When did this LGBT craze start among teens, Sup Forums?
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When Elen started babysitting them as children
LGBT activists got gay marriage legalized.
LGBT activists suddenly had nothing more to do.
LGBT activists lost meaning in their lives.
LGBT activists took on trans as new degeneracy to promote.
L: since forever
G: since forever
B: since the beginning of time
T: pure unadulterated metal litmus
Hey bby
Left kept pushing the whole sexuality is something your born with and not a choice or something that is dependent nature and nurture. Also advances in treating things like AIDS have helped, its a lot different then when we had no idea what it was and it was known as GRID.
started when more young people got into the internet
desu i dont even care about gays and shit but transniggers is what i hate the most, i know a couple people who were completely normal and after faggotry on the internet they decided they were transgenders and "had been that way forever"
This guy knows what's up.
Then trans started to become less of a joke ever so gradually so now they're morphing into this "queer" shit.
There literally is no end to it.
Everyone laughed when we were talking about the slippery slope.
what is causing gen Z to become less cucked?
They started shilling hard for Gay marriage back in 2008.
> On May 17, 2004, Massachusetts became the first U.S. state and the sixth jurisdiction in the world to legalize same-sex marriag
> The movement to obtain marriage rights for same-sex couples expanded steadily from that time until late 2014
> On June 26, 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down all state bans on same-sex marriage, legalized it in all fifty states, and required states to honor out-of-state same-sex marriage licenses
>When did this LGBT craze start among teens,
They're exploring themselves and their sexuality. I don't see why anyone would sperg out about this unless you're some fucked up evangelist.
Thanks Paki bro
the acronym is currently "LGBTQ++"
We are driven to be special, because superiority over others implies being distinct
Before the internet, when the world was smaller, the only people we had to compare ourselves with was celebrities and the people around us, and celebrities are distant and unreal, so they didn't really count. We lived and worked in our communities and compared ourselves to them and figured out the ways in which we were better than them, so that we could feel special.
But then the internet and social networking came along, and we were exposed not only to the people around us but the entire world, The crushing reality of the existence of billions of people and the constant reminder that we are not special or important are things we can't escape. You may be good at basketball but there's a 5 year old in Russia who can score 100% of the time from the other end of the court. You may be good at building things but there's some guy in Mozambique who builds robots out of rocks and broken glass.
The LGBTQMDKHGMTJKALD movement offers an opportunity to mark ourselves as distinct in such a way that we can construct a very elaborate and unique set of affiliations very easily while never needing to objectively prove any of it. I'm a demisexual pangendered dolphinkin, look how interesting I am, if you disagree with me you're a bigot.
Its all teens here. Thats why there are so many betas
I don't know, but they get over this phase. It's not edgy any more.
Have you seen the amount of teens deciding to be gay, bi or trans out of the blue. It's a trend and you and me both know that teens follow trends blindly today.
jewish driven cultural marxism to destroy their white enemies.
There is no end to their demands
It's a reaction to the extremism of the previous generations on issues like same lgbt rights and shit
After Obama got elected.
Umm sweetie, gays are here to stay :^)
Gay pride world wide
Fuckn bigots
As soon as it was something edgy and rebellious, but not something so edgy and rebellious that they would actually get in trouble for supporting.
(((People))) hedging their bets. Didn't you notice that none of this came about until Trump won and the populism meme started? In fact I would go as far as to say Gen Z were never even discussed until Trump had won. Did you notice that Jews were hugely anti-Trump right up until they lost and they were suddenly Trump supporters all along? (((They're))) hoping to latch on to the next generation as their greatest ally and it isn't going to work.
L. Let
G. God
B. Burn
T. Them
Let God Burn Them Quickly In A Pile
Literally this
So? Let them. It's only healthy to explore since you learn a lot about yourself.
Gay here. It's the easiest way to become a spechul snowflake. But there's a big leap to saying you're "bisexual" or whatever and actually sucking on a dick or eating a pussy.
Which leads to: Why the is "trans" thing more popular? Apparently you can just make any shit up and then there's no accountability. Too bad we can't call trannies "perverts" anymore. That's what they are.
How many layers of indoctrination are you on
This but add in a other step where gay men were advertised to straight girls as being the perfect virtue signaling fashion accessory. Once half the population fell in love with their new gay bff, the damage was done.
In all 3 Abrahamic religions homosexuality is a sin. If your not religious consider these facts: It spreads disease and that's not how humans are designed to reproduce, its against nature.
Could ask you the same thing. People should be comfortable with who they are, and if teens want to explore I'd say let them. They might learn they fancy women or men or maybe they don't. There's only one way to find out, and that's via exploration.
Not sure why trans has gotten so prevalent lately. Maybe it is the "special snowflake" syndrome like you say, since actually dressing like the opposite sex and getting hormones and stuff is a gigantic leap.
IDK I blame Family Guy but I'm sure it was going on before that. The internet probably made it a lot worse.
