I'll start.
>Donald Trump supporters are a minority
I'll start.
>Donald Trump supporters are a minority
Other urls found in this thread:
every Trump supporter equals 2 liberals though.
OP is a massive faggot
Inconvenient truths for who?
>Donald Trump supporters will be a majority after illegals are deported and California's population plummets overnight
I'm a liberal yo
>submits more evidence of faggotry
Shillary supports terrorists.
I wouldn't be so sure. Lot of people in perma blue states didn't vote but supported trump over hill.
I didn't post anything about the time I let some guy tongue but butt for meth in San-Fran, or the time I sucked a hobo's dirty dick for shelter in Seattle, or the time I got a job at CNN after getting arrested in Central Park naked with a rope tied around my neck and genitals while high on meth. Or the time I got the broken double saddled teamed in Maimi.
multiculturalism is bad and shit skins should be deported
Multiculturalism has failed.
Muhammad was a pedophile.
You go girl
>Cheeto Mussolini isn't even in office yet, but he already ditched all of his promises
how come his supporters are so numb in the face of this OWNAGE?
because they were raped so hard their brains came loose
Obama funded terrorism in Syria (FSA):
>Hillary Clinton supporters are minorities
Margaret Thatcher failed at nearly everything she set out to do. She only won in the end because Labour sold out under Blair.
>Promised to control inflation.
Inflation was 10.3% when she took power and 10.6% when she resigned.
>"The problem with socialism is that you run out of other people's money"
Increased tax burden as a % of GDP. Increased state spending as a % of GDP.
>Promised to defend traditional values
Oversaw an explosion of American consumer-culture in this country.
>Promised to be strong on defence
Was in the process of slashing defence spending to focus on a purely NATO-role when Argentina invaded the Falkland Islands.
Bonus round
>Sold out Rhodesia
>Relaxed credit rules allowing an explosion in personal debt.
>Started the inflationary "Lawson boom" which eventually lead to Black Wednesday.
>Engaged in outright bribery with right to buy, kicking off our property bubble which all parties are committed to maintaining.
>Abolished the GLC because it disagreed with her and she didn't much like that.
>Said Britain had nothing to fear from Tony Blair's government (within a year immigration had skyrocketed to 180,000)
And yet because John Smith died and Blair cucked out in Labour, she won in the end. Her toxic globalist ideology has won.
Bernie Sanders is a cuck, just like his voters.
>suspects per 100,000 people
Slightly suspicious here, since it's just suspects instead of convictions. You're much more likely to suspect the creepy looking Arab guy.
Multiculturalism was never intended to breed a society full of hate anyway, it was just intended to keep the debt-stone skipping across the water for long enough that those in power can all die before it falls apart.
(And it ensures that the west will never have the threat of a labour shortage again, full employment greatly increases the power of the poor [as seen in the 60s-70s] which gets those in power very frightened, which is one possible reason we wound up with >fucking 12% unemployment. youtube.com
Muslims don't respect women.
Islam is not a religion of peace.
BLM are establishment's puppets.
close, but you mean 3/5ths
Wrong map, meant to post this one.
But not enough of a minority that you can oppress...sooooo
>Trump costs less then Hillary to be President.
trump is a corrupt cuck who is jerking off jewish kikes like goldman sachs
What if the population of the 57 remaining countries is bigger than the population of the 3,084 counties?
This. All of my cali friends supported trump but didn't vote. I heard the same thing from people in NY. Admitting you like Trump in Cali is a good way to get shunned socially.
beat you to it
Why not still go out and vote though?
>thinking it's literally a popularity contest.
Inconvenient truth: only people who pay more taxes than they collect in benefits should be allowed to vote.
Why would area size matter more than the population? It's the people voting, not the square miles
That really stimulated my cerebral cortex.
Without California Hillary would have lost in a landslide and lost the popular vote as well.
Hillary Clinton supporters are products of city echo chambers and have no idea what goes on in the real world outside their sanctuaries
Nigga, I ain't click'n that shit.
