hey Sup Forums what is the name of these guys again?
Hey Sup Forums what is the name of these guys again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bogda & Bogda Bogdanoffs
Shills are in full force trying to censor and delegitimize Bogdanoff threads.
We know who you are and where you come from.
You will not silence us.
The Bogda Bros.
Here (France) we laugh about their chins.
Ayy and Lmao
Sage and Hide
Quick rundown on them:
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
>in contact with aliens
>rumoured to possess psychic abilities
>control france with an iron fist
>own castles and banks all over the world
>direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
>first designer babies will be Bogdanoff Babies
>both brothers said to have 200+ IQ
We have suggested that there may be a deep underlying reason for the Bogdanov Affaire.
What if it is true? What if there is something in their work - a particular question, leaving aside whether or not they are capable of answering it - that is sufficiently threatening to the "theorized" powers that be, so as to necessitate maneuvers against them? What if their popularization of this question - or questions - might lead to someone else - who might be able to answer it - taking a second look?
The possibility that COINTELPROis in operation in regards to the Bogdanov twins ought not to be taken lightly.
Physics and mathematics are the numero uno professions that have been used - historically speaking - to support the power elite. It is logically evident that "they" have a vested interest in making sure that the money goes only to projects that,
1) will augment their control; in which case such projects will be buried and no one will know about them
2) projects that do not threaten their control, in which case we may assume that they are funding research in the public domain that leads AWAY from the "important" issues.
In short, if it’s popular, gets funded, is allowed out in the open, you can almost guarantee that it is smart but useless.
You can take that to the bank.
The Bogdanov papers assert that there is evidence of what happened during the first 10−43 seconds of the Big Bang, known as the Planck era.
Present knowledge is unable to determine what happened during the Planck era, and the Bogdanov publications purported to have discovered what happened during this earliest epoch, and even before the moment of the singularity itself.
Always ready jesus christ mate have you ever thought about seeing a psychiatrist.
Do they have a huge influence in french politics?
Absolutely not, no pilitics talks to them.
my face when they have an understanding of semiotics.
They literally could be brainwashing the world from behind the scenes.
The Jordan Peele Twins
The tap brothers
What do they hope to gain from doing this?
Nobody knows.
Buy my book Danger is gay dot com
In 80's or something.
bongdanig bruhs
Yes they have, don't listen to the shills, i'm literally on vpn right now either way i'm going to get arrested
is it a disease or something?
Plastic surgery, several lifetimes worth of it.
Moe and ET
Bump for this
Fag mods are deleting these threads.
yet not deleting the 100's of copied threads, race baiting...etc
seriously I think the nazis where always SJW shills trying to create fake controversy. Now they are just full SJW
Because this shit gets spammed over and over again.
Because we close to the truth, just like that other Tread about Pizza related Handkerchief maps
dont get me wrong this is X-tier but since it pertains to global domination, i think Sup Forums is ok. And yes besides with the shit threads going on Id rather talk about this.
Is there an english version?
Why did they disfigure themselves?
Is this some 1984 shit?
These guys are professors at our local privately owned university.
Its only in French/Reptilian
bogdanoff in Jewish Gematria Equals: 166
bogdanoff in English Gematria Equals: 420
the called 166 420
arcangeli 166 420
hell gate 166 420
bleed rain 166 420
see king 166 420
how about the 2 months of race-baiting spam that NEVER gets deleted? + russian baiting and trump baiting, threads which often have 10 duplicates in the catalog
Well hey, the people gotta know 'bout the Bogdanoff Bros!
What the fuck is their endgame, and why are we not talking about them right now? 2017 has begun, and something tells me that these bastards'll do whatever it takes to strengthen their grip around the throats of the free peoples of the world in the coming year.