You don't have to be religious to see why homosexuality is bad for society, swedecuck.
Say around late 2011/2012. Back in 2010, we'd put all faggots back in their place. Propaganda is one hell of a fucking drug.
When they started going on Tumblr
It was around when people got free shit and sympathy for sucking cock, instead of savage beatings.
>we have to go back
Plus its disgustingly animalistic. We humans are supposed to break off from our unelightened apes, ruled by our own intellect not by our own flawed instincts.
Contraception fueled the spike in sodomite disorientation. When procreation no longer is associated with sex, then all sorts of debased perversions became popular.
Simply put, if pleasure is the only measure of the goodness of the act, then who is to say what pleasures can be extracted from the act, and how?
Sodomy has been around for ages and ages. Yet, it was never socially or morally acceptable behavior.
Teens like to be unique, yet a part of a group. That's why high schools are full of cliques. Alternate sexuality is just one way to be "unique" but also belong to a group, one that is especially supporting. Unfortunately, this promotes moral degeneracy and straight mental illness.
straight sex spreads disease too.
Trendy to be trans
Don't care about teens. Most adult gays are just fine and normal people.
Homosexuals are the smallest demographic on planet earth.
Yet, they are the demographic with the highest disease, depression, drug abuse, and suicide.
The homosexual disorientation is bad all around.
>against nature
And yet homosexuality is very prevalent among primates, and is most certainly featured in more animal groups than ours.
Also, bitch, please. Let's not bring nature into this. We have harnessed the power of a goddamn star, we have changed our enviroment so much via structures that they change the rotation of our planet. We have built vessels and left the orbit of Earth, and even visited our own moon. And soon we will have manned missions to another planet in our solar system. We have left that "natural" stage a long time ago.
People don't have hobbies anymore, they have identities.
higher than blacks?
Did you uust assume my species?
Yeah, totally caused by being homo, and not by persecution, violence and all other criminal acts that is done towards them in the world.
how young are you? I remember in 2003 is when I first noticed how wrong things were going, and the constant gay pedestal was already established. And it was certainly been going on before then. 2006 is when I noticed a huge explosion among internet youngsters when it came to faggotry. True some old people/mormons/blacks voted for prop 8 in 2008, but all the normal whites thought gays were the greatest people on the planet and butt-sex marriage was the most important issue of our time. Straight people would claims to be bi-sexual now to be "mysterious", as opposed to gays doing it to try to fit in as they might have in the 70s.
By 2010, as you claim, the battle was already over. Sure butt-sex marriage wasn't a nationwide thing until 5 years later, but by 2010 it was already on the irreversible course toward that destination
Actually, black homosexual men have highest rate of HIV/AIDS infection according to CDC.
Right. Persecution is what causes homosexuals to catch HIV/AIDS at a higher rate than any other demographic on planet earth.
Do you think before you type?
My friend gave me a handjob when i was 13
Didnt see anything wrong with it.
This. This Paki bro is 100% right. And after trans it is pedo love.
You haven't posted any source of your claims, and three of the four things you mentioned are indeed caused by persecution and stigma.
So indeed, user, do YOU think before you type?
When did the Satanic Jew start his tricks and based Moses started killing them fuckers lad?
>Not sure why trans has gotten so prevalent lately.
I said no accountability. You can just "invent" your trans-whatever and you're suddenly a "disenfranchised minority".
When you say you're a lesbian, you have to eat pussy. When you say you're gay or bi, you have to suck a dick. These flavor-of-the-week trannies just have to be odd, ugly and unfuckable but they are somehow part of the club.
Pic related. Trans-broccoli.
What persecution? They are a beloved segment of the media, constantly praised and free to butt fuck each other to a point that they are more STD ridden than animalistic Africans.
LGBT is a disgusting acronym
Oh you support homosexuals not being killed? Then you also support 8 year olds getting sex reassignment surgery!
LGBT rights!
Fucking disgrace.
>Contraception fueled the spike in sodomite disorientation. When procreation no longer is associated with sex, then all sorts of debased perversions became popular.
Bullshit. Sodomy was a popular pastime BECAUSE hetero sex lead to pregnancy. Degeneracy with sex was aggravated by the possibility of babies. So what's the solution? Fuck her in the ass then fuck her brother.
I dont see pakis having a problem with pedos
CDC Official: Syphilis Rates Among Gay Men Highest Since Before Start Of HIV Epidemic
It doesn't take a genius to know this or be exposed to this information.
Unless you are one of those degenerates that gets their daily soup at some rainbow news organization.
Like this:
>I and a lot of other people want to indoctrinate, recruit, teach, and expose children to queer sexuality AND THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT.
Whatever, you sodomite. Continue on with your degeneracy.
contraception lead to a boom in penis in vagina missionary sex. DEAL WITH IT™.
