Julian is missing, Wikileaks compromised, hack war enters the public domain. Discuss.
also dump Julian memes.
>USA establishment blame Russia for all hacks/leaks (to cover up that it is in fact ____ ) >Those who research into blockchain for WL secrets get v& (archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/103879880) >No news is good news, real news is fake news >All the while the noose tightens.
"In early November 2016, fake news sites and Internet forums falsely implicated the restaurant Comet Ping Pong and Democratic Party figures as part of a fictitious child trafficking ring, which was dubbed "Pizzagate"." Welp.
Austin Gomez
Wait till after the twentieth user. Spreading fud is not helpful to anyone. Desperate to replace WL as you are so sure it's compromised? Create your own leaks portal. WL never had a monopoly on leaks nor should it. Create a new one and learn from the mistakes of WL so you too don't get lured into honey pots as he did. Remain user.
Are we waiting for the day when we move beyond the current internet paradigm?
Ryder Cruz
There is massive support for the democratic efforts of leakers. You just won't hear about it through MSM sources. Ask your friends instead
Angel Stewart
The power of memes "Once everyone started imitating, the second replicator was let loose on the world, changing human evolution forever. The memes started to take control. Alongside useful skills, such as building fires, people copied less useful ones like fancy body decoration and downright costly ones such as energetic but futile rain dances." >Susan Blackmore (queen memeticist) susanblackmore.co.uk/Articles/SciAm00.html
Nolan Lee
Is there any reason to think he's not dead?
Kayden Murphy
Literally no convincing reason >well publicised DNA retrieval by lawyers (with no proof of Julian in embassy) >audio from a conference (free connected minds [ youtube.com/watch?v=R1mIvXWcV_s ])
nobody is really making the arguement that he isn't alive. many people (shills) use false positive arguements to slide genuine arguements >Blockchain irregularities [mempool flood] >Biggest DDOS in history >WL is compromised [pgp, behaviour etc.]
What are the theories re the Sean Hannity interview?
Angel Garcia
the insurance files wont open without a key why someone thought the key would be randomly in the blockchain is beyond me the insurance files in the blockchain, sure. but not the keys!
Theories: Ultra paranoid > Fake voice modulation software, not Assange Semi paranoid > Made up of clips from Assanges other speeches Mildly woke > Its an edited interview, why no video? Unwoken > Yay Julian is alaive
pic related
These videos etc. DO NOT change the narrative. Wikileaks cannot prove it is uncompromised, it has failed its own tests (pgp). We need to take the lead for ourselves, find alternatives and NEVER FORGET