How many Neets on Sup Forums?

>Just out of high school, need a job because I don't know what i'm going to do next.
>Don't want to fall for that, and pay gov'ment debt
>either get entry level job w/ no debt or get entry level job and overqualified w/ debt
>browsing jobs online
>Warehouse, 12.50 an hour
>oh sweet!
>required 2 years of warehouse work experience

That's it Sup Forums, I officially join your /Neet/ squad.

How many of you are Neets here?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just do a trade. Welder/electrician/plumber the list goes on and they're all good well paying jobs.
No excuses.

>>Don't want to fall for that, and pay gov'ment debt
Why would you "fall" for college
If you can study why not study?

Apprenticeships for entry level job?

You're already a Neet. Its not like you're earning any money. Maybe apprentice some place to get the experience then get the entry level job rather than getting a degree to get an entry level job.

you eurofgags and your comunist free college. I bet you dont even know what student loans are.

To to college, faggot. Robots will take away your slave job opportunities soon enough.

Just don't study a faggot subject. Being one class away from completing my minor in psychology, I can say this: 90% of it is silly, politicized nonsense. My major, on the other hand, is 100% $$$: statistics. :)

EMT jobs are stressful but available. You have to pay for a few months of training.

It'll get you fit, give you a good work ethic, and people will respect you for it. From there you can do more training and become a paramedic for more income, or go get an AA degree from community college in something worthwhile.

Just a suggestion. It's hard out there dude, good luck.

>not inventing job history out of thin air
>not using friends as "former employers" or pretending to be your own previous employer using apps that allow you to have a new number, fielding the reference calls yourself
>not faking your way through training
>not saying your forklift operator license is expired and they need to provide you new training
>not knowing how to play the game of life

What a fucking retard you are...

Correction to my message: Go to college*


A bunch of pissed off white male betas spreging on the internet because they can't talk to girls and sauve brown people can.

I love to eatch you destroy your own race losers.

Never listen to advice on majors from anyone still in school

Well if you want to study bullshit you will still have student loans
Usually gender studies and shit
If you study MINT stuff you are fine

I thought STEM was the same shit since it basically means the same stuff.

I'm actually earning $50k/yr as a data scientist while still in school, so kindly fuck yourself with my dollars while I laugh at you.

Just major in STEM and enjoy a wonderful life

Been NEET since I was like 12, on benefits since like 9 (except one I claimed when 18), get £800/mo for free + housing benefit if I ever move out.

Life's sweet lad.

You dont know what fafsa is do you faggot ? Just go to a community COLLEGE(illiterate ass nigger) sign up for 12 units , free $10,000.

If you aren't sure what you want to do, work in a factory for a year or two and put some serious thought into what you want out of your life. What kind of hours are you willing to put up with? What kind of work environment? Something physically or mentally taxing? Something that gives you feelings of accomplishment, or an easy paycheck? Is debt going to be worth it?

Different answers for different people, you have to make these decisions yourself, senpai. Whatever you do, though, take it seriously and don't fuck it up. Of my group of friends from highschool, I'm the only one that didn't fuck around in college and actually graduated. Now myself and one of my friends that went straight into factory work are the only ones enjoying life.

>since 12
I already do this, just not sure if you can fake a collage degree


I almost hope that the white betas win and they start systematically removing/limiting/killing other people.

>Muslims gone
>Brown people gone
>Jews gone
>Gays gone
>Fat people gone

Ugh...I still can't fuck Taylor Swift. This is the gingers fault.

Then they just start trimming themselves down to boring average people who just hate indiscriminately

Hated school so rarely attended/got myself sent home when I did, eventually got expelled and put in some online school which served as a legal loophole. Lucky me I guess.


youre a pathetic human being. kys.

Some people can but you can't even spell the fucking word , neck yourself nigger.

>>required 2 years of warehouse work experience
Just apply anyway. They don't actually care

I quit my job of 4 years in last June. Had to spent some time in mental institution (I´m fucked in the head), living off on my savings now (about 10k still left).

I really regret quitting that job now, but as a someone like me who is manic-depressive schizid my actions are rarely make any sense. It made sense after being awake for like 3 weeks in a row.

Have to start all over again. At least I got years worth of experience.

>my actions are rarely make any sense

gib stories

Good read, I feel like this is the way to go as literally 100% of the people I know just went straight to collage.

Feminist I knew in school had their parents pay 300k to go to a school for film/feminine studies.

We all know where that will lead.

It's bullshit like that where people put themselves in a hole they cant dig out of.

