Sup Forums BTFO women have more EFFICIENT brains

Sup Forums BTFO women have more EFFICIENT brains

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Wow I bet my dog has a superefficient brain.

Why do they always misspell deficient?

>tee hee we bent the statistics to make it seem like women are superior


Too bad they waste their smart brains on gender studies and facebook.


>inductive reasoning

Just a nice way of saying "Leaping to conclusions like a dumb cunt"

>Be black
>See whitey work 40 hours a week for decades to become wealthy
>Rob a house once a month and pimp some of my bitches on the side
Face it, Negro brains might be smaller but we use them way better. Sup Forums can't refute this.

>more efficient
>not using their brains

>oops we accidentally told everybody that women have smaller brains
Neil you sly devil you.

Jesus Christ, it's so painfully true. It's decades of this shit.


How come I never heard of a genius woman

femanon here, let me just fix your image quickly and.... there you go!

Duh, patriarchy suppressed them.

Slugs? I don't know anything about them...

>Works more efficiently
To do what exactly?

>all we want is equality between the sexes

The part where the lego compartment is bigger than the self-improvement one hits home a bit too hard though

That's why they're always in the back of your mind


highly unlikely.

i have not met one woman who is efficient at anything, let alone thinking.

efficiency doesn't matter if there's nothing behind it.

C'mon, there are no females on the internet you fool.

And when you pop out a half niglette she'll be obsessed with gagging on massa's white cock and she'll resent her half shit skin and whore mother for ruining her genetics.


>who is Marie Curie

There are a few genius wiminz but they are indeed scarce next to men

women have fewer brain cells and those brain cells have fewer connections between them. They are clearly the dumber sex.

>cleaned husbands research test tubes at night, found some shit

>Was too stupid to not kill herself with radiation

It's ok Whitey, I know you guys can't compete

My hubby Devons huge rippling pecks and bulging cock made it impossible to go back to the inferior whitey dick.

I used to have a redpill meme on her that explained how her legacy is over hyped. I wish I didn't lose it.

Basically, a lot of her fame has to due to her being somewhat of a gold digger.

I'm white and wear magnum condoms
6'5" with blue eyes too

big whoop, I'm sure you're totally not doing that to get back at your dad, enjoy your higher rates of domestic abuse, fatherless children, and the higher likelyhood that you'll be murdered by a literal retard.

>more efficient

Sure thing white boi, pic related, it's you

>>who is Marie Curie

I wouldn't call her a genius. She picked a few of the very low hanging fruit in science. She is no role model for any aspiring mathematician or scientist.

For instance lets inspect one thing named after her, The Curie temperature. What is the curie temperature? It's the temperature at which a material loses its magnetic properties.

So how does one discover this? They put something over a burner until it's no longer magnetic.

Is there some super deep equation she solved in order to predict this unintuitive phenomena? no.

Is is even counter or unintuitive? no. All material properties are a function of temperature and pressure.

>we found that women have smaller brains.. but we can't publish that or we will be called sexists.. i know, we will make some shit up about it being better that way.

A Honda Civic is more efficient than a Corvette. But which one has more power?

I'm 6'5 green/grey eyes

There's only so far you can go online before you're a desperate troll buddo.

Wow I guess the Department of Defense's 400 million dollar research was just full of shit then.

If you're actually in academia, you'll see women actually hold their own. Also more driven towards excellence. Not saying they're "more efficient", and there are likely differences in the male and female brain. We need as many smart people as we can get.

It's pretty obvious they'd have smaller brains because brain size is directly related to body size.

Smaller bodies = smaller brains.

Screencap with timestamp

White boi

Oh no, you just probed how vapid and stupid women are. What a surprise.

I'd post a picture of a white girl who was raped and killed by a nigger, but that would genuinely be low hanging fruit; much like your cellulite-ridden ass.

>If you're actually in academia, you'll see women actually hold their own

I was in academia for years. There were 10 times the number of male professors in the hard sciences.



I was listening to (((NPR))) one morning and they ran a story about a "study" how women are better doctors because more of their patients lived or something without controlling for any other variables. And of course the host of the show just couldn't help saying something along the lines of "Wow, women are better doctors! Imagine how many more people would live if they were paid the same as men!"

Like... fuck off.

They use more of their brains like a cripple uses more of a wheelchair

>Also more driven towards excellence

How can you even quantify this?


Fuck everything up.


That male brain is Finn Balor's brain.

I can already point out how this is bullshit.

>Women are more often general practitioners and other non-life-threatening positions ON AVERAGE
>what, your son's cough isn't going away, let me refer you to a more specialized male doctor
>your son had cancer and died, I guess women really do make better doctors

>Smaller = better
How can the BBC compete?

Social change isn't instantaneous. More female professors in hard science are emerging.

