Americans have to pledge their allegiance to a piece of clothe

>Americans have to pledge their allegiance to a piece of clothe

Explain this meme to me

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Brainwashing starts from an early age

Mexicans can't be brainwashed due to mandatory cartel funded beheadings at age 5.

>Attempt at goverment brainwashing/submission.


You should know what it's about. After all, you dirty fucks are risking life and limb to come over here, pop out worthless shitbags, and have them pledge allegiance at our public schools.

"And to the republic for which it stands"

Better start studying for that citizenship test Raul. You're about to find yourself on the wrong side of the Wall.

It's a cold war thing, you wouldn't understand.

>nationalism is brainwashing
Says the country where it's racist to hang their own flag

you gotta go back mexibro.


>nationalism is about symbolism


Well if you haven't realized by now, American "culture" is just intense patriotism. Which is why we're the best.

nationalism is most definitely brainwashing

>being taught that protecting your country and being proud of it is brainwashing
Gee I wonder why Australia is being fucked up the rectum by China right now...

Basically, we can fly our flag proudly unlike over there where ic you say anything bad about Merkel and into to the clink you go.

I would not expect you to understand, because Mexican'ts have no concept of civil responsibility or federalist / social unity. You get run over by cartel bosses ffs. We don't allow that bullshit here on the local levels. Here at least you have to go to Washington and become a politician and even then you cannot hurt you're own fucking people. We are a republic after all.

They are compensating due to their lack of having a true identity.America is not blood, it's a meme that would die out if it weren't for that petty jingoism.

>t. fake slavic mutt breed serbshit.

I've been American my entire life and have never pledged allegiance to the flag. I didn't go to a government school though because they're filled with niggers and atheist liars.


Besides, where else would we pledge allegiance to? Every other nation on Earth sucks. Our government has sucked pretty hard since 1913 and super hard beginning with Kennedy getting whacked.

Doesn't change the fact that we're still the best. All the other countries talk shit about how we have no history. All it ever sounds like to me is

>But but America how are you a country? You haven't even existed for as long as we've been controlled by jews

That gril is a qtπ.

>Australia is being fucked up the rectum by China right now...
what are you on about mate? china gives us money, america takes our immigrants, australia doesnt need nationalism to win.
sounds like your conditioning is just lashing out against friction

>Mexican intellectuals don't understand the value of symbolic value

"Why do you use money? Isn't it, like, a piece of paper?"

Serbs are a real, based and pretty ancient nation user, i think you're jealous.

Holy fuck the word filter turned s m h into baka. That's fucking hilarious.


>explosive revelations of seven Chinese workers coming to our shores
wew lad.... 7 people being allowed into our country to contribute to our economy. explosive!

It's racist cause Britain is British/white and waving the flag implies Britishness, American is whatever you want it to be + muh freedumbs that's why the US gets away with it, it means nothing, it's the spook of spooks

You are no different than the soviet union, a political state and not a culture fermented since ancient times, a primal symbiosis of men and environment, the blood and soil undivided.

nailed it miloš

>tfw inbred brit is trying to reclaim it's colony that surpassed the empire

stay cucked

I find it funny how whenever Germans do this they get yelled at for being nazis. My Hamburg buddy said that he was spanked as a child for playing soldier and pretending to defend Deutschland becuase his neighborhood wanted to remove all traces of Nazism.
Fucked up world.

It's kind of messed up they make you do it at age 5, since you have no idea what youre doing at that age, but I think the pledge of allegiance is cool.

You are swearing your loyalty to our republic and nation. If you can't do that once you're an adult with voting rights then go renounce your citizenship.

>I pledge allegiance to the flag
>Of the United States of America,
>And to the Republic for which it stands:
>one Nation under God, indivisible,
>with liberty and justice for all.

You actually aren't compelled to recite it, though people do expect you to at least stand when it is being recited.

It's not like the loyalty oaths you take when you work in the public sector.

>s t

The concepts of symbols and metaphors greatly challenge the Mexican intellect.

>Ameriburgers ITT are defending actual brainwashing
It's like the way children are indoctrinated into religion with no say in the matter, because they're too young to think for themselves and realise it's all made up.

Some men die for it. You don't honor the piece of clothes for itself but their sacrifice.

Your cuntry is a shit hole and if you blindly pledged allegence to it your a dumbass. Aka a fucking fashist cunt.

>not wanting to uphold a glorious catholic republic
this is why our countrys a mess

So Serbians don't fly their own flags?
I'm gonna ask my Serb bros at work about that.

>makes sense because one of Serb bros is fucking OBSESSED with cuck jokes.

Catholicism isn't even ours, it was indoctrinated into our ancestors by the beady-eyed anglos. A pagan republic would be better than a Catholic one, because at least that would be more fitting.

I do pledge my life to a nation and people who've given me so much.

Worthless subhumans, go be a civilian somewhere else.


Their flag means something and dates back to centuries. Men died for that flag as recently as 17 years ago (in wars that werent fought thousands of miles away for rich men)

is that an invitation for him to leave mexico and go illegally to the US?

Same reason you wave Mexican flags at La Raza rallies Pedro.


Serb's are just pissed America didn't side with Serbia.

Not saying siding with Bosnia was a good deal, considering what I was told by real life Serb is that Serbia was removing fuck loads of kebabs and the US decided Muslim lives matter.

>wtf I hate the US now

ratko mladic was a hero

ITT: Europoors shit on the most successful nation in history for being patriots

MAybe if you useless faggots cared about your nations you wouldnt be irrelevant shitholes

This is bait but you're retarded anyway.

