How do we solve the Albanian problem?

How do we solve the Albanian problem?

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Bye spliting up ur """"country"""

Kek this

I like that guy, but Balli Kombëtar #1

Hi guys
Macedonian with Albanian proxy here
Our pm Grujo is speaking Albanian
Can someone translate?

>tfw i speak old Albanian and not this bullshit

The Albanians in Дeбap are bektashi in Macedonia

coulda been solved back in 99' but nooooo thanks to these Ameri-fags weve got a new muslim state in Europe.


everyone that comments is either albanian or a albo shit diaspora from the us

how you get a proxy to work on here? teach me your ways

Wtf does that say

He spent a 1/4 of his monthly salary on a Sup Forums pass

wait. if you buy the Sup Forums pass you get to choose your flags?

Albanians are Turks

wipe them out

With the appropriate proxy



>what is genetics

>South African
Lmao some niggers from South Africa came to Ohrid and they spoke a broken Macedonian.Is South Africa that bad they come to Balkans?

Probably make sure there is less corruption

Ta qifsha nonen shqiptarve

thanks bektashi. albanians are bros. now to figure out which proxy will work.


if they're niggers, kill them please. they'll turn whatever land they inhabit into shit.

Fuck you Albanian scum Tonibler.

I don't see a problem

Average Balkanfag.Jpg

What the fuck am I reading

You shqips have lost your minds

>Balli Kombëtar #1

Ghandi was right. Purge the niggers from SA already.

I didn't understand a word except like 2 parts where he said "I love" and "thank you'

We shoot down their tank and annex their country.

give your fucking land back to greece in the name of kek, albanian shitskin gypsies begone, macedonians, wannabe fucking greeks. give your land back to us and fuck off back to bosnia

Albanians have a lot of power here, especially the Muslim ones.

Pic related is a powerful and wealthy Albanian.

this is how we solve it



Gayreeks are to talk.Give Macedonia to us Turks


Go back to bosnia you redfaced shiptar


I'll tell you how to get rid

Protip: you can't

I visit macedonia once a year
I live in switzerland but am albanian, i dont even know where to start telling you about the problems of macedonians

Should i tell You how funny it is to beat them up at their schools? (Cousins show me a video once a while)
Should i laugh about how your wifes ger cucked by old albanian men?
How your faglords of young chubby macedonians cant walk anywhere they want on "their" beloved country? Im losing it seriously its so funny to watch

Macedonians here in switzerland aren't better off, low middle class idiots not wanting to achieve anything in life, basically non-existent here.

How do you feel about "macedonising" th names of ten thousands of albanians just so you can enlist them as macedonians and make up more than half of the population because you couldn't otherwise?

You fucks cant even make 2 kids per family because your parents are busy working for 200€ a month, poor bastard

Diaspora shitskin kebab


Kek has spoken, we must remove kebab

Thats how turks curse,oh wait you are turks that started speaking greek.Shitskins only living BC EU.You sanctioned us BC of our true flag and still we are better than your shithole that only lives BC EU.

We don't go to the same schools or live the same

We cuck you in every way

Pic related 115 albanian wombs went to macedonian men.

We dominate over little shqiplets

>Pro tip:you can't
>I'm an Albanian living in Switzerland
Lmao all Albanians have left Macedonia and went West.There are less Albanians now than ever.Why do you think in Albanian majority cities MACEDONIAN parties won?

no shit thats how turks curse you fucking subspecimen mongoloid, you are not european, BTFO mongolspawn, back to the middle east

>Gayreek shitskin telling me to go back to ME
You are darker than all Balkans you shitskins

i'm a white greek, there are plenty of white greeks. a lot of dark skinned greeks also

not to mention analbanians and turkroaches

New thread

Send ottomans back to turkey.

Step1: Get rid of the Fyromian pseudo-nation.

Come home white man

We wait a bit until Amricans reduce their sphere of influence and retreat from bondsteel.

Then we kill them all.

