This is the most redpilled show in today's media.
Prove me wrong.
>protip : you can't
This is the most redpilled show in today's media
Its got some aesthetic scenes and cool uniforms, but it's still
>Hurr Durr Nazis were Evil
>Muh Holocaust.
>Fantasy world
>Red pilled
Only a Millenial
I would agree except the rebels are the ones being portrayed as the good guys.
oh and ps
>Obergupenfurher 4 next fuhrer
is he dare I say it "our guy"?
The rebels are literally mindless assholes.
we know this but this is not how they are shown
>let their whole families dies for some stupid propaganda movies
>portrayed as the good guys
Pick one.
It kinda is. (((Juliana))) keeps pointing out how they are no different than the nazis and the leader of the local resistance even literally says they have to be "worse than the nazis" if they want to win.
I watched the first two episodes. When does it get any good?
>also tfw thomas is so dedicated to the reich he voluntarily gasses himself
should Sup Forums try to be more like thomas tbqh?
you didn't enjoy "oy vey the gas" episode?
he's an american soldier, who chooses to collaborate with the nazis, either as they win or after they win.
there's no indication he was even much of a nationalist beforehand.
Season 2
The pacing of the show is mindnumbing
I like the premise, but there are only like two episodes per season that are entertaining
you anons should read more Phillip K Dick btw
>Nazis follow strict race purity protocols
>Leader of the Reich in America just happens to find out his son is defective and could be potentially euthanized
Thanks for the shitty and convenient coincidences, Jew writers. Just like how a Jap has a pivotal role in the resistance and Blake is an emo moral fag.
It coalesces in the second season. First season is basically just establishing the environment and characters. I just like the visuals.
Are you serious? The point of the whole show is to instill anti-nazi sentiment...
Also, Frank is a cuck.
It's more of a red pill than I expected.
What do you expect?
He's a jew.
More like Jewliana amirite?
Joe Blake is the biggest cuck of all
He's also the most annoying character ever
I hope he dies
Frank is a Jew.
There's no anti-nazi sentiment. That's a depiction of a world where the Axis has won, and surprise, it hasn't stopped existing and has to keep going on. So it goes on, with Nazism. If anything, it normalizes Nazism by showing how life is possible under its dictatory rule, with even positive aspects.
Japanese America is worse than Nazi America.
Also Hitler is a great man with great vision that prevents war, stops conspirations and maintains loyal peace, and Smith is the best guy thoughout the whole show.
Hardly anything negative except some puzzled references to the Holocaust and T4-Aktion, and bad comments from the Resistance, most of whom are hateful and insane retards.
His father just got arrested for being a traitor, so obviously he will miraculously find leverage and come flying back in to the show and fug Jewliana
This, he is literally the only character raising children he knows aren't his own in the show
Who cares? It shows his son's struggle to do the right thing, in which he ultimately chooses the purity of the race.
It's some bullshit though, the inheritance pattern is all wrong.
Can we all take a moment to laugh at how Hitler literally just dies and there isn't even a single day of mourning or funeral?
The show has weird useless side stories that run nowhere, like based John Smith's son who calls up the girl he likes and gets rejected. Like WTF? Why even add it in?
My girlfriend actually walked away from it with a totally different mindset. "I don't want to bring children into this world. That one tough, I would in that one." Nazi America is a fucking paradise, and getting rid of genetically inferior people is a fine price to pay for that.
Weird, that's not the impression I got
They mention a week of mourning.
Even if you take out all the Nazism, the American Reich looks like a god tier place to live, other than the occasional bombings/terrorist attacks.
>low crime
>god tier infrastructure
>good, structured schools
>loyal people
>good family life
Meanwhile Jap America looks like absolute shit
>Can we all take a moment to laugh at how Hitler literally just dies and there isn't even a single day of mourning or funeral?
Didn't they just officially announce his death near the end of the last episode, or close to it? I'm sure there will be some kind of funeral or whatever at the start of season 3.
The worst character ever. Literally has everyone want to kill her because she can't follow through anything because "muh fee-fees".
Yet the show's making her the "critical" element, ugh.
If you aren't a fan of multiculturalism and you've got light eyes like the two of us, there are literally zero problems with such a world. Strong anti-immigration policy that keeps out non-whites? No need for social programs because you dispose of burdens to society? No crime? Everyone helps each other? A cohesive society in which everyone feels they are doing their part? What's not to love?
Look closer and you will see no media in our modern age is redpilled. It all has a agenda. Sometimes they will attachthe blue pill to redpilled ideas in order to put you back to sleep tho
Even if you take out all the Nazism, Israel looks like a god tier place to live, other than the occasional bombings/terrorist attacks.
>low crime
>god tier infrastructure
>good, structured schools
>loyal people
>good family life
Meanwhile Palistine looks like absolute shit
>makes ya think
The nefarious purplepill ploy.
fuck i meant Zionism instead of Nazism
In a way it would make sense that the only thing unpredictable enough to cause such severe fractures in the timeline would be a fucking indecisive woman.
I don't think any liberals will interpret the show in this way
Except Israel doesn't have low crime, family life is actually kind of shit, and degenerate culture is everywhere. You should go to some bars there sometime, you'll be in for a treat I'm sure.
