Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs

Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.

Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends; I think I just vent out my frustration here and blame niggers and Jews for things because it's fun and makes me feel better about myself.

Most of the gamers I play with always yell nigger and Jews, and when I look at their Steam profiles they usually have 100+ weekly hours, me included.

I don't have a job, I pretty much just browse here and cycle between four different games. When I lose I always call the opposing team a nigger or a faggot or something offensive, and it got me thinking about how I always made fun of blacks for living off welfare when I live under my parents.

I've never really put thought into this, but am I the only one here like this? Is the redpill just cynicism, not any real truth?

I'm so fucking pathetic, this place is the only place that makes me feel like I have a voice in the world. I tried Reddit once but then I couldn't hold an argument and resorted to name calling, but here our Id's are reset per thread so I could just post anything without repurcussions.

I don't know, but honestly, is anyone here successful, so I know I'm not backing up an ideal consisting of a bunch of failures. Like proof that you go to a good school or a good job, it would make me feel a lot better about myself, I'm having an epiphany

Other urls found in this thread:

>Sometimes I just come here because I honestly don't have any friends
i dont have friends either.

I come here because Sup Forums is always right, in the end Sup Forums is ALWAYS right.

so-called "friends" have always been trash in my experience.

Welcome newfag.
You really think 99% of us would be raging """"race realists""""" who happen to dislike anyone of a different skin colour or faith because we have fulfilling and happy lives?
The trick is to accept you're a lonely useless fuck and stop feeling sorry for yourself and work towards bettering yourself.

I'm incredibly successful, and very cocky. I really just come here to laugh at sweden.

>voice in the world

Damn you got me. :(

This place let's damaged people find each other.

The final red pill is to stop needing it i.e. leaving Sup Forums

I was never a NEET, but I was happy before I came here and slowly got red pilled. Now that's gone.

I'm a state police officer, and my hours don't really allow me to have a serious social life. It's only like 55k a year plus benefits, but its not too bad, and sometimes I do feel like I'm actually helping people out.

>tfw want to be a cop but did every drug under the sun years ago

Is there any hope? I know they poly like crazy

I consider myself a loser purely because of the fact that I am shy in approaching women.

I have friends with literally no fear and who will just, sober as shit, walk up to a gigantic group of women and try to chat every single one of them up.

I'll add some spanish bartender I fancy on facebook after chatting to her while she wasn't working when I bumped into her NYE and then think about messaging her but ultimately not do it (pic related)

if I talk to a woman I find it hard to move past initial conversational stage and am probably not as forward with my flirting as I should be unless I'm hammered.

Other than this i'm perfectly happy with myself and generally very confident. I have a decent job and a lot of friends and have had many good experiences in life, and for how shit the world is right now to people my age I'm in a very good position.

Lol you should kys loser no wonder western-europe is going down the drain to gypsys and arabs,you are a bunch of pussy ass betas...kek.

Nah, 33 and full time job at Director level, got my shit in order. I do play Vidya but very little per week these days. Sup Forums is a place to get interesting news, satire and sometimes decent back and forth conversation if you find a decent thread.

You just sound like an angsty teen, no one really has their shit together in their teens. Sort your life out first, and then you have the perspective with which to hurl shit at other people.

How many of us are loses? All of us.
How many neets? Less than you would think.

Seriously just depends on how good of a liar you are. I did some drugs in college but that was it. I know guys in my department that definintely were massive stoners but still got through.

Whats the harm in trying? The application process just costs time, and if they say no, you're back at square one.

Nice try.

90% of people here would probably be called losers by "normal" people, at least those who spend hours here every day (like me).

I make ~70K USD a year (the good thing is I work on a ship, so I have lots of free time when I'm home).

i've been through two or three distinct friend groups in my decade plus on this site, it's really one of the only places, online or offline, i really feel i fit in and can be comfortable
anonymity is just so comfy. the pressure of each interaction being so influenced by previous interactions and the expectations that come with maintaining a certain image or facade is so incredibly draining and stressful to me

You don't have a voice in the world, I'm in the top 15% of wage earners and I don't have a voice in the world. Deal with it and grow the fuck up.

go get a shit job and leverage it into something better. I chose the sales profession and at 32 am about to own (not mortgage) a house, have a wife, and one baby with more on the way. Currently I sell pneumatic and electric components used in the manufacturing process automation. Trouble shooting picture attached.

My product is around 2% of the total cost of building the robot at best. I am a very small cog in a global manufacturer. In my first 2 years at this job I will bring minimal value to the company.

