Should weed be legal?
Should weed be legal?
Drug addicts should be fucking beaten.
Fuck statist autists
>drug addicts
Eh, weed although degenerate is alcohol-tier, you can be just as stupid if you are an alcoholic.
I say let them smoke weed and die of lung cancer 20 years from now, natural selection
What do you think she eats when she gets the "munchies"?
There is a bit of a divide among the true right about this. Even TRS goys are 50-50 on it so legalization is inevitable in the west even as nationalist and traditionalists are creeping up on power.
I mean the culture is degenerate no doubt, but is really that degenerate to smoke some weed after work or occasionally?
Regardless of how you feel about weed, prohibition doesn't work and the war on drugs is harmful, so, yea.
>Eh, weed although degenerate is alcohol-tier
How many times a week do people get drunk on average, unless they're alcoholic trash?
Having a glass of wine with dinner doesn't do shit.
In comparison, how many times a week does your average stoner get get high and still claim to be a normal member of society?
If weed was legal we wouldnt have to smoke it we could get the oils easier and the degenerate part is taken out the mix your arguement is invalid
How many times has this thread played out like this now????
I'm thinking of ceasing use;
Well, shit, it motivates me to better know that paranoia feeling you get from it??? I get it but it focuses on what I'm doing with myself so I feel guilt if I'm not being productive. Anyone else get dejavu triggered nausea???
I bet there are people in your life you use marijuana on a regular basis and still function perfectly fine.
>I mean the culture is degenerate no doubt, but is really that degenerate to smoke some weed after work or occasionally?
No. Just keep it to yourself and don't act like a nigger.
>not a drug
Better question:
Should reddit be legal?
yes because it's not the government's place to tell people what they can and can't put into their own bodies
why are you excluding alcoholics in your comparison to stoners?
>surrounding yourself with degenerates
Not to mention it's incredibly obvious the side effects of weed.
Well, potheads are just alcoholics addicted to a different drug.
If someone smoke small amounts of weed on weekends it isn't terrible, just like if someone drinks some beer on the weekends it isn't terrible.
And yes I know that potheads try and claim marijuana is the greatest shit ever and that also has to stop
You monumental Idiot!
You have clearly fallen for all the Fox-news propaganda. Keep voting Republican, man!
>it's not the government's place to tell people what they can and can't put into their own bodies
Sounds like degenerate commie talk
You and all drug doers need a visit from the Right Wing Safety Squad
Alcohol should be illegal too.
Sure, illegalizing it would disrupt the free market.
Please, outside your individual biases alcohol is indisputably more harmful to any society (by far).
There should be no government prohibition of any drugs. Freedom means you should have the freedom to put whatever you want into your body.
t. Recovering alcoholic and recovering drug addict
I'd love to win 75 joints
No but obesity should.
it already is famalam
I smoked in college a little and it always made me hyper aware of my body.
Imagine this beast when she feels all her rolls when she sits down
We have the technology to at least do a better job compared to the 20s
Being a fat fuck should be illegal.
No, junkies should be euthanized
go back faggot
if you think weed is degenerate it is your own fault. either you had a bad experience due to your subhuman brain and lack of willpower or you choose to associate with nu-male faggots. anti-weed is my litmus test for bootlicking non-men.
>muh deaths
Which is why marijuana is more dangerous to society. Alcohol at least ends your degenerate life early
And whatever family of 4 you plow into on the way out.
The only guys I know who still smoke weed after their mid-20s are the guys who deal a little on the side and were in to doing coke and other stuff as well.
Everybody else I knew who did it habitually several times a week when they were younger, admits they can't be arsed buying it anymore because it's no longer fits in their social life.
I smoked weed as well when I was at uni. But only at parties.
Taking substances to get out of your mind in a non-social capacity is weak, whether it's weed, booze or whatever.
Booze has the hangover to remind you that it's fucking degenerate to do every day. Weed simply allows you to abuse it more easily.
seriously is this supposed to sway me? Also BING, now you're just trolling.
gif related, its you
You have to go back.
Yes, that too. But comparing the two, marijuana creates living degenerates that society has to pay for, compared to dead degenerates with some collateral damage
Kill yourself stoner
weed doesnt create shit you dumb faggot, leave your safe space and live in the real world.
Being that fat shouldn't be legal.
It obviously left its marks on your brain
i feel that since this is degenerate that i must make up for it which i find it typically better for me
How about alcoholics?
How about smokers?
If neither of these are a problem then why are all drugs the same? There are obviously hard and soft drugs.
Nah, I just believe that instead of throwing people in jail for drug addiction, we should be helping people instead.
Basically I think hard drugs should be illegal to sell but legal to use.
Yes. Legalizing, taxing, legitimizing it is the best way to get rid of the degeneracy surrounding it.
I'm still on the fence about harder drugs, though. Harder drugs are harmful and addictive and I'm not sure legalizing them would solve any major problems.
