>tfw to intelligent to work
Give me your best reasons to work, wagecucks.
Realize that you can live on subsidized housing and disability here without working a day in your life. You can afford a car, TV, internet and vacations as well here.
>tfw to intelligent to work
Give me your best reasons to work, wagecucks.
Realize that you can live on subsidized housing and disability here without working a day in your life. You can afford a car, TV, internet and vacations as well here.
What's a work? Can I buy it with my gibs?
It's called being a fucking man, oh wait I see your flag there don't worry about it.
Yeah! You show 'em, buddy.
LOL fucking leafs.
Quid enumerem artium multitudinem, sine quibus vita omnino nulla esse potuisset? Qui enim aegris subveniretur, quae esset oblectatio valentium, qui victus aut cultus, nisi tam multae nobis artes ministrarent quibus rebus exculta hominum vita tantum distat a victu et cultu bestiarum.
Urbes vero sine hominum coetu non potuissent nec aedificari nec frequentari, ex quo leges moresque constituti, tum iuris aequa discriptio certaque vivendi disciplina;
quas res et mansuetudo animorum consecuta et verecundia est effectumque, ut esset vita munitior atque ut dando et accipiendo mutandisque facultatibus et commodis nulla re egeremus.
yeah, look at me, I'm being a man while I waste half my waking hours at a wagecuck job but I'm a fucking man
>this is what wagecucks believe
To win. If you just spend all your money like most people then yeah, you'll be stuck in wage slavery forever. I am almost at the point where I can quit work and just live off money from my side business, as soon as the house is paid off I'll be able to live p much for free. I've also been making a name for myself within my community at the local elks lodge. I will soon be able to dedicate myself and my influence to defeating the Jewish menace and leave a great legacy to my white warrior sons. Awaken your high agency heritage OP. Start with using your infinite free time to turn your body into a fine sculpture in the gym and learn a marketable skill. Its all up from there.
Read De Officiis from Cicerone .
>Give me your best reasons to work
It is called paying for food, rent and the entertainment options I choose you leaf sack of crap.
What happens when nobody works?
I've only had a job for 4 and a half years. It's a shitty minimum wage job, but I'm doing it to pay back the people who supported me all the years I didn't work.
I live in an old house on a quarter acre of land surrounded by two open lots filled with trees. If I stand in my driveway, I can see one other house; everything else is trees or fields. If I lived in subsidized housing, I'd have to move to some shithole full of heroin addicts and non-white people. I'd also be lying about disability, something only niggers, spics and semites do.
>tfw work thirty hours a week and can afford to live comfortably
Feels good
NEET life is generally boring with no gibs. If you're getting gibs, I doubt it's enough to really enjoy yourself anyway.
>work a couple menial jobs
>scrape every penny
>buy a run down house in the middle of nowhere for pennies on the dollar
>"but user, theres no jobs there what ever will you do?"
>mfw I get free money and hand outs no questions asked now because the government knows there are zero jobs here and I am a property owner in a troubled region.
Thanks for subsidizing my life, wage cucks.
How much are they paying you a year for having autism?
I agree. White people are fucking retarded. I am only not a NEET because there are literally no gibs here in Huezil and I would need to depend of my family.
If you are in Canada there is no excuse. Except if you get a 6 figure salary.
>being a fucking man
You are a fucking cuck. Working to give gibs to the mother of Ahmed children.
Im thinking of """slipping"""" at work and """"" hurting"""" my back so i can go on disability. Fuck wageslave life.
Work for yourself to provide for yourself
Work for the state to provide for the state
BTW, can I gay-marry one of you guys in Canada? We could adopt some kids and increase our gibs. Not gay. I give you 30% of my gibs.
>having to perform labor to survive is slavery
I hope you know that labor has always been a facet of human existence. According to your image, early hunter-gatherers were slaves too because they work to survive
You didnt understand ops image obviously
When ALL your efforts go to staying alive and nothing more, thats slavery.
However its not exactly true in life because you can learn skills and promotions or find a new job sometimes even if you arent making money atm
Hunters hunt food then eat. Wageslaves work for hours upon hours and get pennys meanwhile their bosses get millions of dollars.
That's easy; debt management. We as a culture have never taught proper debt management so we end up with clueless retards like you thinking work is a negative.
Get yourself properly educated (as in something useful, doesn't have to be a trade but a bachelors in Fuck White People won't help either), get an ok job that starts above average wage where you live, build credit, go buy a home you can pay off in 10 years or less. Boom. I did that. Own my home outright so my money goes to me.