Israel literally IS god-tier tho
Japs come off as the evil sadistic warmongerers, Nazis come off as pretty based family orientated scientific empire builders.
Rebels come off as bomb happy assholes happy to kill their own at the drop of a hat
Cripples and Downies should be taken out the gene pool
Liberals won't, but they're already pretty much lost. Some really bluepilled friends of mine though, moderate types, have mentioned how amazing Nazi America and Germany seem, like us winning the war set back life and culture by decades.
Dude, the writers are clearly making the Japanese look like the lesser evil.
The MOST hateable faction by far is the rebels. That was kind of the point of the book though, to show how one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.
this guys really looks like the pedo from prison break
the nazis burn poor cripples every thursday
Accents are a little off. I was wondering what the hell an ober-skruppenfuehrer was. A skrupp leader?
The Japanese culture is more cruel to whites-they make that clear when she makes the jump to living in John Smith's protection. She wasn't used to being treated like a human being. The Japanese are being viewed as what is necessary to prevent a nuclear decimation of the United States though, because the Germans are sick of their shit.
I guess, but it just pisses me off that she's supposed to be this moral-high ground character that you're supposed to love when she's single-handedly caused almost all collateral damage in the show.
As it should be.
You can tale cripples and downies out the gene pool with out killing them, I've read Mein Kampf, he talks of sterilizing problematic genes.
Hitler's death was announced when Joe's father said he'd been poisoned by the japs.
but what if i end up as cripple fighting for my vaterland?
As the series goes on it does a much much better job of painting Nazi characters as more gray than black and white.
watchin rn op
wish this lead female wasnt so insufferable but women are never written into shows well
Dude, you have to look at how normies view it. The whole first season was Japan is peaceful and wants to be left alone while the Nazi-hardliners are literally chomping at the bit to start nuclear war and genociding the last part of the world they don't have.
Then on-top of it, Frank's whole arrest is tinged with the Kempeitai saying shit like, "Nothing personal, we only have laws against you because we're forced to".
Whites clearly are second-class citizens, but the writers clearly intend for the viewer to prefer them to the Nazis.
I don't think any character is supposed to be loved- she's just the third least awful character next to Ed and the Trade Minister, who I'd say are the only two "good" characters in the show. She's more like the show's Carl (TWD), annoying but necessary in a lot of plots.
This is not #yourshow or whatever the fuck. It does not portray Nazi Germany in good light like you think it does.
You might as well claim Lannisters are good guys in Song of Ice and Fire. I mean, they're not completely dehumanized monsters, right?
Smith is not portrayed as a good guy. Simply a tragic dude who did what he had to do to protect his family. That's why he joined the nazis in the first place. Then in the end, his efforts are for naught because his mistake was letting his son drink the kool-aid. That's why they contrast his conflicted emotions on saving the reich (remember, he killed a nazi earlier to protect his son) with his son giving himself into the eugenics program.
I understand a lot of you here are in your late teens and you're rearranging your life so as to fit into the redpill treeclub. That doesn't mean I can get used to it because it's pathetic. You're so eager to interpret something, anything as being on "your side".
>Whites clearly are second-class citizens, but the writers clearly intend for the viewer to prefer them to the Nazis.
I dunno. The second season was very pro-Nazi, which makes me think the third season will be pro-Rebel.
Hitler would have sterilised the bad genes, not burn them. It's kike tricks to make Nazis seem evil.
Serve your country but you can't have kids.
I think the second season decided to make a distinction between the American Nazis and the hardliners in Berlin.
John Smith is a patriot first, and he doesn't want to raze cities and have millions of Americans killed because the sociopaths in Berlin like Reinhardt can't stand detente with Japan anymore.
Frank's family gets fucking gassed with not so much as a "sorry" because Japanese do not value white lives in the slightest. During all of season 2, the Japanese constantly talk about how American casualties don't matter, how they can transport nuclear material on public buses because "they're only Americans," etc. The Nazis want the rest of the world, but look at what the hell they're doing with it- they're turning the desert into farmland, have a technological utopia, and want to bring the first age of peace to all mankind. I mean, given the choice of living in a place where you're not even considered a life worth saving or a place where you are considered a valuable part of the community, which would you choose?
I'm on EP4 but the show is extremely triggering because it shows America losing a war, which would literally never happen.
You've got it backwards.
The book is insufferable and poorly written.
The series is kino.
Pretty much this- I feel like the second season was much less one dimensional in regard to their treatment of the Nazis.
They aren't glorifying any side- they make every side look worse than our current world, but they don't make Nazis look worse than the Japanese (at least the American Nazis, the Germans are a bit crazy), and they definitely make the rebels look worst of all. I'd say, given the subject matter, they've done about as well as they could to create a fairly realistic portrayal of a two-power world.
muh murica
Season 2 definitely had a tone shift in portrayal, which I'm not fully articulating thanks to this thread.
Season 2 also started to show a split between John Smith, who's more of a family/country first guy than anything, and the actual Nazis in Berlin.
But Serbbro said it best, this show is not portraying anything in a good light in a way that's truly meant by OP.
