How do we stop the migrant crisis?
>lol kill them all
no, real answers only
How do we stop the migrant crisis?
>lol kill them all
no, real answers only
Secure the borders and stop immigration
Deport all illegals
It's really that simple. The much harder problem is non-white/anti-european migrants who already have citizenship. They either need their citizenship revoked and be deported or it'll come to violence.
Sink a ship or two, let them drown. Then, you won't have as many coming over.
After rescuing immediately return to Africa without free food etc.
Either way and they'll immediately realize it's futile.
How is killing them not a real answer? Can they not die? Will they still rape and murder even while dead?
>gimme da answer to 2+2
>can't be 4
Autism in carnet
Literally kill them all
hey fellow leaf. Im going to need a source on that 25k salary buddo.
>Secure borders
>Deport all illegals
>Reform welfare
Suddenly the western world's migrant flood of useless shitskins turns into a trickle of people who are actually useful and will benefit the nation they're migrating to.
>people running away from their homes and families have it too good also some symphathise with terrorists that means we have to kill all of them or send them home!
top kek, stupid morons
>Virtue signaling on Sup Forums
This just isn't realistic. Just like yanks saying you'll kill all niggers when they shot those cops in Dallas.
You won't and neither will we.
>in carnet
For this to happen we need to stop voting for "moderates" and start electing people who are serious about fixing Europe's problems. People like LePen, Farage, Wilders, etc..
>people on welfare are out-bidding salaried professionals to purchase homes.
No they aren't. And if they are, it's a small fraction.
The only solution is for white people to stop being pussies and start taking them out. The government is never going to do anything to stop it, so the only solution is citizens getting fed up enough that they can't leave their house without seeing burkas and shit
The government has to come out and say NO MORE REFUGEES FROM NON-WAR TORN PLACES.
>importing millions of fresh brown bulls to inseminate our wives' wombs and give us an endless reserve of cum to swallow at our leisure while working in labor camps to ensure that they can live in mansions on welfare
Top kek pol is fucking retarded.
Your attitude is the reason people won't do it.
Alot of people want to kill these mudslime but they are afraid of negative press. If more people were honest this wouldn't be a problem.
This should already be a thing. Fucking hell I am so triggered that we use the term "refugees" for these cunts from Algeria and Pakistan.
The entire middle east is war torn, so no, no refugees period. Idgaf if little Ahmed's house burned up, they're fucking cockroaches who send their own children to blow themselves up, fuck all the browns
A Very Thick Process of Immigration for Migrants. Background Checks that search the ever living shit out of them, and if they don't have any identification, in papers, or anything. They are not allowed in. If a country doesn't have a process like that, shut down immigration until you do.
Secure the Border.
Decrease the amount of Money each Government gives Migrants. A amount where they are pressure into getting a job with the rest of your society and will hopefully become more Westernized
Don't allow them to group up in one area like that one town in Michigan I believe
Because then they will not integrate with the rest of society and will eventually overtake the local population and will continue to spread.
Don't allow them access to special programs that give them more money. Again they need to be pressured into getting jobs. Currently they can sign up for multiple programs to the point where they and they're families can be set for life while the Tax Payer has to fork over more cash so they can be unemployed.
Ban Eastern Euros from coming in, a majority of the "refugees" now seeking asylum in Europe are from the Balkans
At least do the math right, $86000, not 96000.
>[email protected]
Russia and the US, and their proxies, must support repatriation, new sustainable borders, and semi-self-governed semi-autonomous safe zones.
No more sectarian bullshit.
Terrorists get immediately stamped out.
The Shias with the Shias, Sunnis with the Sunnis, Kurds with Kurds, snowflakes with snowflakes.
How about the imperialist ameritards stop destabilizing the Middle East with its perpetual never-ending warfare, allow Assad to return to power, and we send back most of these migrants to wherever they came from and let them solve their issues by themselves?
Stop blaming America for everything.
These sand people are fleeing Asaad not the US military. They rebelled against their govt and are getting BTFO
>Letting the Kurds have a state
they're commies, terrorists, and provocateurs
not worth it for the fun itll be to piss off turkey
You get what you incentivize.
-Make the journey more dangerous. This will mean some people may die. Even good people.
-Reform welfare, make it harder to receive benefits, tie up claims in a hopeless labyrinth of bureaucracy.
-Stringent background checks.
-Secure every land and water border.
Either that or wait until the welfare system becomes so over-burdened the average family begins to feel resentment towards the 'refugees' due to their standard of living being decreased to fuel the comfortable life of parasites. Add in increased social tensions and criminal predation, especially on children like in Rotherham and you have a powderkeg and perhaps a catalyst for change, and not the Obama liberal feel good hopium kind.
>new sustainable borders
On a government level, close the borders.
But on an individual level, convince as many people as possible that globalism and this migration is bad.
>they're commies, terrorists, and provocateurs
That's why they're all the more dangerous as a diaspora.
With a state, the radicals will have no or little room to complain, and they can be dealt with geopolitically.
>i.e. agents of the Larger Powers going to keep them in shape
So you're saying Russia is going to use the opportunity during new population transfers and state formations to assert and extend its influence?
As if that's not what's already happening?
As if the US isn't doing that?
>kill them all
Literally this. Close the borders, establish an armed patrol, deport all illegals.
>bunch of sand people attempt to cross a border on a boat
>warn them if the cross the border, demand them to leave, shoot them if they refuse
This is how country borders are supposed to work.
>As if that's not what's already happening?
>As if the US isn't doing that?
This x 10. Global multinational nation world is the future. Based Russia and USA lead the way.
this isn't even accurate lol stfu op