[citation needed]

>they ran a story about a "study" how women are better doctors because more of their patients lived or something

Every field has its low-hanging fruit.

>efficient at tracking changes and inductive reasoning
Both of which are utterly useless when you need to come up with a plan and make it work by a deadline. Because approaching a problem using the Occam's razor principle and deductive reasoning is so much less fun when you can spend all your time coming up with fantastical solutions to problems, including the ones for the possibility that your problem may not exist. And I guess if you are prone to fuck ups, tracking changes allows you to go back and find out where it is you fucked up.

So yeah, the perfect brain for getting something done within no specific time frame and better error correction for an error-prone mind. Probably why women just can't hack it in STEM.

This is what I'm thinking too. More men are going to be ER docs and oncologists. Hard to give someone a better chance at living when he's got multiple GSWs or stage 4 terminal cancer.

What's better was that the study was only for looking after seniors, they didn't use standard analysis of clinical significance, and instead used their own method without explaining why.

Gonna upload from my phone, give a sec

In other words, another "study" that has no scientific rigor and isn't worth the paper it's printed on.

It seems like they're starting with the concept of the genders being equal, so since the genders are equal women's brains must just be more efficient since they're smaller but the genders are equal so everything has to be equal the races are equal, the genders (the infinite spectrum that it is) are equal, the fags are equal, the mentally ill aren't ill they're equal.

No they're not.

Women representation in hard sciences/engineering REGRESSED since women's rights was introduced.

>smaller brains
>more efficient

That's like having a drag race and saying the Volkswagen beatle would beat a '76 Camaro cause it's "smaller and more efficient"

>An example of an inductive argument:

>All biological life forms that we know of depend on liquid water to exist.
>Therefore, if we discover a new biological life form it will probably depend on liquid water to exist.

Right, it's just propaganda for normies to post on Facebook/Plebbit and other people won't actually read it and instead just say "See, women are better!"

Literally fake news.

"or even better results"

This is the thing about gender equality in the media. So many times I see this "women can do just as good as man OR BETTER"


This is a prime example of leftists lies. They try to spin facts in such way they contradict reality by focusing in a specific fact.

Women have smaller brains. That's all. They do some things better than men but at the expense of being worse in everything else.

>less synapses per neuron



If women have fewer synapses, then how come they have longer hair?

There we go

You're being baited by a dude, leaf.

I know, fuck it anyways

A prius is pretty efficient too, it aint winning any races though.

Too bad its efficient in capacities that don't matter.

Not that efficient when you thrash it around a bit. It will use more fuel than a BMW M3 when you do.


So does a dog.


except when a decision has to be made

Nice earpods faggot.


You look underage leaf.


Just had a shower n shit

Your face looks like a middle schooler's.

No way he bought all that shit from his own earned money.

Fucking spoiled millennial cunt.

>Long neck
>Trimmed hair
>Not fat
>No acne

Definitely middle schooler.

can you be my Sup Forums gf?

Faggot looks like a pokemon trainer come to life. The kind you would try to sneak past on gameboy because you didn't feel like battling but he comes up to you anyway saying some stupid shit.

Please step on my face and tell me im a worthless white boy

>Men get 60% of degrees and women 40%, this is clearly evidence of sexism
40 years of affirmative action later
>Women get 60% of degrees and men 40%, this is clearly evidence that men are inferior

Women still have 10% smaller brains compared to men AFTER controlling for total body size, weight, and length.

>I'm men have more synapses, why do women have longer hair?

take that atheists!

>They do some things better than men

Name 2.

GUYS! MY OIL JACK IS 200x more efficient than yours! What, yours is producing 10 barrels a day? But mine is only producing 2 a day, how can this be? Oh, yours is bigger than mine, thus you produce more than me.

I've seen a lot of evidence, both in scientific studies and anecdotal, that women multitask better and have a better sense of smell. I also think they might see a larger range of colors than men do, but I'm not confident on that.

Student loans. He'll be paying for that gear for the next 25years.

>Faggot looks like a pokemon trainer come to life
I giggled like a little bitch

That's bullshit

When have women done something REVOLUTIONARY or/and risky?

Founded a nation?
Created a new science?
Liberated oppressed people?
Created groundbreaking inventions?
Created a religion?
Discovered a continent?
Created something of worth?

Or even something negative like brutal school shootings or murder sprees or autistic UNA-Bomber-tier shit?

Yeah that's what I thought. Women NEVER pushed the boundaries of humanity forward. Or backwards. Yes there are more ugly, deprived, stupid, vile men than women. But also more geniuses and revolutionaries. Women are the personified average. They are also far more similar to each other than men. There is more variety among men. Know 1 woman and you know all. Across all fucking continents.

>INB4 HURR but woman X went to space! woman Y invented the washing machine!

Exceptions prove the rule idiot.