>Pharao Tutankhamun bloodline
>Strong ties to the French prime minister; evidence to suggest that they influence his every move, pushing for policies meant to weaken the nation's moral fabric so that they might rule over them without difficulty
>Have blackmail material on Rothschild and Rockefeller
>Rumored to possess psychic abilities and are said to have IQs upwards of 200
>Christ & Anti-Christ duality though fusion
>Extensively funding NASA research regarding sustainable life on Mars
>Trix between alien outer-Void civilization and human/reptilian civilizations
>Based on Antarctica
>Own DNA editing research facilities throughout the world
>Promoting degeneracy agenda by intentionally caricaturize themselves by plastic surgery
Shills are out in full force trying to censor, delegitimize and bury Bogdanoff threads. We know who you are and where you come from. We will not be silenced.
Save the world!
The Bogdanoffs are nothing more than French TV personalities.
stop these threads, last warning
>Potion seller, I am going into battle and want your strongest potions.
if you just go by Jewish Gematrica you have 166 which is:
the lamb
cold logic
demigod gene
she fucked a nigger and got exiled hahahah
They are the only known lifeforms to have witnessed the Big Bang...
You're about to be dealing with stuff you do not want to be dealing with. Stop the Bogdanoffposting. Once the masters are aware of our awakeness they are going to override the simulation. BIDF is real.
It implies a mathematical connection between infinite temperature and imaginary time (don't ask) to probe the state of the universe at its very beginning. Suddenly physicists were trying to figure out what sentences like this meant, if anything: ''Then we suggest that the (pre-)spacetime is in thermodynamic equilibrium at the Planck-scale and is therefore subject to the KMS condition.''
Dr. Roman W. Jackiw, a physics professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who read and approved Igor Bogdanov's Ph.D. thesis, said he found it speculative but ''intriguing.''
Take this piece of wisdom, humans.
I&G Bogda.
When physics talks about the universe before the Big Bang, it is completely speculative, he said, adding, ''I would be very careful before calling something nonsense, especially if I didn't understand it.''
Yup, it's the donut
The Stroganoff Twinsies
Same kind of "disease" MJ had
Super Stroganoff bros
wouldnt that imply the south and north pole would be connected?, or very close at least, if you stood on the inner edge of the ring and looked up, would you see the other pole in the sky?
(i am just taking the idea to its logical conclusion i know its bullshit give me a break)
isnt this like a plate in some country? food?
yeah in murica it is
>rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs
source pics, anything?
The future will be one of trials and tribulations but one thing we can count on is the Guiding Force of the Bogdanoffs.
It is scary but know in your heart the Bogdanoffs will guide us to new and exciting heights never imagined before by humans.
They know only love, though it may seem like hate to those not aware of the bigger picture.
Cosmic forces revere the Bogdanoff Mind for it is the most wisest and fairest of the all of Humanity.
The Archangel Gabriel is rumored to have appeared before them - instilling in them the knowledge of Heaven & Earth.
The Bogdanoff Mind is incomprehensible - untouchable - a true Force of Nature.
Know that the Bogdanoffs want only happiness and enlightenment for Humanity and we must let them take us there.
Breathe Bogdanoff - Live Bogdanoff
There are also rumours that their combined net worth is more than 500 billion dollars.
Why do i see these guys everywhere on Sup Forums? Do you guys think they're ayys?
One of them got jaw cancer, same thing Roger Ebert got. Both of them got the same reconstructive surgery after one of them had his jaw removed so they'd keep looking the same.
What is their agenda?
Take over the world and then Mars after that.
what' their deal>?
wtf, you hae to be mentally deraned to think that typ eof plastic surgery makes you look good
Damn, David Hasslehauf hasn't aged well has he.
they are tatar
actually look normal here
i hope you guys are not the same who post on antarctica threads, cause i think those are somewhat credible, but this is ultra retarded tinfoil shit
Reminder that every poster dismissing the Bogdanoffs, like
are BIDF shills. Be specially aware of French posters dismissing Bogdanoff threads.
Spread the information.
looks good
hahaha they actually look a lot alike
Bump. (((They)))) are sliding this thread again.
This is why I made this thread thanks bros