Why is africa such a shithole?

So if homo sapiens developed in south east africa and from there colonised the rest of the world, africans had many millennia of head start to build a propsperous civilization, since their land is full of resources. Despite of all this advantages, how come whites had to go to africa to make those fucking monkeys get down from their trees?

probably not the billion niggers. I'm sure its white peoples fault.


Being colonized at a point in time where Europeans learned how to establish colonies without shitting the bed.

A historically significant and devastating drought during the early years of the information age after the USSR destabilized most of the continent so that Europe wouldn't have friends.

Well just look at germanics

They got civ when they invaded the roman empire and got full civ when byzantines sent knowledge to their nation

Civ started in 4500 BC, germanics got something of it in 500 AD, 5000 years later

Because Africans live there.

plus a lot of these contries went full "muh revolution" after they became independent, that doesn't help either.

Why do you think smartest sapiens run away from there

niggers are niggers with low iq that is why

american blacks had some white man raped into them 100s of years ago so they are a bit smarter

Colonial exploitation.

I hate that people bring up colonialism as the reason for Africa's current situation. Without colonialism, the African people would still be living in fucking mudhuts, They had been for thousands of years, until we brought medicine and science to them.

There is nonetheless a slight bit of truth in that argument. The borders drawn by colonialists destroyed many nationstates that existed in Africa. People were forced into multicultural societies, and we have seen the result of this policy. The Rwandan genocide is a great example of the failure of multicultural states.

Pic related is a great example of African architecture, art and society before Europeans arrived.

The tomb of Askia Mohammed I, the EMPEROR of the Songhai Empire. That pile of sand is the tomb of the emperor.

Has no one ever thought that the Africans might have been happier/better off if colonialism never happened?Sure they might have remained "primitive", but who cares? They wouldn't be our problem.

Also, I think colonialism failed because of the contempt that Europeans had for Africans overt or covert. If Europeans cared about helping Africans when they came in, Africa might be in much better shape.

finally, the introduction of Christianity to sub saharan Africa was a mistake. The introduction of evangelical protestantism was an even worse mistake.

nice meme

Honestly, colonialism still worked out for them. The cold war wrecked them.

>So if homo sapiens developed in south east africa and from there colonised the rest of the world, africans had many millennia of head start to build a propsperous civilization, since their land is full of resources.

The fact that their land is full of resources is the problem. The continent favors r-selected species.

and yet its still alive today

not bad for african technology huh

looks like the typical shit kids make in their first day with clay lel

Most of the land is wasteland or desert.
also no proximity to the sea for the most part.
Also wild animals.

How can they not have contempt when they see people that look fairly similar to themselves, but are incredibly primitive?

eternal proof africans invented cameras and electricity before whitey did even think of it

curiosity is a sign of intelligence.
the ignorant just stayed there

very true.

>America gets butthurt about foreign powers meddling in their elections
>CIA has mucked around in every election the world over since 1950

say it with me now: COMEUPPANCE

The land is full of resources yes, but there's also plenty of shitplaces (sahara, jungles filled with deadly animals), only few places are good for agriculture, and many of those good resources are good for higher tech but less so for lower.

by not having contempt

>see tribes living in primitive conditions
>"hmm that's different"
>move on with life

idk, seems p easy m8

>practically limitless resources
>the inhabitants have utilized nearly none of it


This, aside from africa being full of niggers, is why the continent is so shit. Places that immediately rejected European rule went to shit, while those that maintained ties after independence fared better.

What is the meme, germanic?

thats not your concern, though

their land, their resources. how would you feel if China told you to chop down the timber of the national parks to make room for housing developments?

Every person who isn't African is descended from a small group of people who crossed the red sea probably near Yemen. The smart ones weren't leaving the continent, most likely it was a small group of people desperate for more resources.

its all to do with having the equater running through the middle of the country those that live their cant grow anything so they starve and die which creates disease that spreads allover the country the only real solution is to gas the niggas and turnit into a solar farm for the world

Mostly because blacks are too busy killing each other. I've read that Che Guevara went to Angola to start a revolution, but he let it go when he realized the black populations were too stuck in their tribal wars.

A negroid infestation, but nature is taking care of it.

you cant domesticate zebras or something like that.

They can be somewhat domesticated I think, but they tend to chimp out if you try to make them do anything they don't want to do.

>why is Africa such a shithole?


>t. African

According to liberals it's because Europeans drew up borders without regard for the natives, forcing different ethnicities and religions to live together which still leads to conflict today.

But multiculturalism totally works. Diversity is our strength :^D

Niggers are soon going to wish the Europeans never left their colonies. After Western Civilization collapses China is going to strip-mine Africa down to the bedrock and slaughter any monkeys who get in the way.

Because they never had animals to domesticate nor is agriculture possible. There is hardly any crops.