I used to be a fucking killer copier salesman which is how I got the money for the house and this sweet job. Sold uniform services to with a competitor of Cintas and before that was doing door to door residential sales.

So I started at an absolute shit 100% commission job and made it to here. You have to decide if you are going to do the same, or play video games like a retard.

Go out there and do.

I was like you once

This I lost weight, got a job, now bitches are all over me

Change must come from with in

>/leftypol/ datamining to prove their narrative that Sup Forums is racist because they're loser NEETS that balme other races for their failures
Yeah no fuck off, my life is great

people need to remember that just because you are the only thing holding you back doesnt mean that there are forces that want to hold you back. the thing is that you are all men, and men cant be beat by ANYTHING short of physical violence. better yourself, but dont fall for the "u only hate blacks and jews cus u cant into gf" memes.

25 KV NEET reporting
Quit video games a while ago but I had been playing them obsessively since age 8 or so, so my brain is pretty fried and I can't function in the real world. Probably should have killed myself a while ago but I didn't have the guts

I don't doubt that a sizeable portion of us are NEETS or that most of us used to be.

If you are so afraid of the idea that you're a loser, then do something about it. You control your own destiny, and can make something great of yourself if you think you could improve. Be the change you want to see, crush any doubt you have, and balance a public persona with the true face you can safely let out here.

>So I started at an absolute shit 100% commission job and made it to here. You have to decide if you are going to do the same, or play video games like a retard.
Yeah and look, everyone grows out of the vidya stage. I mean you'll likely always play games but everyone who is older than about 30 like me has played and seen just about everything, games and entertainment in general are just variations on some theme that you already know and get. You won't have the ability to be satisfied playing 100 hours of games a week. All the grinding and fullfilment you get from stats and virtual objects you will realise is better spent in real life earning actual things to guarantee your future stability and hapiness.

Everyone here who is a NEET will eventually not be a NEET anymore and the longer you stay in that phase the harder it will be to change and the bigger impact it will have had on your real life potential, so the trick is to end the phase quickly. Focus on earning some scratch, it takes time and effort not unlike leveling up an MMO char, but when you're earning good scratch (which you can do if you're not an idiot) then the world is your oyster.

Hi leftypol

I just graduated from a state college with a degree in business and will be working full time in a week with a starting salary of $64k.

Do I have friends? Sure. Do I care enough to spend time with them. Nah. I consider myself extremely antisocial and most people would consider me a loser, sure.

Why care? I just say fuck em and keep being myself. In the end I'm pretty fucking successful compared to a lot of my former classmates and even though I'm a cyborg I can now say I'm fully financially independent from my parents, have my own apartment, and drive my own car at 21. If people wanna call me a loser good for them. My life's pretty fucking great compared to where I was in high school to be honest.


Sup Forums hates me and denies my existence even though my beliefs line up. It makes me discouraged.

>I'm so fucking pathetic

Yeah you are

What existance?

i'm studying, i have plenty of time but i don't make any sidemoney, desu i couldn't manage booth anyways. i'm trying to atleast use that time to learn something useful outside the university or learn playing a music instrument, but i waste the time i got on here and youtube and shit. guess im practically a neet

Overall a good attempt at demoralisation shilling.

The weakness I feel was simply loading too many concepts and hooks into the OP. It would have been better to ease in different concepts over the course of several posts and/or with proxies to give a slower and more effective dose.

That said, I appreciate the subtle use of non-standard typesetting to attract attention. I feel formatting, and text are an underutilised element of effective posting and a sorely neglected element of current year imageboards. This moves the thread up one point for me to make it a solid 7/10.

>cousin working for sandisk
>sandisk calls her job sales
>she's actually an account manager
>£35k pa salary with expenses and shit and flying all over the place and getting expensive nights and meals expensed on company credit because its to keep clients happy
>for some reason decides she doesn't like this
>takes a sales job at a company i've literally never heard of
>she somehow looks at the job position, makes it through the interview, gets hired, all without understanding what an actual sales job entails
>she also took a massive pay cut
>she hates it
>shifts jobs after a few months
>now makes about £18k pa working for a fucking animal enthusiast magazine with a tiny as fuck readership

True, see a lot of myself in this post.

There's one type of person who strives to be successful or at least self reliant, but typically the same thing. You're the rock, the guy people will come to when their lives go to shit and you get to decide if you help them stay afloat.

Then there's the socialites who like to label other people losers because they can't elevate themselves to your level, so they have to drag you down to theirs emotionally.

If someone out there is taking the time out of their day to call you a loser, they're almost certainly projecting.

