lol Wut
>europeans stay in europe
>africa is even worse off, still tribal
>american indians kill the buffalo off, never develop past iron age
only if they spelt the last one correctly
>everybody wanna be a nigga, but nobody wants to be a nigger
this fag gets it
Why don't liberals understand this very simple concept?
pic related. so fucking accurate.
these people are beyond retarded
Really fucked up that the American government uses tax dollars to fund racism
These are most likely Gender and African studies majors put in their own little containment classes.
>Not altering the proportions of RGB to create different colour
Was that taken in Cambridge? Looks familiar. No uni is safe from the cucks