I live in Massachusetts, and right next to a weed dispensary and a "indoor growing" supply shop
The parking lot is constantly full during business, and all I see coming in and out are disgusting college-aged students who would be laughed out of a job interview because they look like shit. Not to mention they could probably never pass a drug test
Please, tell me how weed isn't damaging to the health of a society
>the degenerate state says it isn't degenerate, therefore it isn't degenerate
thats what i mean by leaving your safe space faggot, you live in a liberal fantasy world. of course you see degenerates everywhere, stop blaming plants and start blaming yourself because YOU let it happen.
Alcoholism is worse. 20% of drinkers buy 80% of the booze out there.
>Ban alcohol
Suddenly crime gangs everywhere with innocents getting caught in the crossfire.
>Remove ban
Little timmy no longer getting gunned down in the street just so people can get their hooch.
Marijuana is one of those issues that I think right folk kneejerk against because they think they should.
There's a lot of fucking capital to be made if businesses were allowed to sell it.
it should be legal to kill people for being degenerates, then everything can be legal.
checked and 100% of the weed junkies buy 100% of the weed so checkmate atheists
I lived here for 29 years. Granted, I'm moving in a few months to the deep south in order to be closer to my parents, but no one should accept the degeneration of their birthplace
>there's a lot of fucking capital
And libertarians show their true form: A pawn for the Jews
i smoke weed everyday.
I smoke weed everyday and I'll out live you. I'm stronger than you, smarter than you, faster than you, have more stamina and endurance than you, have better intuition that you, have better self awareness than you, have better physical prowess than you.
Not at all. No first rate nation should be intoxicated on drugs. Brave New World came true. We have a world kept pacified on legal and illegal drugs and people think its a good thing.
Kikes were successful with getting the goyim to believe that keeping life-killing drugs away from society was "anti-freedom"
>Physical dependence.
It's addicting in the same way watching tv, over eating, and a plethora of other shit can be.
I personally wouldn't recommend smoking it though. Just like alcohol if it becomes a habit, it'll ruin your life.
How about my unique brand of Meme magic?
>weedman being an Internet tough guy
Degeneracy is one hell of an autistic disease.
eating too much mcd's can ruin your life son
Son I think you have an addiction to internet shitposting.
>>drug addicts
Then give it up. I love this it's not addictive argument. Evidently it is just enough to make people want to smoke it.
First off, I don't even smoke the stuff, but keeping it illegal is stupid.
Is it some miracle drug? No, but it isn't addictive like crack or heroin, you don't rob people or suck dick because you can't find some weed.
Last but not least, do you like spending all those tax dollars feeding and housing people doing time for lighting up a fucking joint?
It's degenerate, sure. But I don't want tax money or resources being wasted on it.
Yes. It's actually got medicinal uses as an anti-seizure/nausea medicine that can be grown and enjoyed recreationally without killing it's users.
I'd rather have millions of pot smokers than millions of heroin users any day.
I don't want to lose my one source of income.
If someone enjoys something, why should some random person on the internet calling them an addict convince them to quit?
What's that, you like eating food? You addict, stop that.
What's that, you enjoy running? You addict, stop that.
What's that, you enjoy shitposting? you addict, stop that.
If I find something fun and enjoyable and continue to do it for those reasons =/= addiction. If I get fucking dt's from not smoking cannabis, that's an addiction.
Is it a boon outside of the medical field? No? Well, don't legalize it.
And fuck people who compare it to alcohol. Normal people don'y drink to get hammered, maybe to get tipsy at the most. Not the same thing with weed. Also, "it's not AS bad as -blank-, so legalize it" is shit-tier reasoning. Lastly, legalizing it would be perceived as encouraging its use, where for alcohol/cigarettes/whatever, the public is NOT being encouraged to use it. False fucking equivalence
>says Joe in his dimly lit basement, full of piss bottles and anime posters, while his mom asks if he wants another sandwich
>implying the majority of pot supporters don't engage in a cheech and chong movie behavior.
How can you operate machinery when your judgement is impaired? I know most pot users don't restrict their intake to only occasionally at night or weekends. I know these are stupid questions because weed users are too fucked up to think straight.
>t actually autustic lolbertarian
The rate-a-sin argument. Keep smoking that shit pea brain.
Admit it. You're a fucking pothead. Must make your parents proud.
You can't, I'm not encouraging a free for all, smoke it all the time deal. There's a time and place for it as with alcohol.
These are all cringy as fuck. The autism is strong with this one.
Yes, but being fat should be punishable by death.
> legalizing it would be perceived as encouraging its use, where for alcohol/cigarettes/whatever, the public is NOT being encouraged to use it
>Alcohol/cigarettes/whatever is also legal.
>therefore perceived as encouraging
>But not in this case.
That's who I buy my pot from. We smoke together quite a bit. And if your definition of a pothead is
>smokes cannabis
then yeah sure.
Why drag this to heavy machinery? Can those people operate said machinery while drunk? What does it matter? If you're implying that after legalization everyone will be stoned all the time you're fucking high and I want some of what you're smoking.
I still have not seen a credible argument against legalization. I just see ignorance and a total lack of common sense with a mentality stuck in the 50's era of "reefer madness" bullshit.