I'm about to fail college. Future neet here.

If you're good looking and female
Become a stripper and/or a prostitute
You will be making as much money as a doctor

NEET for 12 years here, life is good. If I can't get a wife or the state can't provide me sex I wont do anything productive.

aren't you Canadians supposed to be nice?

I'm not technically a NEET but I just fuck around at uni which doesn't feel much better.

Men are losers who will talk shit and abuse you.
God gave you an ATM between your legs and the men hate how much power THEY give it.


That is if your pimp doesn't take it all or another gang tells you to stop (and by stop i mean kill you)

I had a retarded teacher in school tell me it was spelled "collage" now i subconsciously spell it that way.

American education i guess.

get a computer science degree.

Fuckin loser

>required 2 years of warehouse work experience
>Write 2 years of warehouse experience on your resume
>Put dad as reference and tell him so he knows to cover for you
>Get there
>"Let's see your experience then"
>Pick up box, walk somewhere else and put it down
>"Wow, great job user! Welcome aboard!"

Apply anyway. They put that to scare off idiots with zero real ambition.

Clearly it works.

> oy vey goyim being social is bad, learn feminism, lean quantum gravity, big bang and (((history)))
> why are you failed in life? you must be neet!
falling for neet meme is what`s degenerate

I failed college and was a neet for 1 week total.
I just picked up a trade that was in high demand (HVAC in my case), took evening classes to get my certificates whilst working low-tier jobs on construction sites.
And one year later I'm a certified technician making 2.400 euro net each month.
I make more than my friends who actually made it through college, I have to admit that I do work a lot more and it isn't as comfy.
But who cares, comfy office jobs are for women anyway.

>get £800/mo for free + housing benefit if I ever move out.
Similar here, it's not worth it to have a job at all if you have to pick from minimum wage jobs. Welfare provides a lot more financial security.

You don't need a college degree to work in warehouses as grunt labor for near minimum wages.

won't they eventually figure out that you lied about 2 years worth of experience once you get there and don't know shit?

What can I say? I wasn't born to be a mindless slave, my will was just too strong to control.

I am a neet because the capitalist society is keeping me away from obtaining pussy thus destroying my life.

We must sieze the means of production and force women to give pussy for free equally to all men.

I think they are making some new laws in 2017, so I doubt i can be NEET for long.

>okay user we need you to operate this forklift
>i gotchu famalamadingdong :^)))))

>gib stories

I can say that I was mentally totally normal until at 23 years old I was diagnosed with a physical disease I don´t wanna go into too much detail. Basically I was not able to sleep for 8 months expect like 45minutes and then wake up to pain.
Then I lost my old house and gf and still battling with the disease: all this stuff triggered some psychotic episode to me.

I basically wander around the forests few days, broke into some cabin, stole people stuff (stupid stuff, like bicycle and motor saw, some garden statues) vandalizing property because some house had "wrong number" or I felt like it.

Well anyway, the physical stuff disappeared and I was cured, but still that stuff triggered something in my brain. During last 2 years I´ve spent almost 2 months in mental institution. The Doctors think I am suicidal and danger to myself, even though I´ve never definitely tried to harm myself, but seriously sleep deprived, days without food and wandering without aim is self-destructive behavior and I do agree now that I am better.

When they do you'd have to rely on their sympathy and knowing they're firing you because you lied to them at the beginning, but proved to be an asset

Not a NEET, but all I can ask is you have somesort of dream. I wish I had some in my mid 30s. At least you finished high school as I don't have a GED, so despite over a decade of employment, you're a hell of a lot more qualified than me.

Perhaps if given a better deal in the next life, I can try to get a cool job in engineering or something, but I'm too old to start at the absolute bottom for my $100k in tuition costs only to be in the workforce for not so long.

>fall for the trade meme
>learn to weld
>now I am unemployed but at least I can fix shovels

We just elected a guy that's going to make it 20x harder to be a neet, you dipstick.


Kys your profession is helping destroy the world.

How are you an unemployed welder? I can drive through any industrial district in my state and see signs that say "Welders Needed. All levels."

Nigga you break my heart every time you post. Has it at least slowed down post-Holidays?

I tried, but feminism(HR), Jewery, and Boomers have essentially worked in ca'hoots to create defacto slavery for the average millenial dude. So I said fuck it.

This cunt gets it. Take his sound advice! Think of years exp as just a shit test. Its designed to weaken your confidence to filter out those who aren't sure if they can move a box. But you don't need to waste two years learning how to do that.

Nah Trump's gonna take money from our "allies" and give it to us neets.