Kosovo je Srbija

I love how greek soldiers sing how they will skin albanians alive and wear their skin as clothes on their military parades and albanians are first to suck greek cock.

albania get the fuck out, you've got to go back, turkiya is waiting for you


I'll suck the cock of anyone who wants to destroy your pseudo-nation.

No need to get so pissy mate.

bulgarians and albanians beat up greeks and fuck greek girls in athens

There are albanians in the greek army

Here they are doing a eagle salute

>serbia getting even a single cm of fyrom
no, it's bad enough that their entire south/east parts are bulgarian territory

not pissy, just a living meme who plans to make eastern europe great again. stupid shqipcuck

Can't wait for greek soldiers to make cords out of your shiptar bowels

kek based greece

>Implying it was ever great to begin with

Tbh i don't care much mate, as long as Fyrom stops existing i'm fine with it.

Have you seen the logo of the Hellenic army? The Eagle is black for a reason.

>Implying greeks wouldn't make cords out of your fyromian bowels

Albanians are all half-Turk shitskins

Kosovo je Srbija

Albanian-American here.

Nobody cares about the shitty patch of land called the Balkans you Macedonian shit-skinned mutt. Anyone with prospects for a new life move to a first world nation and never look back. If you're still living in the Balkans, its because you're a dreg, mentally challenged, or haven't gotten a visa yet. Fuck off.

>the least genocidal nation sings of genocide
really made me think

Turks to Albanians are what Germans are to Somalians

To call an albanian a turk is a deep insult for turks.



albania is in the balkans too you dumb 40kg manlet faggot

Albania has some of the friendliest people I've ever met. If I'd spend a week in Tirana, then get a train down to Berat. Last time I was there two years ago guys were basically throwing their daughters at me. A couple of days hiking in Fir of Hotova park, then over to the coast, maybe Orikum

This way Sunny Jim.
- Greeks in charge of infrastructure.
- Croats in charge of propaganda.
- Romanians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, in charge of resource exploitation and agriculture.
- Romanians in charge of IT.
- Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, Greeks, in charge of kebab removal.
- Albanians in charge of being the physical workforce and logistics, after all the Muslim Albanians are removed of course.
- Montenegro and Croatia in charge of gambling and entertainment industries, and tourism.

Production forced everywhere with specialization based on geography.

Government: Council of representatives with voting, equal representative numbers.

Religion: No individual churches allowed. All churches must be divided into Catholic and Orthodox in one building. Getting Christians in order.

Aim: Kebab removal and taking back of Turkey.
Final Turkey Solution: Georgia gets a part of clay and becomes the 1st line of defense against Mudslimes.
The rest of the clay is not divided, but given the federal status of "Anatolia" where Balkan people are completely mixed up. It's the "neutral" ground.

Lingual: Latin is primary language, forced upon all. Everybody's languages already has lots of Latin borrowing so the foundations are set up. Greeks are gonna have to sulk up their Greek pride, and Albos are gonna have to accept it because it's in line with their "Illyrian" delusions.



>Lingual: Latin is primary language, forced upon all.
fuck no

>serbia trying to "unite" the balkans again
yeah that has worked out many times i heard

As long as we make Instanbul Constantinopol again I'm all for.


>bomb everyone in the balkans aside from serbia and croatia (greece not counted as balkan)
>let serbs and croats divide it up among themselves
>give serbia and croatia fluid/free borders


you bitches can't do shit


All i have to say:

Kuq e zi

Zemra a tetoves


Don't worry, nothing will go to any of you.

It's more likely we take your lands the way we are breeding.

>bomb everyone in the balkans except the problem in the balkans
KEK,interesting theory Abdul al Pajeety

Literally better than Vapcarovski.

greeks being as autistic as ever

macedonia is rightful bulgarian clay bydlo

goodluck outbreeding 7 million bulgarians with your 1 million pop country half of which are albos

We don't...because there is none

Don't you have some tranny cock to suck?

>guys were basically throwing their daughters at me
They want your """""financial support""""""
Don't trust these fucking peasants...they'll try to rely on you for them shekels because they don't want to work

>Muslim Albanians

top kek