why do western women think its ok to walk around in public like this ? do they enjoy arousing stranger men ?
Why do western women think its ok to walk around in public like this ? do they enjoy arousing stranger men ?
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How is that arousing?
No one's getting aroused by that.
Do you enjoy taking people's pics without permission?
I would.
>Not the same video
>whore shooting a porn for guys who like voyeur = all women do this
>Brown people like asses
The first one looked like she was beat with a sack full of nickles compared to this one.
Who is getting aroused here? Humpty Dumpty? She looks like a big egg.
that is vomit inducing
why cant there be a middle ground? no burkas but no disgusting slut shit either. men manage to dress normal so why are women too fucking stupid to dress normal?
Idk it's pretty unacceptable. That's a poor example OP, but I get what you mean even attractive girls are dressed like that, which I don't mind. But that could be someone sister,mother, some dudes family member that's walking around being eyecandy for other men. Now I'm not muslim but I think we should draw the line somewhere when it comes to women revealing themselves in public to get attention. I think "leggings" are hot as fuck, but then I realize that's someones sister walking around like a slut.
i love thicc girls so much
little bit of fat never did any harm
vote here hope ur not a bunch of fags
>do they enjoy disgusting stranger men ?
White men aren't all rapist manlets with tiny hairy dicks.
I just lost arousal watching that.
Women are empty vessels that express the culture they are immersed in. Since the jews have over sexualized our culture women in greater numbers dress like whores and tramps.
Its legal here roach, especially on public property. Businesses and private property is a little more grey area
To lay justification upon their perception of judgement.
Fool me once
Only sand niggers are aroused by shit like that, but it makes sense when they worship cows and fuck goats
Its an evolutionary behavior
>arouse stranger men
>stranger man able to take you from your family and compete and beat other males for you
>stranger man gets to breed with you
>more familiar but weaker man then does not breed
>stranger man wins in evolution because they are stronger
Of course its all bullshit because we arent apes
Being a slut is the only way that fat whore gets any attention.
Sup Forums
A bunch of pissed off white male betas spreging on the internet because they can't talk to girls IRL or online but suave brown people can.
A silly reason to be so mad.
You're a retarded nigger, if you find it arousing
>dumpy legs same length as her body
She'll be ever fatter by the time she's 25. You find this shit attractive, roach?
It's classic power assertion. They WANT you to look at them. The moment you respond salaciously, they get to exert their power of DONT OBJECTIFY ME WITH YOUR TOXIC MALE GAZE. Don't mistake me saying that with misogyny. It's a simple example of how everyone will exercise what power they have.
She's in a headshop, she's degenerate by default.
what a disgusting slag