Does this actually work or are you just some NEET LARPing as someone with a job?

so repeat process constantly until you know what you're doing?

Warehouse work isn't complicated. All you have to do ia say you've never workes on that particular forklift before and don't understand their process. All they're going to do is put you through their training prior to you actually working on the floor anyway.

>he didn't lie his way to becoming the CEO of some Fortune 500 company

>what is reading comprehension

I'm a small business owner, I don't expect anyone I hire to know anything about my business. I actually prefer it because I can train them specifically to know/do exactly what I want. A blank slate to scribe upon.

Essentially, yes.

You fucking neets should just bet on predictit

Join the military get free collage and while you are in decide what you want to be. Afterwards start your own business be your own boss.

started an apprenticeship as cutting machine operator. 6 months in and i already know that i`m going to be a neet after i finish it

As a someone who has driven shitload of forklifts for the last 5 years, I´m pretty sure you cannot pull that off with some "prior training"

I mean sure all forklifts are not same, but you sure as hell will fuck up if you have really not any experience operating one ever.


Just fucking pick random companies and say you were the CEO of them on your resume
It's not fucking hard.

No company in the world is going to let you out on the factory floor without personally training you. Period. Have YOU ever just walked into a job without being brought up to their personal standards, had 0% training with them as well and just expected to produce quality work?

I bet not.

No company in the world is going to let you out on the factory floor without personally training you. Period. Have YOU ever just walked into a job without being brought up to their personal standards, had 0% training with them as well and just expected to produce quality work?

I bet not.

It works just fine. If you are a quick learner and willing to do the work when you get the job, employers won't blink.

Another option is going to Walmart and gettinget a phone with minutes for 20 bucks. Be your own reference.

I had a bad landlord who hated me and my dog. Did that when I was looking for a new place.

They can make a lot of money though

I worked in one of the biggest logistics warehouses in Finland driving primarily Reach forklifts.

The company did have a policy that they "mentor" you to operate forklifts before you are even allowed to drive one, but I told I am familiar using those specific (reach) forklifts and assured my boss so he never did bother to even train me because he took my word for it.

Wouldn't work for forklift or machine work, but manual labor it works fine.

Great so they have a built in failsafe and your response was unmerited. Nice. Thank you for proving my point.

Protip: as an employer I expect everyone to lie on their resume.

Go to trade school you dummy. It's a lot cheaper than college. Welding, electrician, plumbing, construction, carpentry, truck driving, just pick something.

>Be in college
>Majoring in IT
>Get a co op in IT Operations
>Make $20/hr
>Pay $1,000 a month towards my student loans
WOOOOAH so hard!

I work in one of the largest harbors in Sweden and I showed up one day, told them I could drive a forklift, and they hired me the same day, and within a month I had gone from driving 3.5-ton lifters to 16-ton lifters, where my previous experience (and license) was only up to 10.

If you're not an incompetent shitheel, providing for yourself is very easy. Now they have me working logistical administration instead because I told them I was good with computers (which when adjusted for this kind of work basically means you're born sometime after 1980).

I love my job, my coworkers, my work. A friendlier, more down to earth group of people you'll never meet, and literally everyone is redpilled as fuck.

there was always the chance you didn't get the job.

lol no, it all costs money

>I work in one of the largest harbors

Good for you man. Here in Finland, or at least in my city, Harbor is a no-go zone without heavy connections to them, either through relatives or some other way. They have a huge, almost "cartel-like" control over things here: because the truth is: if they close the docks nothing gets past. No import, no export.

The workload is more than ever because no one completes the job when I'm not there and I'm backed up the whole week.

This. Trade school is invaluable.

The world will always need plumbers, carpenters, electricians, etc

So funny how you think that Europe is a country.

I'm schizophrenic and on neet bux. haven't left my room much for 10 years.

>TFW I fell for the college meme

I'm only a semester in and I'm ALREADY sick of the bullshit they make you do. It's a giant fucking scam where clueless retards take on untold amounts of debt for useless classes and useless degrees. Many of the professor they taught Marxism in school (which I got so pissed off about that my Literature teacher gave me 30 minutes the next class to prove to the class that race was a biological reality, which I did through proving that behavior is a determinant of both environmental and genetic factors, partially relying on race and ethnicity and citing studies of monozygotic twins and the Bell Curve)

Alright Sup Forums, college is a meme, but we really need to infiltrate the shit out of it. We can't keep letting the normies be brainwashed in this manner.

you both are complete wastes of our hard work. get the fuck off of welfare and kys