You wake up tomorrow and this is the map of Europe.
>How do you respond?
You wake up tomorrow and this is the map of Europe.
>How do you respond?
>Wake up.
>Look out window.
>Nazi flags everywhere.
No no, that's not what I asked.
Albania forgot to take Kosovo.
not bad
could be better tho
>Germany still exists in some form
Uh uhhh noooooo
I bet the jews did this.
Annex Cuckland and niggerland.
all hail the new emperor of france
death to the eternal kraut and anglo
which illiterate aidsmonkey made those Dutch borders
albania doesn't want kosovo
Annex Finland and give it to the Teutonic Order.
Drink some Tim's, run into some random Filipinos, wonder where I put my mittens because its -20C
Why did we have to keep our flag?
We want the Arabs out and the swastika back!
Campaign for war to take back our rightful land. With Germany and Britain downsized, nothing is stopping us from becoming the dominant power in Europe.
It is time to unite Europe under our glorious enlightened despotism.
You couldnt do shit.
I like it but, I would cut down ukraine, maybe create Don-Kuban republic or something.
And I would recognise Belarussian claims on parts of Smolensk and Bryansk oblasts.
And why Gdansk is free city??
>Gdansk is separate of all cities
What? There are no Germans left there, it's 99% Polish.
Upper Silesia would make more sense, if enything
Ukraine kek.
Is autism painful?
>ukraine still exists
>flanders is not added to the netherlands, i would live in france then
>turkey gets bigger
kill myself
>free Moravia
fuck bohemian cunts
Call the Kebab removers and tell them about the Kebabs.
I never understood why would-be conquerors didn't just hunker down for a decade abusing the production power of most of continental Europe before invading Russia. Heck it's not like Russia can do anything about it as they can't maintain a non-slaughterhouse death ratio without eternally retreating in the snow.
All questions can be referred back to the map's filename.
>Aragón out of Spain
What kind of joke is this?
Both are nicer than an european caliphate though.
First of all, thanks for Based Flag
don't approve of the hohol dicksucking though
>giving turkey that much land
Hello Ahmed.
I don't understand why these maps always give Transylvania to Hungary. It wasn't majority hungarian even when it was part of their kingdom and it's 70+% romanian now.
You gave Ulster back to the Fenians??? You fucking wot m8???? I am as Catholic as the next man but you can't just go giving away Her Majesties territories YOU FUCKING STUPID CUNT!!!!!!!!
> bunch of minority niggers, who are mostly created by anglo/soviets in early 20th century and thus are not even nations, got Russian and Prussian territories
What did I missed on you map?
Cockhole pls go.
>everyone goes back to slaughtering each other
>How do you respond?
ebin xD
Looks like I have some heads of states to Serb in the street.
>Wake up
>It's the alternate future that Hitler won
That would be great. We wouldn't have ISIS, for starters.
Well prepare for war i guess....
> Transylvania not Romanian
> Ukraine existing
> Belarus existing
> Turkey existing
> Germany not fragmented
> Serbia not controlling western Balkans
Galicia stronk!
>border with Magyars
sure, why not
>no access to the black sea
shit map
Found the Jew.
We will rise again, Shlomo.
Wetzt die langen Messer auf dem Bürgersteig,
lasst die Messer flutschen in den Judenleib.
Blut muss fließen knüppelhageldick,
wir scheißen auf die Freiheit dieser Judenrepublik!
Tell me the reasons why you painted south Russia as part of Ukraine.
1. Ukranians are part of Russian ethnicity and considered themselves with Russian origin, history, culture.
2. In south russe there is literally no someone who considered himself as ukranian
you forgot to take Manchuria with Port Arthur, shinjang, some central asian territories and northern persia
>Tyrol and Vorarlberg
>Part of Germany
> china > not ok
And west Belarus and Ukraine is rightful ethnic Russian land
why's galicia independent, it makes no sense, galicia has been at the forfront of spanish unification for literally millennia.
Why the fuck would we have St. Petersburg?
Fuck off, polovetsky sgnilak.
Asians don't have souls
Delete this the mere idea of a Pole on the Black Sea is revolting and offensive.
>under french control again
>no Byzantine empire
>implying it wouldn't be the New Islamic Caliphate across yurop
why so rude, ruski?
you are the original non-country before your unification and your army is a's totally normal
Slovakia is basically Hungary... someone made a serious mistake...
It's shit,all these irrelevant countries will never exist,the flags are attrocious,and the bordergore hurts my eyes.Also greater ukraine will never be a thing you hohol retard
Oh, lol, I dont noticed that, it's my city
Yes, why the fuck the mad OP give St, Petersburg and Leningrad oblast and Karelia to you. Except may be north of Karelian isthmus, it's you rightful claims I think
>and your army is a joke
sorry him
What's that?
>common border with best-ally
fucking finally
I don't get it, why wouldn't russians want to be part of a different richer state?
>that big Turkgay
>that big Ukraine
>Catalonia and Basque and all other little shits
>Germany that reduced
>UK not existing
>We not having TRI MORETA
>Russia not ruling everything east of it
1/10 map, roach.
You have to go back.
We wouldn't have Turkey.
Good because it's a united Ireland for us
french troops BTFO your army in ww2,we surrendered because of germans and lack of preparations,not because of Pastaniggers
How about to transfer your city to Switzerland?
Get the fuck out cyka
i cume in my pants
>tha belarus tho
why even bother keeping a state like that it would be an organ farm today
>w-we weren't little bitches we j-just were n-not prepared
Polak Magyar dwa bratanki
> basque and catalan independence
> this triggers the moor rape baby
better question why half my country would suddenly be ceded to french surrender monkeys. we had no shortage of sandniggers here without french cuckoldry on top of it
Launch the nukes.
Animals and insects don't have souls. That`s not the sufficient reason to hate them in general, even if we dont consider that this is just some cunt probably trying to please some poolack with his opinion just tries to devalue chinks.
Jesus said: we know people by their fruits.
East-asian cryptoconfederation was a lot less ugly to Russians, than anti-white white non-human parasites we know as anglos and "ex"soviets.
Altruist war for China from our side would not be a thing, but if China will go to war with wall street, downing street and their soviet structures, there would be a lot people to support their effort. We are sorry for collateral damage, but they mostly had their own opportunity to take sides for last 100 years, but where too busy fighting for local nigger rights and for other moral equivalents of founding fathers.
> oy vey rude apologize
t. kike
t. saxon denying PRussian heritage for anglo profits
Finally a good map. Germany is behind all problems in Europe
>unified Ireland
>tits flag
Its like a dream come true however....
> No unified Britain
does this mean there is no rebirth if the British empire?
Do brits have a fetish about balcanizing Iberia?
>independent Catalonia
Haha no.
you don't understand. Animals have more of a soul than chinks.
This will trigger Russians and Poles. I see what OP did there.
you have worse army than ours and you are a irrelevant country,i proved my point also
>destroyed germans supply lines
>made german starve to death
>'murican and british soldiers finishes the job
it's like you said the soviets won the afganistan war