Ι have male friends but being a virgin after 20, now going strong into 21, is burdening me with a constant ache in my chest.

It's like I am feeling the pain of being alone physically.

It's another shill tries to make Sup Forums seem ironic Thread

Keep telling yourself that chief. You'll find an illusion to keep that little idea intact every single time just by continuing to be all self righteous about its existence.

Mostly all of us are losers user. You just have to accept that. NEETS? Probably a little less than half....or less.

conservative white woman.

>70k a year
>Anti Social

I don't have friends because I have a shitty personality. The few coworkers that have tried to befriend me regretted it, and told me so.

I come on here because the autism here matches up well with mine.

My life is FAN-FUCKING-TASIC yes siree bob.

>tfw 26
>enrolling into community college full time to get degree and certificate
>on EBT
>if i get job I lose my insurance
>tfw will have to spend most of my check for insurance if I get job and only qualified for labor jobs for now
>sell wheat grass under the table
>make 500 bux per week on a good week
>usually make 250
I put a secret naturally occurring dust on my grass and it has all the trace elements modern agriculture has leeched out of the earth

being NEET, generally speaking, is not as bad as being a virgin getting rejected by every girl you ask out.

Maybe from a societal view-point, NEETs are worse, but I rest my case. Prolonged virginity creates outcasts several orders of magnitude worse than NEETs

Keep doing all those things, but pick a new hobby that is creative.

I am currently in Education. So not a NEET.
I do come here though, to have a good time. Getting redpilled is a drug.

Kill yourself fag. But Mih civic nationalism. But muh not all gays.

Currently in nursing school, classes are 80-90% women. Plan is to work around the north pole when I graduate, you can clear $150k a year up there with overtime. If I can get good enough grades I may take a shot at med school, but if I'm making enough money I may not want to bother; its a long time and a lot of money to spend.

In College, studying Software Dev, currently working in 5 different shops cleaning for 1 - 3 hours each, no friends IRL, just classmates that I rarely interact with.

I was slightly redpilled last year when I just finished highschool, then the election started, along with the Migrant/Muslim problems, first I found Molyneux, then later began descending into the redpill, then discovered the stuff about Jews, Race Realism (I'm black), White Genocide and the fall of western civilization. I came here after a friend recommended Sup Forums to me, I can honestly feel like I can talk about anything here, my only problem is, with all these things I've discovered, I can barely focus on work and school.

I'm a complete social fuck up

Sup Forums has molded me in the person where I don't even want to sign up to something if it isn't anonymous

I have no friends or online mates, I'm completely alone

On a professional level, I'm doing pretty good. I retouch photos and do logo design/illustrative work

I can handle people well, unless it's too often, I get bored of them and just want to leave.

Maybe I'm not a social fuck up but I'm just not meant to be around people


>1 post by this ID



I'm a semi-loser (a cyborg if you will). Have friends, go to a top uni. No GF, and bad at career networking though.

Honestly I'd still come here even if I had the last two things. Sup Forums is like tapping into the collective unconscious. It can poison your mind if you use it wrong, but if you know what your doing it can also expand it.

>can barely focus on school.

Same here.
Sometimes, I just snooze off in class and think of all the ways I can either disable a shooter or take cover and flee.

>Be honest

Hello newfriend!

college grad, retired military, dad, husband and taxpayer

Get a job. If you are competent enough to write a post you can work some crummy min wage position. Everyday after work do some form of exercise. If you have enough NEET Bucks get a planet fitness gym membership. Stop eating food high in carbs, that means cut the Doritos and mtn dew. Eat foods high in fat; take vitamin D, B12, and magnesium. Also fish oil as a bonus. You might never be a pussy slaying alpha, but being a loser is a personal decision.

I do have friends and a social life, but educationally and professionally I'm a looser.

>tfw 26 and never had a gf
I get physical pains in my chest longing for love.

thats because you live in Norway you lucky bastard

Not politics.
Not your blog.

Being a NEET is pretty prestigious. Playing video games and being a nazi not so much.

t. libertarian leeching off the socialist German state

this is some low quality b8
it was not penned by an actual Sup Forumstard
it reads like those fake letters people post on facebook about neighbours complaining about gay or interracial couples

>and told me so.


I have a problem OP. I work full-time in IT. I love my job. I am a soon to be part-time grad-student. My workplace pays for my graduate-school.

I live on my own.

What few friends I have are bumps on logs.

I reach out to make new friends or to find a girlfriend.

Everyone I interact with is disinterested.

I do not play video games. I am highly productive.

I don't know what the hell I am doing wrong either OP.

