Sup Forums approved or no?
It's weird.
It's both full of good and bad information.
Sup Forums is like a parody of stormfront desu
Sup Forums makes Stormfront look like the smartest place in the universe.
Which is bad because it's populated solely by literal rednecks.
Babby's first right-wing forum.
Stormfront is for dumb people
stormfront fails with its name alone
just drop the cringey shit -- no putting storm in front of your website's name, no roman saluting, and no heil hitler
then maybe we can actually make progress towards a white ethnostate
No. The place is full with a bunch of faggots. I hope none of them post here.
is it like a website?
Lol stormcucks
I approve of them sucking my big brown cock. Fucking white niggers.
They're pretty autistic and I have yet to see any intelligent people on their forums
>literal rednecks
natsocs. Le redneck meme
Yeah, its a website where a bunch of white neo nazis roleplay giving each other blowjobs and fantasize about living in a pro gay Nazi era.
He's right. They are rednecks, a bunch of white trash, inbred hicks.
TRS is objectively better. However there is nothing inherently wrong with being a White nationalist. Only people who think its wrong are cucks, migrants and commie leftists.
blaming all your problems on invisible racial boogeymen is the literal definition of cuckservatism
Why is being a white nationalist ok but BLM is wrong?
>TRS is objectively better.
Interesting information but it's just too much. I don't want to make hating/fighting blacks and Jews my sole purpose in life.
I fucking love Stormfront's podcast!!!!
Pardon? Europe has a big and I mean very big actual real life dangerous problem in terms of Muslims destroying the continent. Nothing fake about that. BLM the radical left and paid for actors are trying to undermine America as we speak but you're right friend I am fighting invisible parasites. 14
yeah when they aren't getting raided by leftists or ironmarch
it's actually nowhere close desu senpai
Im a Slav so i can't be objective on the subject matter
I'll tell you what's wrong with being a white fagtiolist. Well not really that it is wrong, but just stupid.
In the US, for example.
>40% of Americans are nonwhite
>around 3000 nonwhites born everyday
Tell me again how white nationalism will ever accomplish anything when your "people" are a fringe minority who is hated by about 90% of the US population? You have no support from your fellow whites.
low support doesnt make it wrong
>You have no support from your fellow whites.
The whole point is to build the movement now so that it's well established when we become a minority.
Secession is always an option, and if there are whites that don't want to participate, that's fine.
monkey-tiered idiots
FBI honeypot riding the coat tails of what a renewed right has accomplished. Useless and unnecessarily divisive. Other side of the SJW coin.
They have to go back. Sup Forums stands with Israel as decreed by our God Emperor.
Someone has to fight the good fight. You shouldn't give up even when things get hard or we become outnumbered
Stormcucks aren't liked. Too tight arsed. Taking the kek out of Sup Forums just isn't what the board is about and I say that as I progressive here to laugh at you.
So don't confuse the natsoc friendliness and memery for literal natsoc identity. A lot of it is for the contrarian edge bundled with conservative / reactionary values.
>blaming all your problems on invisible racial boogeymen is the literal definition of cuckservatism
According to you
It's a FBI honeypot.
The ONLY Sup Forums approved site
Stormfront is populated mostly with 65 year old truck drivers.
>blaming all your problems on invisible racial boogeymen is the literal definition of cuckservatism
The alt-right is primarily blaming visible racial boogeymen for the actual things they do to undermine our countries and promote their own ethnic interest.
Not all problems are the problem of niggers, beaners, and kikes. But each of those groups causes problems for us.
Drop the Hitler bullshit and only promote White rights not hating other(only need to point out how niggers act)
A fight you will never win? Why don't you just live out your life in a good and positive manner instead of associating yourself with a movement that hates people based on the color of their skin?
White Nationalism will never accomplish anything, the world has progressed too far, there are at least three generations of people who have been indoctrinated to beleive all people are equal and no one should be discriminated by their race.
If white nationalism didnt gain any traction during the 1940's, what the hell maked you think it has a chance of doing so in the future? Look at the current demographics and how fast they are changing.
Same thing basically
We just have danker memes
>TRS isnt white nationalist
Lmao fucking what? Yes we absolutley are
Only correct answer
>my understanding of white nationalism is literally Hollywood nazi and kkk stereotype
Damn you sure showed him
>A fight you will never win
How the fuck do you know? People said Trump would never win and that Brexit would never happen and here you sit saying like you know shit.
>Why don't you just live out your life in a good and positive manner instead of associating yourself with a movement that hates people based on the color of their skin?
Because these things are important to people. Fuck no I am not gonna sit on my ass all day doing nothing and just accept that white countries are going to be overrun by non white people. And race is not skin deep.
>the world has progressed too far
Progressed to where? I would really like to know. Who the fuck described the destination to where we are "progressing" and what that destination is. Because it seems like its just bunch of liberal "muh right side of history" shit.
>there are at least three generations of people who have been indoctrinated to beleive all people are equal and no one should be discriminated by their race
So fucking what? Shit changes all the time, remember when Egyptian worshiped their kings as gods? Gee I wonder how many generations did that.
>If white nationalism didnt gain any traction during the 1940's
What a pleb statement. There was no such thing back then. Fascism or at least right wing authoritarianism was extremely popular in Europe
>Look at the current demographics and how fast they are changing
People actually get more aware of their race and nationality when their demographics shrink. Just like in Europe and USA
Next time don't make a long shitty post it takes too long to debunk this thrash.