Japanese feminists forced to change the pic into non-sexual one

Japanese feminists forced to change the pic into non-sexual one
they say "this is female racism! 2D illust must be non-sexual in public!"
is this political correctness?


Dunno, but the one on the right is cuter since you can impose your own imagination on it, while the left is a little lewd for public space

>is this political correctness?
Seems like it.
In what context was this drawing used anyway?

It's a shading tutorial read right-to-left you proxyfag.

>tfw no feminist japan gf

There's left cuckness, and there's right cuckness, too

The Two dimensional form is the perfect form.

poland is all time loser you know?

The one of the right looks like she hates her job, the one of the left looks like she loves her job.

>t. triggered tumblrina

Nah, I just prefer to project my own lewd fantasies on images rather than masturbating to generic poses and expressions.

From what the text says, I think this is simply fixing a promotional 2D image to make it more professional for public service and less unnecessarily lewd.

Quick, someone marry the drawing and then complain to the Japanese government for desexualizing your waifu.

Why can't japan use fucking photographs of actual police officers or public workers? Why does everything have to be a fucking cartoon?

We're really going to let these people have nukes? They're going to draw a cute little nuke girl who says things like "Nuke weapon am very damgerous!"

Its cheaper probably

Right one's face looks like she' crying because she's about to get raped

Left one is enjoying the situation happily, obviously she's not going to get raped

Sasuga, japanese feminists

>cultural enrichment next


Because they want the police and the populace to be friendly to each other instead of scared shitless. The police ads emphasize that they are supposed to protect and serve so they are cute and friendly instead of literally telling people they are criminals and should be be scared like this pic.

>Why can't japan use fucking photographs of actual police officers or public workers?
they're fucking ugly

but i'm thinking that this is a shit thread, and it's just showing effects you can add from right-to-left to make a better drawing

>I hate porn and degeneracy!

>Why isn't this public PSA mascot more sexualized?!

"Conservative" values

Feminism is practically non existent here. Fuck off and stop trying to make trendy threads.

>not preferring glorious 2D

>different societies can't have different standards

Wew lad, I think you misunderstood multikulti.

Make 2D pure again!