If your flag consists of red and white, you are a degenerate shithole that should be nuked

>If your flag consists of red and white, you are a degenerate shithole that should be nuked

Study this image carefully and tell me I'm wrong. I dare you.

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw my flag is green but the world is colorblind and sees red


Wait a second.

I'm not colorblind senpai, I can see the green

pretty sure most people would rather live in any of those countries before germany though

not even memeing

nobody likes canadians but nobody REALLY likes germans

Die in a fire, Ahmahd.

Umm actually we are a country so put us at the top of the list please and thanks


Fucking kek

just red and white?


>He didn't even change it at all.

Is this a bot making the thread and bumping it in order to slide?



are you fucking nuts, franz? alabama produces some of the best women in the country.. like, most native alabamians are sexy as fuck.

t. tennessean

If you're into black women, sure.

>flag clearly contains black, and not just red and white
>anlgo reading comprehension

remove crumpet


What sort of shithead posts the same thread over and over. I'm not saying that OP ever posted this before, but the exact same boring thread was here yesterday.

Sort of like Brazil saying Germany never invented anything. That recurring thread.

Are lots of us just plain dullards? Or does it make sense to repost boring threads within 24 hours? I understand that lots of us missed this thread the other times, so perhaps it is good to repost threads.

>Sort of like Brazil saying Germany never invented anything.

They're right though.

Germany is degenerate


>800k refugees
>calls other countries degenerate


I made this flag. Is it better?


England doesn't qualify, this is the current flag of England. As you can see, it contains green now.

Nice flag

here is yours

Guiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilty as charged :^)

>Germany telling the difference between black and white.

Sir, everything I know about being white I learned from Americans.

I will not allow you to play this down.

>Being this proud of being an American whore
Tell me how 'I became a cuck by watching a cuck' is better than being a cuck.

If the concept of Cuckception is of no entertainment value to you, then you are lost.

Well getting lost in life is far better than watching cocks of stranger getting lost into your wife's pussy.

>better than watching cocks of stranger getting lost into your wife's pussy.

I think this is where you lost me.

But they are all non-countries tho.

Number 1: Most Alabamians are still white tho.

Number 2: Some black women are very attractive and are feminine not womyn, in Alabama at least

This post again?
I guess i too would repost till the end of time if rapefugees are outside my home.

shutup Hitler

Find a flaw with my country

what about peru


What's your tax rate friend :^)

>an english speaking german

alabama flags when

((((((((((((((((((tax rate in usa)))))))))))))))

Bitch, you rare.

what about japan though

Shut up, there's nothing wrong with any of those countrys. And stop creating this thread every day.

>The heroes we need

This is the newer version I think

> Nothing wrong with them independent countries
Can you make Prussia a state again? You even have a crown prince, pls Germany do some crazy shit again.

>Nothing wrong with them independent countries

How are they independent? They're literally under EU rule, including Switzerland.

>pls Germany do some crazy shit again.
Soon. But I'm fine with them being independent. Austria and germany belong together, but only if both are redpilled. Switzerland is to diverse to be germanic, so parts of it yeah but other are more italian. Poland can exist, we might have to talk about muh former claims.

>Not wanting to unite all Germanic peoples under one flag
I've been casually studying Germany pre and post WW1. It's crazy how almost all of Bismarck's achievements were undone by the Kaiser and Hitler. I watched an interesting presentation by a PHD in which he argued that Bismarck sowed the seeds for ruin because of the creation of the 'one man' idea in German culture at the turn of the century.

Funny you should say that, when I don't post bait threads, I sometimes advocate for a union consisting of:
>Austria (minus Burgenland)
>Switzerland and
>South Tyrol

I think that would be an unparalleled European scientific and economic powerhouse.

And that's coming from you with your awful fucking colour scheme, seriously your colours make me nauseous. Red, black and white go well together, but when you change out white for yellow it ends up looking like someone pissed on the white part of your flag. Which is probably the case considering how much you like that shit. Least we have Christian symbolism in our flag, what the fuck do you have?

>No Brandenburg or Westphalia
Cutting the cancers out as well :)
On a serious note though I am going to Europe again this summer, last year I went to Cologne,. Could you recommend another historical city to visit preferably populated by Germans? The itinerary as of now includes Warsaw so I was thinking of checking out former Prussian cities.


What about Indonesia, Monaco and Greenland?
Retarded thread, which no real German would produce. You're at least half roach.

>preferably populated by Germans

Well that pretty much excludes all the bigger cities, but I think you wouldn't be doing yourself a favor if you shunned them. Hamburg and Munich are great, for example. I even like Berlin, though I think you'd probably hate it there.

Leipzig and Dresden are actually quite nice and they have a lower migrant rate than most other bigger cities.

I'm Bavarian so obviously I think Bavaria should be your #1 TOP PRIORITY. Munich is great, as I said, but I think you might enjoy the smaller cities and towns more, I'm thinking of Regensburg, Passau, Augsburg (migrants, but still cute, historic city) and Bayreuth. Bavarian villages are heaven, nice to look at, great food, and many have their own local brewery (try Aying, for example, great beer).

Also, it's just a 90 minute drive from Munich to Salzburg, so you could easily check off Austria on your list too. Salzburg is very small but really beautiful, the food is AMAZING.

And since you're planning to come in the summer, you should definitely plan to visit some of the Bavarian and Austrian lakes. Austria has the better lakes, but ours are nice too, like Walchensee, see pic related.

Also, from Munich it's just a 3 or 4 hour drive to Prague or Zurich.

Prague is beautiful and the people are great. Swtizerland's countryside is amazingly beautiful and always worth a visit, and Zurich is a nice little city with a beautiful lake.

>You're at least half roach.

How dare you.

I'm 100% roach.

I've been dying to go to Bavaria, it sounds beautiful! Maybe I will just go there to Munich from Warsaw then to Prague and maybe even Budapest. danke schön Brudi!

If you have yellow in your flag, you are a third world africa-tier shithole. Or as we call it nowadays: Germany.

once great empire
top country on earth
top country on earth
top country on earth
non degenerate
number 1 country on earth
oil rich country
I don't know
2nd largest and one of the nicest countries on earth

You're autistic

oh well ahmed

Alabama is a country and we aren't?

Finally someone points out the Eternal Dane

Fuck off Ahmed!

This thread again. Cool.


Anytime, burgerbro

Stay salty little brother..

wtf even is ur country. never heard of it. must be a piece of shit country filled with shitskins

God-tier aryan detected, you are so fucking right and these shitstain race traitors really need to FUCK OFF
Let's list them from left to right:
1. Turkroach
2. we wuz vikings
3. Mountain t*rks
4. Mountain jews
6. 2 dimensional cartoons literally destroyed the fertility of the whole country, LMAO
7. What the fuck is that, this country is so irrelevant that I still think that it's really the flag of Malta, another non-country.
8. Literally a state in the USA
9. A fucking Leaf

nice vpn faggot

Hans, your flag only needs a few more colors and you are officially Homoschland.

flags literally mean shit. you are retarded fro thinking otherwise.

this desu, its like the canada of the south

At least we use our weapons.

Hey Germafag, why do you come with your same bullshit everyday?

Your flag has BLACK in it. Degenerate fag.

You sound smelly.

it must be

uhhh do i count?