>America is, without doubt, the most free and democratic country in the wo-
America is, without doubt, the most free and democratic country in the wo-
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literally affirmative action for republicans
yeah, well easily 5Million of the votes were fakes from mexico or dead people.
Does a constitutional republic ring a bell? Get the fuck out and keep on being poor and dealing coke, Jose
may i remind you who your prime minister is?
hes a cucked faggot loving muzzie whos the love child of fidel castro and some monkey loving canadiaboot
Illegals don't count.
democracy is a false idol; our system isn't set up in such a way that cuckfornia is the only state that matters
Caliniggers literally aren't american. Stop counting their votes
does trump have the power to recount california?
Scientists have long ago come to the consensus that Niggers are not human beings. Its basically animal abuse the way we dress them in clothes and expect them to behave as people.
Electoral College confirmed for saving the world from literal darkness.
May I remind you that the only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards?
City people all voted for Hillary.
America is a republic not a pure democracy. Build that wall Paco.
12 states telling the other 38 what to do is freedom in Mexico.
It is. Deal with it beaner spic.
Hey beaner, why dont you fix your shitty country?
We're a Republic you fucken kike. Who let Jews into Mexico?
Yeah, proportional representation worked out great for Sweden. :^)
> America is a democracy
Please stop this meme
The Founders weren't fools - they knew the country they were trying to create depended on maintaining a delicate equilibrium, where no one branch of government and no state or group of states gains significantly more power over the others. Our entire constitution is full of checks and balances to keep that from happening, and the Electoral College is one of them.
The US is a federation of states - each with their own very unique economic, social, and political needs and wants. The electoral college ensures that a candidate needs to win a plurality of states, not just a plurality of voters. This means you need a platform that appeals to the widest variety of voters, not one that appeals overwhelmingly to one particular demographic.
Trump won.
Deal with it, taconigger.
When will this fucking meme end? They're a constitutional republic, not a democracy. And there's a good fucking reason for that you god damn armpit of a country
Trump won in more than 80% of the country, so yes. It's more free than most of the world.
When Portugal knows more about American's government than Mexico does.
Enjoy the Shadow Mexico.
Video for americans who thinks they live in a democracy.
This pasta is so stale that I can recognize it just by looking at the format.
It is not our goal to be the most democratic. Less shitposting, more wall building.
>USA is a democracy
this is what a kike thinks.
iirc, 60 counties were won by Killary.
Keep in mind that most of these counties are host to sanctuary cities like L.A., Chicago, and NYC, which are notoriously left-wing, and make up around half of the United states population.
It's absolutely mental that you would let 60 counties decide the fate of the remaining 3,000.
This is why we have the electoral college, which still teeters on the brink of unfairness seeing as how commiefornia has 55 guaranteed electorals.
>America doesn't let Mexican citizens in a couple of sanctuary cities dictate the elections
You buttmad, salsanigger?
America is a republic to be quite honest senpai
>Agree to an electoral system
>Run a campaign based on that system
>Crying losers demand a different metric for victory be used
try harder.