Because it is the conditions of the compromise reached for states deciding to give up some autonomy to a centralized government. If the electoral college is no longer a part of the constitution, neither is the obligation of any state to stay in the union. Why would people in Texas consent to be ruled by people from California? If we rewrite the constitution, we should also allow each state to decide whether or not it wants to be part of the New United States.
now that is a good fucking idea
Because property ownership has always been relevant to the political discussion in the United States. Originally, only land owners/homesteaders were allowed a vote in American elections. In fact, homesteading is still a valid method of determining property taxes owed to your local municipality. Land ownership is ingrained in the culture of our democracy, which is why we care more about the votes of land owners. As a general rule, land owners contribute more to the economy, and are therefore more important to the continued stability of our democracy.
>get doubles
Kek approves your message
Picture Calcutta dictating the laws for all of India for a couple of decades. The electoral college was designed to even out states rights. It's worked for a long time until liberals didn't like the outcome all of the sudden.
Makes sense. Thanks for the redpill
This too. Land ownership is a big friggin deal. That's another reason we have to pay attention when Obummer does these massive land grabs: trying to change the map.
>Donald Trump supporters are a minority
I'll do one better:
Hillary Clinton supporters are also a minority
Welfare people tends to live in clusters as well. So under a popular vote, a welfare mom would shit out a bunch of kids and would then go on to influence the election more than people living in other states.
Didn't Ramirez get fired from LA Times for making up a police abuse scenario?
Right, so his EC argument is invalid.
the illegal voters gave hillary the edge in pop vote (which doesnt matter one bit)
Most Donald Trump supporters are virgin NEETS and/or drug addicts. If they got a job and a girlfriend and/or got sober they probably wouldn't have voted for him.
Nope. The *states* elect the president (the states choose the electors, who then elect the president). There is nothing in the constitution about people voting for president. It's just that curently all the states do this via popular referendum. But the states can choose their electors absolutely any way they want - they can be picked by the state legislature, appointed by the governor, chosen by lottery, etc.
But the president is *not* chosen by the people, much less by any sort of popular vote.
Hillary was too incompetent or stupid to know this simple fact, which is is usually taught in grade school civics classes and reiterated in American history classes.
>drug addicts
So what's the difference between them and Hillary supporters (niggers and mexicans)
If your state is so overwhelmingly blue that voting red is essentially throwing your vote away, why would you even bother?
I thought Hillary supporters were "The Establishment" (Rich and affluent, all have high education, stable marriages, family and kids, etc)????
Because it's your right, and you're taking a stand even if you're alone. I voted for trump in a hopelessly blue county because I still have a voice and a middle finger even if it's drowned out by beaners.
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.
>Rich people
>stable marriages
You have never been around rich people before...
>Donald Trump supporters are a minority
only in major city limits
everywhere else they are the overwhelming majority
city scum are garbage people anyways
Sure thing bud
Rural and suburban people have low IQs
So do niggers, and they voted Hillary en masse.
Ok but city people voted for Hillary.
The suburbs is where the rich and middle class live mate...The states with the High IQs in the North West and New England, they barely have any big cities....California on the other hand has the largest cities. You're delusional or just stupid.
> White people
> Minority
Really made me think
>Donald Trump supporters are a minority
I'm white.
>I'm so rich, I'm going to buy a house in the middle of fucking nowhere and just wait to die!
Said no one ever.
Intelligent people congregate in the cities. Rural and suburban people are subhuman waste.
To win the popular vote :>
It makes me happy how dumb you are.
>is too much of an idiot to recognize a joke
>calls the obvious joker an idiot
While true, you can't be a competitive political party without the support of a broader coalition of voters from all economic classes
This was the worst post of the thread. So ass backwards I had to point it out.
t. Cletus the toothless inbred hillbilly redneck high school dropout meth head from Alabama, posting from his 1995 Ford pick-up truck
don't take it personal kid
we all have bad days where we say stupid stuff
my advice though is to get out more. in my experience people do exactly opposite of what you're claiming. minus the wanting to die part.
Suck start a shotgun, maple nigger.
>city dwelling leftards are smart
when will this meme die
George Bush created terrorists in Syria
t. rural/suburban retard
stay mad, leaf
I guess that's why Trump lives in the city. Since he's a genius ;)
Mad at what? Your alcoholism?
No. He lives in the city because he inherited absurd amounts of money.
get fucked. giving leafs a bad name.
i live in a town with , fucking people. life happens to be great.
Sup Forumsgot played by jews and elected the most anti-Sup Forums person for president in Trump. Trump is worse than Cruz with Israel and Goldman Sachs.
>i live in a town with , fucking people. life happens to be great.
Nobody cares. Life happens in the city.