There's this comment at one point in season 2 that the neighbourhood is so safe that doors don't even have locks.
Philip K Dick's books are generally combo breakers when it comes to the idea that film adaptions of books are always crap compared to the source material.
I like the bit in season 1 were Robert says had Japan and Germany not won the war then Semites would be running the world today.
He's based as fuck and one of the best characters on tv right now desu
Also the Resistance is nuts, at one point Juliana says "But why kill innocent women and children?" and the Resistance guys says "Remember they're Nazis"
It hit me because being a Nazi in this show doesn't equal to doing any wrong, hurting anyone or having any significance, it just means not being part of the Resistance. The guy doesn't provide any reason why Nazis, I mean random Nazi women and children, should be killed, he's just saying "Kill them because of what they are". He's actually being the Nazi.
I think the normie viewer will get disturbed by this.
I don't think that's what they're doing. I think that after season 1 they realised the made the Nazis look too good, so in the second season they had to really lay on thick the fact that Nazis only take in people who are 'Aryan enough' and gas every person who doesn't adhere to their standards, and also some drama thrown in amongst the elite of the Nazis to show that they're actually hypocrites to an extent.
Or how they just shrug off the holocaust like "meh... had to be done."
But they over-exaggerate the purging of defectives in the series ? Nazis burning anyone defective instead of merely sterilising them ? Japs being more lax when it comes to racial extermination ?
Most bad ass firefight.
>coming from a Frenchman
You would know a thing or two about pedo's huh Muhammad?
did you not watch the show?
he was about to go to washington or somewhere but he watched as they reduced it to rubble
after that he decided to work with the nazis
also anyone laugh out loud when the fucking jap dude meditates into an alternate dimension?
I think it's funny because it really redpills the public on the "Noble guerrilla" myth Hollywood has built ever since they were shilling for the VC.
Yeah, the whole premise was a bit too much and the way they introduced it was absolutely lame.
Firefight was way too early in the show. I had absolutely no connection to him whatsoever really. If there was a firefight now, because they've developed his character it would be badass, but when they did it I literally didn't care for him desu.
The way he handled the fight was what made me start to like him.
theres such a crazy divide between main characters (who have depth and can think) and secondary characters (who have no depth and cannot think)
i like how his american son is a huge cuck because he wants to get into that white pussy
very weird way to explain where they get the tapes though, no explanation whatsoever for how he teleports it with him (or how he teleports himself even)
im so confused as to what the show is trying to tell me desu but maybe im just stupid
most of the nazis are terrible people, except a handful
most of the japs are terrible people, except a handful
most of the resistance are terrible, except a handful of people (who aren't actually part of the resistance)
it seems the 'good' guys are actually the worst guys and the 'bad' guys are actually the less bad than the "good" guys
juliana is fucking stupid and her perpetually FRIGHTENED face annoys me
the jew is a more interesting character
Except, John's plan was a gamble to and it worked at the end because now he may asked for his son to be spared, (he had to nix the doctor because he wouldnt wait)
The kid was based, but unforunately did the stupid thing instead of waiting a bit longer
Shooter is the most redpilled
The show I get the feeling is basically saying that there's lots of good people who do bad things for a bad regime.
It's why we're not supposed to hate any particular characters and the show makes us empthathise with everyone. Think about every character that is significant. We are all supposed to feel sorry for them
Frank = Kike. Sister dies because of him.
Jewliana = Sister dies because of her
Frank's Friend = Bad lungs, faithful to Frank
John Smith = Trying to save his son
Tagomi = Family dead/tryna stop war
etc etc
All people trying to do good things for bad governments.
I fucking hate this stupid Jew so much.
>tell us where your girl went and we won't kill your sister/her kids
>come on dude it's blood versus some chick you're banging, you can find another one
>you're going to choose a woman (who gets you into trouble 24/7 and caused all of this) instead of YOUR SISTER, NIECE, and NEPHEW? FLESH AND BLOOD?
>"wow they killed my sister, niece and nephew wow just wow I wish I could have prevented this somehow"
>hey boyfriend, can you take that 40k that you risked your life for and save my other boyf- I mean my friend Joe?
>Aww come on please?
Jews aren't this dumb.
Its hilarious how Frank is a 100% walking stereotype of the neurotic Jew
Yeah I really can't empathize with him because his character wouldn't let go of the idiot ball. I mean, how many times did they ask him?
It's really odd how they do it.
For the most part, the show is redpilled as fuck, with Nazi Germany being safe and peaceful, the Resistance being villains, and the Nazis themselves being portrayed as actual people instead of supervillains.
Then the creators make sure to shoehorn a couple of scenes involving Jews and Niggers to make sure the Show isn't labled as Racist or Antisemitic. They also try to show how great, free and progressive real America is when Tagomi teleports between dimensions, but to me the message falls flat given how far up shit creek the real world is right now.
Seriously, hes a Jew who gets cucked by a Nazi and only wants to make degenerate art in his disgusting apartment
What message?
>sure (((we))) control you. but look how much better it its that the alternative little goy
no.. just no.
When Heydrich gets mentioned/appears.