Now my moderate pay covers me, my wife, and our daughter with plenty to spare. You don't get hired at the top. You earn it. If you view all debt as bad you'rean idiot. My 47k breaks down to about 3300 a month after insurance and such. Expenses average 1000 a month. Wife gets 500 to play with, the rest goes in the bank.
I'm not embarassed by 47k. At all. It's well above average here in the area I am and I don't hate what I do. It allows me a home with land, 2 cars, and enough to do the things I want without worrying I can't afford it.
You're young and stupid. You'll realize one day you blew it. You should spend today getting a job and starting your climb. You don't want to hit 40 and realize you are only worth 25k a year. ANY work now will pay off later.
But this is wasted. You won't listen. You're too fucking dumb and stubborn.
>without the rich boogieman we could sustain ourselves without work
>self preservation is an illegitimate reason to work
>thirty hours a week and can afford to live comfortably
thats actually pretty perfect, enough to keep you from getting dull and not too much work to burn you out.
t.60hours a week + after work training
Apathy and sloth destroy the mind faster than anything. You might think youre outsmarting the system but youre playing right into it. Ultimately, youre giving up your freedom under the illusion that you are more free.
slave to the state
Go fuck yourself filthy statist
>to intelligent to work
>But men labour under a mistake. The better part of a man is soon ploughed into the soil for compost. by a seeming fate, commonly called necessity, they are employed, as it says in an old book, laying up treasures which moth and rust and will corrupt and thieves break through and steal. It is a fools life, as they find when they get to the end of it, if not before.
>t. h.d. Thoreau
You're welcome. There's only one class, after all - the human class.
>If you view all debt as bad you'rean idiot.
If you do the math you've paid more for your house on the supposed comfort of having it before you could afford it.
It's perfectly possible to live cramped for a while and then own your own place outright, spending less money in total.
Debt is just a crutch in this case, and your own gamble that the markets won't crash and you won't lose your job, which would have left you debt riddled for life.
If you want to make a positive argument for debt, you should base it around leverage in making real money. Or investment in a business.
>You're young and stupid. You'll realize one day you blew it. You should spend today getting a job and starting your climb.
You're the dumb grey mass of middle class the rich people use when they want to increase taxation so the lower class NEETs like OP shut up.
The world is ruled by debt spending (at your expense) that funds capital investments. If you're not part of that gravy train you are the rube being fleeced.
You could work towards the destruction of Humanity.
snosam eht nioj.
>gay marry brazil green card whore
>get some kids to diddle
Pretty solid proposition actually.
Not joking. We can even adopt eastern european kids in order to advance the white race.
>im entitled to economic advancement
this is why so many people never get anywhere. they show up and do a half ass job and have a shitty, apathetic attitude yet they think they are gods gift to the workforce and get offended when theyre not promoted to regional manager in 3 months.
You lazy fucks living off of an actual useful person in society. You guys are pathetic. Sitting on your ass all day, not striving to do something in your life. Call me what you want, but at least I won't be a useless piece of shit.
clearly you've never worked for years, did a good job, and have gotten no where. it is slavery no matter what you capitalist fucks think.
How the fuck is it possible to get money for nothing?
Im guessing NEETS convince doctors they have some fake mental disability like anxiety or autism and get disability pay.
Fucking leeches
You're not a slave if you own yourself, your stuff and have the potential choice to quit your current job anytime you want, and apply for a better one
Thats marxist pic op
studied sociologiy in my law studies long enouh to know marxist shits when i hear their drivel
So gtfo back to nupol
Honestly almost all of these threads are just smug welfare queens being smug because they can work the system. If I could work the system to and not have to work a day in my life I would. But I cant so i have to work and have my taxed pay for smug welfare queens.
But I'd rather have smug republican neets than smug democratic welfare queens who pop out 1000 kids and get them to stuff the ballot for more democrats.
Usually when you work you have enough left over as disposable income to have fun instead of just being dragged along the bottom with just enough for basic survival. I genuinely feel bad for people who have to work hard so that they can eek out enough to make it to the next work week, however claiming this is equivalent to slavery is a bit of a stretch.
If you're spending the entirety of your earnings on food and shelter than you're a fucking idiot.
Slant-eyed and shitskin immigrants come to the West speaking some god awful screeching they call a language, wash dishes or drive a taxi their whole lives, sleeping in a shithole and then their kids become doctors. If they can save up to provide their kids an education, and you can't even drag yourself out of "slavery" then you're a fucking failure.
You enslaved yourself.
Fag leaf.
I get paid 13.50 an hour to work from home in my underwear and read Sup Forums at the same time
I guess I'm lucky that I enjoy my job
thanks wagecuck!
Imagine being a cuck when people had to hunt to survive