Are Lesbians degenerate? A threat to western civilization?
Are Lesbians degenerate? A threat to western civilization?
Yes. Look up Liam Fee if you're a retard who thinks porn reflects reality.
If I hate men but have no interest in women, am I asexual?
You're just on your period.
No, you're just a faggot.
Wow they liked it so much
Why would they pose a threat?
Isn't LGBT like 5% of population
Just like my Chinese Cartoons!
Because they're already in control and more than halfway through turning the West into a second Sodom.
>Because they're already in control
of what? the jews are controlling us
Look at how the so-called right-wing now defend fags, especially the autistic-right despite their bitching about muh Jews and the Frankfurt school try and airbrush out the fact that sodomy was one of the more important goals of their plans.
>right-wing now defend fags
Im' not promoting it either, what would you do to fags?
Imprison them who engage in it for endangering society.
Besides, you're now not European for opposing fags, since it's """implicitly""" white.
a lesbian could take advantage of the alt-right movement, especially with women (lauren southern) and gays (milo yiannopoulos) becoming a thing.
since the alt-right is a movement full of betas and white-knights, she'd easily build up her own personal army to do shit on social media
just by making out with another girl in a trump hat, that alone would generate millions, and a book deal
its the perfect scam, and its just sitting there
based poland
Why so butthurt?
Problem is there's no such thing as a lesbian that's not as hideous on the outside as they are on the inside.
HURR but ids homophobic dey're not white we wuz romans havin man-boy cum n shit Duurrr
>Imprison them who engage in it for endangering society.
I just don't fucking get it, how is it "endangering society", the only result for society is that 2 people won't produce offspring,
it's not a threat like muslims who are inherently violent. I really don't care what consenting adults are doing in their bedroom, why the fuck would I
>Turning a relatively rare disease into a global pandemic, that's leached millions of taxpayer money to try and cure because they threaten to murder people who tell them to stop.
>"I don't get how they're a danger."
Put the bottle down for at least a minute, dumbass.
And consent in a bedroom doesn't mean shit since what's allowed to grow in darkness will grow out of darkness. Look at how society capitulated to them by decriminalising sodomy, they were more than quick enough to begin threatening Christians demanding they commit sodomy on Church alters pretending it's "marriage", and getting the police to arrest anyone who even slightly disagrees with them.
A hundred sodomites are a bigger danger than a hundred million Islamist immigrants, since the former makes the infected nation suseptable to the latter, rather ironically given that Islamists know what fags are really like; it's also why there's none in your country, because your people are aware of the danger posed by the LBGT mafia.
Tits or GTFO
It's like my North Korean comic publications
>Turning a relatively rare disease into a global pandemic
there's a diffrence between demanding special rights and Live and let live,
Also are you implying that more and more people are becoming LGBT due to propaganda?
Do you think being gay is a choice? You are either attracted so someone or you are not, where's the choice in that?
The special rights they wanted was live and let live; never being judged for their immorality that can nothing but destroy society, and those rights did nothing but bring death.
More and more are accepting of such deathstyles due to propaganda.
And there's a difference between being homosexual and being a faggot that's a coin-toss away from rapiing a child to death (and of course getting away with it, sicne we can't have homophobic police stopping child-rape)
Most were molested as kids. Literally mental illness. Call Mike Pence fir treatment
>that can nothing but destroy society, and those rights did nothing but bring death.
citation needed
>And there's a difference between being homosexual and being a faggot that's a coin-toss away from rapiing a child to death (and of course getting away with it, sicne we can't have homophobic police stopping child-rape)
what is slippery slope
no, reichwing conservatives are the degens.
>Citation needed.
Do you think the AIDS epidemic is a Jewish conspiracy?
>What is the slippery slope.
As real as you or me. Go back to 1990, or even as short back as 10 years ago, there was no talk of letting men into women's bathroom and anyone objecting being ostricised by all their friends and arrested. Someone who accepts that their sick and refuses to indulge in it, they're aware of the truth so they'll actually be able to live and not be miserable.
so they hurt themselves? who cares? It's not like you or me are effected by this.
I agree with you on the second part though, as in you should be able to call a biological man what he is, a man, and treat him as such.
I can belive you're only attracted to women if you're woman.
I dont believe you're man just because you said you feel like one
>I hate men
Damn I am sorry about your ugliness problem.
>who cares?
Becuase their mafia has forced everyone else to pay for what they've done. Not to mention the few who have contracted STDs from being raped by them, almost always as children, that's not hurting themselves.
They are nothing but the embodiement of hedonistic nihilism, and societal acceptance of that is why Europe is being walked over by the third world.
And you're capable of being attracted to the same gender, just as much as you're capable of being schizophrenic.
In my experience, women who enjoy eating pussy are more reasonable, level headed, and down to earth than women who do not. Just my two cents. I think lezzies are bro-tier.
Only if they begin doing really obscene stuff.