>Sup Forums is still using Pepe

You know that it's cringey as fuck to use the reddit frog at this point? Or should I call it the 9gag or facebook frog? Whatever, Pepe is on the same level as rage comics these days and anyone who still uses him should consider suicide. You might as well post Doge memes.

Sup Forums in general has basically turned into reddit 2.0 but even today Sup Forums is the only board still using this dead meme.

Sup Forums is the wrost board on this gzay site fuck this

> uses sources
> thinks pepe will ever die
Is this what you've been sending my money on FBI?

>triggered by ms paint frog

Sup Forums is one of the last boards that still holds the spirit of Sup Forums. Redditfags are going to ruin this website, then they will leave because everything that drew them in is no longer here

/polo/ is reddit. faggots from reddit come here all the time. fuck Sup Forums nigewr

...and yet...

here you are

Reddit facebook and 9fag would never go near Pepe, since he is an officilal hate symbol.

>Sup Forums is one of the last boards that still holds the spirit of Sup Forums
Lol. Sup Forums is literally one of the, if not THE most reddit board on this website. Whole Sup Forums has been filled with redditors since 2013 but the election completely killed it. 80% of Sup Forums is from the_donald now and everyone uses dumb reddit memes.


see, even kek agrees


What did kek mean by this?

>le pepe is reddit meme
>being triggered by pepe
You're not very good at convincing people you aren't from reddit.

praise him!!

>greentext current year
>cringey as fuck
>dead meme
Judging from your language, you're the only one from reddit/Sup Forums outside of Sup Forums /fit/ and /k/ (neo-reddit)/JIDF in this thread. We'll never leave Pepe because meme magic is
on our side.



>Germany thinking we care what cucks think

fuck off normie

Praise Kek

Nah, honestly, the most reddit board is QA, You could post a thread about bringing Upvotes to Sup Forums and they'd unironically agree.


Praise kek!

>Shit talking something that Sup Forums turned into a hate symbol
Get out newfag.
You belittle our work.
As others run to the otherchans I will remain here in an attempt at reminding people where they are.

All of these digits and all of this truth, Shadilay my friends.


>someone hates it
therefore i use it

Fuck off Deutsche-friend.

Kekd and checkd.

Using an infographic made in 2014. No mention of kek or the discontinued use of pepe by normies. We saved him faggot.

This image is all fucked up. He's a total normie who needed "sources" to tell Pepe's story.

I could give something more accurate with just my memories.

Is that a basket? :D