Straight people only hate gays because of how easy it is for gays to get laid
Hatred born of jealousy
>gays: hook up and fuck easy
>straights: hook up
>get accused of rape
Or have to treat them like a princess they dont deserve to be.
You should be treating me like a princes
t cute gay
It led to abortion. It led to increase of degeneracy. It led to an increase of divorce and adultery. It set the precedent for sex without procreation; e.g. sodomy.
It led to sterile "marriages" which are no different from sodomite "marriages".
Why would they have a problem with themselves?
We have cavedrawings of men fucking animals
We have egyptian descriptions explaining how to make condoms out of crocodile skin
Romans were world famous for their orgies and the middle ages are full of perverted stories. Dick drawings from old lexicons are posted here every day
You blame average human behavior on such little things. Humans are horny. Pills, condoms and even social rules never changed that fact.
>american shitposting
Is always either
>a leaf
Or some bible shit he learned sucking a pastors cock
Good, you posted sources, and bi- and homosexual men do grossly outrepresent the cases of syphilis and potentially HIV by studied conducted by the CDC. Hopefully they will learn to use a condom in the future.
Eh, I don't know about you, but homoesxuality has only been recently accepted in the western world. And that's the WESTERN world, homos are still persecuted and hated through the entire African continent alongside Asia. Let's not forget eastern Europe and Russia either.
What are we trying to say here? That it's natural?
Degeneracy has been around for a long time. And widespread degeneracy is the sign of a dying civilization--like in late-stage Roman empire.
I know user, im excited for america becoming a bigger meme than it already is
Oh? Contraceptives didn't lead to abortion?
Are you sixteen years old or something?
...and by the way, contraception was allowed into the public through Protestants. Anglican Protestants in 1930.
Sodomy is a huge health risk. Hormones and sex mutilation surgery are not even a risk ... they just fuck up bodies no question asked.
Even exploring plain old heterosexual sex is a huge health risk. Aborted pregnancies damage your body (shotgun marriages would be a pro but they don't happen any more).
In what way can more kids trying sodomy and transsexual roleplaying be construed as healthy?
Whoa. Good call, Paki
>liberal with sodomite tendencies tries to dial back his stance of GIVE ME PROOFS
Rome became less degenerate after accepting christianity, and they fell not much later
Look, I can make pointless parallels too!
Degenerates are PERSECUTED!! That's why they catch sexually degenerate STD's at a higher rate than any other demographic on planet earth!!!
Atrazine messing with estrogen levels
>not even hiding his shitposting at this point
Rome fell for many reasons, one because of usury. It could no longer pay its soldiers in distant lands. Military began to defect.
Just making fun of the stupid ass liberal claiming "persecution" causes high STD rates.
The following post is written in facts, not opinions:
I have never met a transgender person who was a good person.
Sodomy was never popular among whites, the only reason it's so prevalent in white culture today is jews.
>like in late-stage Roman empire.
Oh please, user. They fell apart from way more important reasons, like corruption, powermongering, overextension, the motherfucking HUNS, constant barbarian invasions and so on and on.
No, but it leads to drug abuse, suicide and depression. You know, those other three things you said homosexuality causes?
The social institutions broke down, people lost meaning and purpose in life, and introspection and narcissism became the norm. Natural that many males would want to be women because society is getting feminized and they're just adapting to the times.
Amazing what subliminal advertising can do to some people, huh? It's a lot the nigger fixation the ugly, degenerate, and other assorted losers often have. It's all emotional based which sometimes works on those with low self-worth.
I met a trans person online once, you can view """her""" tumblr here: adorathekitty.tumblr.com
I met """her""" on WoW and at first """she""" was all right, bro tier for a boygirl. Then the guilds deviant homosexual that was destroying hs from within got to them.
They tried to do tranny porn but got BTFO by manager from low ratings
Pretty meh tier tranny porn btw
Then I left degeneracy riddled guild and found nicer people that werent massive faggots
>those other three things you said homosexuality causes
Also a degenerate lifestyle that rails against their own human nature.
Because its not like straight people cant be degenerate
>The Overhauling of Straight America
This is the literal "marketing" plan they have used, written by faggots, for faggots in the 1980's.
Go through the list. This is exactly what we've seen happen in our day.
No one ever said that.
Although, we know that per capita, homosexual men abuse children three times more than heterosexual men.
*The Western Roman Empire, the Eastern Empire held! Byzantiumeme stronk.
>be gay
>dont want hookups, just a bf
>my culture is based around hookups
i want to die
It's largely because K-8 teachers are required to get a college degree, but those that go into K-8 teaching are generally not particularly bright college students, and were very easily indoctrinated by leftist marxist feminist professors, because thinking critically about what they were being taught would be too much work.
Then they parrot what they 'learned' in college to young children, and suddenly those children become teenagers, and they believe everything their teachers told them growing up. There's a reason you will also see teenagers moan about how 'we pay teachers so little but athletes so much' - they are just parroting what their disgruntled teachers tell them. Same for LGBT thought.