The flag is a symbol. Americans are pledging their allegiance to the nation. They address the physical thing symbolizing the nation while doing it.

Very basic

Even in Brazil we have to.

Foriegners never understand what makes some americans zealots in thier patriotism. America is a nation founded on ideas not some... What? Magical connection with the land? What the fuck are you talking about?

>You haven't even existed for as long as we've been controlled by jews

Maybe if your leaders did the same, they wouldn't have pledged their allegiance to rapists and murderers.

Some of us also swore an oath to protect an old piece of parchment from enemies foreign and domestic.

It's called nationalism. It makes a country strong, and Hitler did it. Surprised no one else thinks it's cool.

Never implied that tho
And yeah most immigrants tend to be extremely jingoistic, on the other hand native Balkan jingoism is a compensation for the lack of relevance, and specifically speaking Serbia is a failed state.

Flags onto themselves mean nothing, until nationalism they used to represent solely nobility, states/kingdoms, not the people.Most flags today are based on previous bourgeois motifs.

I really don't like the wave of US baby boomer, Regan voting neocon thought that is flooding Europe and I can't take US(a country founded by posh liberals whose original communities were lead by fringe Protestants, a religious sect that denies tradition) conservatives seriously, it an absurdity.

>women take 9 months to finish having sex

lmao explain that

I use chickens tor errything even for mi ISP.

>le piece of cloth meme
It's not just a piece of cloth. A banner is the spirit and soul of people, their motivation, it's something that makes them get up in the morning, what makes them create things beautiful and interesting. You are, as always, a faggot, OP.

>america is stupid
>i want to go there

Same reasons why they make the religious pray, asserting control.

>"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

You are pledging to the Republic not the just the Flag. I see no problem with stating, "I am loyal to my country". If you don't believe this you are a traitor and should be hung for treason.

You should know since you people want to be here so badly.

Too bad you can't go there either since Prez trump will ban mudslimes, he baacked up on that one too, never mind then.

>A banner is the spirit and soul of people

>pledging your loyalty to your country and it's people is a meme

what the fuck mexico?

What a moron. Don't even know your is history

>Pray to God
>direct appeal to the Lord of all Creation
>thinks this somehow imbues control on the individual
>mfw the logic behind this is utter lunacy

Serbs are bullshitters and only tell half truths. They were mainly focused on Croatia.

Must suck to be from a shitty country you can't have pride in

Children at public schools do it in Mexico too?


>have to

Were not allowed to anymore.
America was a better place when it was patriotic and full of people proud of their country.

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands; one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

Nationalism also is anti-conservative.European nationalism was spearheaded by liberals, their agenda was to create new monolithic identities which destroyed the inner diversity of many countries.While standardization is very convenient, Europe is plagued with absolute thinking, you can't have additions, everything has to be destroyed and rebuilt again, just how today there is this obsession to destroy Europe's foundations for a "new, hip, democratic, liberal" European Union, an artificial ideological collective a la America.I heard so many European politicians saying how their countries are just about muh freedoms of speech and democracy, it's just based on values and nothing else.Britishness is muh freedumbs grorious Britain abolished slavery, Swedishness is simply muh freedumbs, le modern democratic Serbia too is simply muh freedumbs.Well, I believe in freedumbs thus making me Serbian, Swedish, British, French, German, Dutch, American.. etc.

But we all here are American

Patriotism: Love for country and it's culture, heritage and people.
Nationalism: Country always goes first, before family, religion etc.

we dont have 1000 years of culture, we dont have a royal family, what we do have is the flag. Our national anthem mentions it. our flag is our identity. they need to revoke the citizenship of any american who burns it.

its supposed to look incredibly like a vagina right?

"I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

ROFL OMG what a stupid idea!

money is just a piece of paper though.

its just a promissory note. its quite literally worthless. legal tender =/= value.

>muh simbuhlism

We pledge allegiance to the flag. The flag represents our nation, our people, Americans. The flag does not represent American government, it represents America has a nation and her people.

Nationalism is a good thing, but nearly every other flag in this thread is a liberal hellhole where nationalism is the devil and you're supposed to hate your country and culture and import Muslims to replace it.

Did you even go to school?
I used to do it all the time as a child.

>people flee his shithole country (illegally)
>his shithole country is run by cartels

maybe you should try acting more american

This thread isn't about nationalism.

If you think nationalism means pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth you are braindead

When I went to public school they used to have the Pledge in the mornings.

As I got older, get this, they took out the words "Under God" but still had the Pledge. There would just be a pause during that spot. I found it funny.

I'm pretty sure they did away with the Pledge altogether.

I never liked saying the Pledge anyway.

we wuz trying to be fascist, then germany had to go and kill a bunch of people.


>have to
Your basic misunderstanding of freedom is disappointing, but not surprising

The national anthem is a fucking love song for the flag. What did you expect?

Mohammad you aren't in a position to lecture anyone on what nationalism is. You're almost a non-country, we just elected Trump. Go back to fucking 5 year old girls and binning utensils.

This is by far the most retarded logic i've ever seen. Nobody has ever said this. Nobody. Nobody complains about British people pledging themselves to the flag because its racist even though its not in america.



>I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic FOR WHICH IT STANDS, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

Sounds just and solid to me, Pedro.

Perhaps if your ideals were as solid and just you folks wouldn't be so fucked.

>he thinks teaching children about religion is brain washing
What else is brainwashing? Telling your boy he can't be a girl?
Next your going to tell me that telling my child that santa clause exists is brainwashing, or that telling my child to ignore liberal bullshit is brainwashing.
In short, you are fucking retarded. The kind of retard that thinks world peace is achievable through peace and not war.