>attracted to niggresses,Indian woman,Asian woman-you name it
>would fuck if given chance
>see nigger,indian or asian fucking white woman
>get triggered,call her disgusting whore
How can stop being a hypocrite?
Attracted to niggresses,Indian woman,Asian woman-you name it
Kill all the shitskin males so you can fuck their women and not have them fuck white women. Thus you will never feel like that again.
First POOst not Best POOst
Pakistani, Indian women are disgusting desu. Why would you want to put your dick in literal poo?
Why is it wrong to be a hypocrite?
>he doesn't like anal
Well he does like anal, but it needs to be either with a goat or his sister.
So many qt pakistanis here
Oh sorry I forgot to make the point that you also like fucking young boys.
indians and pakis are gypsy tiers in term of ugliness
We get some cute ones, frog
Can you explain what is that shit?
1.5 billion of them and a handful of decent looking ones.
Kys beta bitch
All the intelligent and good looking pakis leave.
Them we get them :)
Stop watching porn.
You physically feel the genetic drive to miscegenate and spread your genes, but you also understand genes are culture and that men naturally lead the structure of their family groups, so while you spreading children is expands your culture's influence, the opposite expands theirs.
The desire to demographically expand is a natural drive, but so are most primal urges. Save your seed for white races, as we are still a monogomous society.
I find that some pakistani girls look pretty white. Ive seen hot girls and thought they were mediterranean or slavic and they turn out to be pakis.
>attracted to niggresses,Indian woman,Asian woman-you name it
no, not at all
>see nigger,indian or asian fucking white woman
>get triggered,call her disgusting whore
yea, so?
Stop making it.
By viewing women as property. If you steal their women, you win, if they steal yours, you lose (ignore Trudeau). Right now you have a cuck mindset of playing by autistic "rules" which darkies dont follow (they go for white girls but get mad when theirs get BLEACHED.com).