post hilldawg memes
Post hilldawg memes
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I'm with her
Can't wait to see you on Jan. 20th, drumftards.
There's still a thread up from before the election made by CtR on /vip/
y tho
Hilldawgmemes are kind of rare and their smugaura is off the charts.
Who the fuck made these?
You can tell it's a "hilldawg" meme because it doesn't hold up to reality, unlike Trump memes
They got money for it.
i got more.
I know redditors made this one. The sub melted down after the election to where they just harass Trump supporters now.
do it yourself
Why the difference?
you forgot this one cucks
The ones with the eyes that don't line up were made by Canadians in the end of October. Much like the 'draft our daughters' meme, they were intended to be spread on social media and subtly make Hillary look like an idiot. It's largely worked.
Were these made by CTR or something? There's that retarded one with the Trump Trolls or something in it that people believe to be, but I think these could have been made by CTR too.
One was done by a hillar supporter, the second one by a paid shill.
If they wanted us to like Hillary they should have posted about how many muslims she would have killed...
(((They))) never got our mindset right, i assume.
Still doesn't change our new national anthem.
also sage
>made by Canadians
>be spread on social media and subtly make Hillary look like an idiot.
If thats true, thanks based Canada. you know your path of shitpost.
KEK these are by far the funniest memes to come from this election. To think that some people believed that an autistic parasite could win against a billionaire. Keep me coming especially the ones with "Madam PRESIDENT" or "Drumpf"
bet you couldn't find anything as top tier as this, shillcunts
So anything with bowling ball eyes is a Canadian shitpost and everything else was CTR
haha i was faster
>drumpftards still delusional that Madame wont gatecrash the inauguration on January 20th
Deal with it. Your stupid little memeboy lost.
Are these fucking real? Were people really sharing this kind of crap during the election?
Clearly moloch and his minions can't be creative at all.
I just noticed that.
well played.
>he doesn't know about the coup
Yes, if you search the catalog you might be able to find the thread.
These are all based canadian shitposts. Probably some of the best memetic warfare of the entire election, aside from the draft our daughters one.
>still using drumpf
18 days left, pussy.
Severe autism.
Also worth noting that it took them MANY hours (and layers) to complete just one of these abominations.
Does anyone have the one with the really toothy grin?
The next election will be completely decided by memes. It will be the greatest memewar in history.
>Liberals trying to coup
These were where I stopped believing in meme magic. The hilldawg memes were being produced much faster and in higher quality than the pro-Trump memes at the end of the election. They're creative with a distinct atmosphere, capable of causing extreme butthurt and if Hillary actually won these images would crush the souls of the people who saw them.
If meme magic was real, these images would make Hillary win.
Holy fuck these hilldawg pics are Retarded, with a capital R. These are not even autistic, just plain retarded and so stupid it hurts my brain.
As if I needed more proof that "independent" is just pussyfag tongue for "Democrat"
Creating crap which has no contact on the real world doesn't work. You need to have some touchpoint / correlation to reality for the magic to happen. And on top of that, they gotta be funny, laugher is the driving force of kek.
These are all so bad it's comical.
He has a point. I know when I play vidya and kill somebody and they rage all I'll do is say "owned" in the chat and they'll go on a personal crusade. Poorly made memes/remarks hurt the most after a loss because in your head you KNOW they're poorly made
You forget the oct get that declared Trump would win. Kek confirmed more powerful than Moloch
Someone post the one with the Trump goblins and the handsome CTR anime dudes
Malaysian Mike, a drawfag from Malaysia who constantly shilled his patreon and got mad because nobody liked his memes.
I think they are both shills, also stormfags are the same shills. (create controversy)