This is your mind on a semitic religion


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I'm guessing when he talks about door mats and people pleasers, he really means having basic manners.

>'Johnny stop playing with your own shit at the dinner table'
>lol no fuck you mom i do what i want im a free thinker
>fucking christians always trying to please others if only they were all as enlightened as me

lol honestly since he's a disingenuous little faggot i dont know what "something" is so im gonna assume its working so mommy doesnt have to feed you.

also atheism is a marxist death cult that exists only to destroy white families

>yes goy, a good christian must always submit and never have their own opinion. That's what that filth.. I mean Jesus would want you to do. Now, do you want to borrow some money? It's a good thing you have me, because being a money lender would me immoral for a good christian. heheh...

>shit on christians for being too nice
>shit on christians for being too mean
really the core of their objection is people having standards.

just stop and go back.

good goyim never question authority

good lithuanian go farm potatoe

Christians are Israel's greatest allies. Deal with it.

not before you go back to the Middle East with your filthy semite religion

atheism is the authority in this pre-marxist culture

Fun fact: "no" is the lost word in freemasonry

good jew go clean the oven

>fuck you mom and dad you cant stop me from playing in traffic
its like you post on Sup Forums but dont understand natural hierarchies.

Don't you already get help with that from your christian friends?

She's not a very good christian she should be the American variety of christian that does what she please and goes to church twice a year for Easter and Christmas.

why do they always go to (((news))) article titles? do shills actually believe Sup Forums is dumb enough to fall for this? sometimes i wonder since atheism is so big here when school isnt in session.


Being a doormat to everyone is not the same as respecting your elders. Christianity is the only reason the concept of a shabbos goy is even conceivable

Kas tau darosi?

Why are you implying that I'm opposed to christianity because of atheism? Nowhere in my posts did I even mention atheism. And here's the article:

My mom always told me Jews were the people chosen by god and us christians are meant to server and help them find their way they truly are our greatest ally.

the resistance to Christianity mostly stems from the fact that there are rules in place to prevent some forms of degeneracy. Period.
>misquote someone for effect

Abrahamic religions must be purged if this continent is to have a future

what do you believe in?

>Abrahamic religions must be purged if this continent is to have a future
Ok, im fine with that.

This goy gets it
>slave ideology
>not degenerate

Why do christians on Sup Forums always pretend that their opponent is a fedora? Can't win the argument otherwise?

>my ooga booga snownigger nonsense is the key to saving the white race

fucking sickening. stop this psyop bullshit and go back.

>slave ideology
you could at least read my post before replying

>my ooga booga snownigger nonsense

*tip fedora*

In that case, why are you so opposed to islam taking over? By Sup Forums standarts it's far less degenerate than christianity. Why is one sandnigger religion superior to another?

You savage.

This has become something of a problem in the Christian Evangelical Community, the young adult group I attend has actually been discussing it, making some progress. Not Deus Vulting just yet.
>Somebody post the "Nice Jesus" screencap.

I did. What did I miss? You think I oppose christianity just because I don't like that there's some sort of hierarchy and a moral code, as opposed to atheism.

Christianity is religion of the weak. It is an ideology of complacency that glorifies mediocrity and servitude. It is the cuckold fetish of belief systems.

Reminder that Jews commit evil, not because of some blood born curse, but because they are overwhelmingly atheistic. Jews do not fear God, even the most "devout" of them see God's laws as a system to be undermined rather than strictly adhered to.

Atheists are filth that herald the end of civilization.

We need a pure European religion

Your flag looks like shit Lithuania. Just let Poland annex you so we don't have to look at it.

>Sup Forums standards

marxists really cant understand the idea of individual thought can they?

absolutely zero coherence. when was the last time you had a thought that wasnt a meme?

Servitude to God, not to men.
Christ washed the feet of his disciples to demonstrate Humility.
He also drove the money lenders from the temple to demonstrate Justice.
We just live in a time when people find it easier to be humble and meek, Christs bold action makes them uncomfortable.

I agree, our flag is shit
>christians accusing others of marxism see

lol u keep using this arguement but it is not based in reality. mine is and i have proof to back it up. marx hated christianity because it created strong men and strong families.

>there are hierarchies but unless you are at the top you are a slave
>the only alternative to Christianity is atheism
double wut
you are pulling this shit right out of your ass
my opposition to you comes from your original reply which you said
>good goyim never question authority

The bible says to love thy neighbor, not cuck yourself for him.

fuck christcucks

When ''the chosen people'' are at the top then yes, you are a slave in a religion for slaves.

And my whole point is that atheism is not the only alternative to christianity you mouth-breathing retard. You're the one pulling shit out of your ass

What is love?

Neopagans are the biggest group of freaks on the planet. Don't delude yourself.