I'm not ugly. I'm tall. I enjoy getting out of the house.

I live in Maryland, so the weather isn't the best right now.

I am at a loss too.

> /pol

> ever being about politics

You must be new here.

This place is for autistic idiots do bellow and rant and rave about how their shit lives are the fault of niggers, jews and communists, for trolls to goad them on, and for regular people to laugh their arses off at the resulting clusterfuck. Also news.

seek places where love is loose. something dark, with loud music and drugs

I work out, I speak publicly, I've joined (which is dead), I've joined Tinder (which doesn't yield me any responses either)

I am now actively trying to make myself kinder and more straightforward.

I must be doing something wrong and I am attacking at as many angles as I can think of.

Even asking others for insight just gets me sarcastic responses.

Yet you will come here and call women all sorts or disparaging names?

You sound like a Jew projecting his own problems on us. No I'm not a loser and most of the people I know in real life who browse Sup Forums are not either. I /used/ to be a loser but that was a decade ago in high school. Once you understand what the fuck is going on in the world as a high agency huwyte you should be able to figure out how to succeed in it.

Used to feel the same way and then fucked a fat bitch a week before my 22nd bday. That was half a year ago and I didn't get laid since. But I'm at peace now. Go out there and find yourself a slut. You'll feel the same way.

I have a job but I feel dead inside. It's all a facade. What's even the point to contribute to a dying society? I'm just waiting for the collapse.

I have a sweet job and I made out with two girls in under 60 seconds on new years. 6k matches on tinder. so get on my level

I played vidya throughout uni, C+ average law degree.

Screw around a few years in grad school, decide to get a job.

Job goal: govt, low effort, $10k a month, defined benefits pension.

Apply online for said job.

Ace interview.

Get job to exact specs.

Lesson: presentation is everything. EVERYTHING. Get as good looking as you can, dress well, be confident and prepare.

At least you know she's not a Jew, HEYO

>sell wheat grass under the table

The IRS is gonna come and fuck you in the ass now.


>when the permaculture so good the ZOG raid your vegetable garden

I have a beautiful wife, 3 children and a good job that I fucking hate.
But it allows me to have money so I'm going to stick with it.

>Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.

I was, before I came to Sup Forums.

Then I found a job, lost weight and gained a girlfriend. If you're here and you're a NEET and not changing it, you're not listening.

In fact the entire OP sounds like an attempt to build the narrative that this is /r9k/.

Fuck off shill.

Get your shit together, OP. Go out and make something of yourself. Cut down on the vidya, cut down on Sup Forums, start doing productive activities. You're probably still young and able to turn things around, so start now. If you continue this lifestyle into your 30s, you'll more or less be a perma-failure.

raves are fucking amazing

>If you're here and you're a NEET and not changing it, you're not listening.
this is what annoys me most, Ubermench is not a race, it's an idea, your will power, to struggle and fight and build a better land for yourself AND your people

Does anyone here have an advice as to what I can change/improve?

I am a FULL BLOWN NEET, but I use my time to meditate and do plenty of exercise. I've stopped jacking off, stopped smoking pot, and only play about 10 hours a week on video games. It's all time management

Difficult to say without knowing you in more detail - your limited post info makes you come across as very logical and cold (not a bad thing, I am the same). Others might interpret your logical, pragmatic approach as you being aloof / cold / boring - who knows desu famalam

this is a politics board faggot

>Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEET

I'm about half and half.
I work some of the year but Its not stable.
Im a loser by others standards but then again, they are losers to me.

0 friends but I have a good relationship with my mother and father (divorced)

more than a few hours video a week and you should be gassed to be honest.

I am the opposite of a NEET, generally succesfull and have good career prospects, BUT

i'm still slightly insecure so I enjoy browsing Sup Forums, /r9k/ etc. to see how miserable some of you losers are

I'm successful in many ways, such as owning a company with 35 employees, having a loving wife and 2 sons, owning my home and have a loving family.

Yet I'm a loser in other ways, such as having no genuine friends.

I come here because it's fun, and even though you have to filter through a ton of shit, you'll get the real news which matter in geopolitics.

>Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs.

Probably 100%

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Sales is fucking cancer. I'd rather be poor than go around sucking peoples cocks to shill products for shekels. You're a fucking jew.


I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

Depends on games played since I'm 6 still can function very well but choose stay alone because the issue is in my country you can't do red pill talking(national mentality).

I'm a fucking loser. I have a master's degree and only making ~EUR25k per year. Also, i'm a drunkard.

Loser complex: I'm a genius, but the Jews are dragging me down. I could do something, but nah, Jews.