Rahm Emanuel BTFO


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Chicagofag here

it's literally all the fucking niggers
not even the spics shoot each other this much

every single neighborhood that is 50%+ black is an actual hellhole

what I would do is revoke section 8 from all the civilized areas of Chicago (the entire city is required to accept it, they're now spreading to the north side), quarantine them to the west and south sides, triple the police patrol in those areas

problem solved

Wtf? Drumpf is really proposing sending in a military occupation force to a democratic controlled city? Holy shit guys this guy is literally Hitler. He's only doing it because of Chicago's large black and gay population!

It's because our police don't mess around - after some BLM activity, the Ferguson effect sank in and cops just started letting certain neighborhoods go in order to avoid getting in "trouble" in a situation where they may have to shoot somebody. Hopefully people will start recognizing the value of cops after a year or tw of this. The yuppie neighborhoods are fine.

>I'm in one now.

Why are liberals like this?

Chicago fag here

Yep its as bad as you think but mainly black neighborhoods

they're incredibly stupid people

Another chicago fag here. This is 100% accurate. 23rd most violent city in the country due to niggers. The north side and parts of the south side with the hard working whites easentially have no violence outside of bar fights.

Chicago is local problem to be solved by the city and the state. Federal government has no place. Maybe they need more legal guns not less

Give them guns, step back, watch them kill each other. -Tupac


Holy shit, that's it? I thought Chicago was like top 5.

Liberals are so retarded. "He's not President yet, but he's going to ruin everything! B-b-but he's also unable to do anything but tweet!"

As if genocide is somehow easier than fixing crime-infested cities. Don't we wish!

BD or GD?

to add on top of this, what helped expedite this surge in violence was the demolition of the Cabrini-Green project.

>At its peak, Cabrini–Green was home to 15,000 people,[2] living in mid- and high-rise apartment buildings totaling 3,607 units

now you have nearly 4,000 perpetual criminal family units spread throughout the city. Keep them in 1 fucking spot.

Hard to compete with cities like East St Louis and Gary, IN which are almost 100% black. Red states also make it easier for Jamal to get a firearm.

Yep, basically have a giant segregated murder zone. Other neighborhoods have literally never been safer.

Nope. Look up the most violent cities in 2016. Its nowhere near top 5.


Good goy.

Does he feel in charge?

8 mile road. Lime green is blacks.

Why aren't all the black people dead yet if they keep killing each other?

What's the block of niggers right above 8 mile?

Isn't he just doing this to poison the atmosphere around Obama's farewell speech in Chicago next week?

spawn rate is set too high

It's mostly the males who kill each other, the sheboons just get pregnant by anyone left.

no idea, must be some forced liberal housing projects.

Lake forest fag here




>anybody on the left tweets about something terrible that needs fixing
>trump tweets about something terrible that needs fixing
>"lmao so you're only going to tweet about it?"
i want off this ride

>tfw I live in Cary, jewel of Illinois
>the obongo just finished building over 100 section 8 apartments in the middle of town
>we protested but it didn't work
>these niggers won't be able to find jobs
>middle of town where everybody drives through and shops will become nigger central
>my beautiful white forever home is going to be ruined
>Obama successfully turned my cute little town into, dare I say it, Rockford.

I should have torched them when they were still wood frames, setting back construction into the Trump administration, but I was too much of a pussy. I'm crushed.

larger view

what I would do is revoke section 8 from all the civilized areas of Chicago (the entire city is required to accept it, they're now spreading to the north side), quarantine them to the west and south sides, triple the police patrol in those areas

Just let them slaughter each other; less tax payer money to flush down the drain.

reminder Julian Castro is planning one of these for every white area in America.

Low income housing. Cheap as fuck apartments. Warren manor

Right until the reverse gentrification takes over. Then you are fucked

nice get m8

gotta love that asian gentrification pocket

>melting pot
i have been lied

Good thing based Carson will be there to blow him the fuck out at every turn. It's just too late for us. LUCKILY, for me at least, I live in a rural part of town separated from the dindus by about 5 miles of prairie land. I only have to see that shit when I go buy milk but I know the liquor store and gas station Hindus up there are probably fucking pissed. They're already renovating for plexiglass installations. Thanks Obama.

they hang tough. must be comfy af.

They don't have any self-awareness. Outside of shouting their biases and platitudes they don't really have a coherent thought process.

the rest of teh maps are pretty red pill, even if it came from HuffPo


Of course you've been lied to. We have "soft segregation" which means that anyone that can make a decent amount of money moves as far and as fast away from niggers as they can.

Neither. The leaders of the ultra large super gangs all got locked up or killed in the 90's and it's distilled itself down to a "gang" of like 6 kids shooting a "gang" of another 6 kids literally the next street over. It's ridiculous. None of them have fathers and they're all pretty much under 17 and lucky to live to see 21.

The other user who said the cops have stopped going into these neighborhoods is right. Arrests are down from last year like 80%. The cops are, essentially, in a silent protest and somehow no one is calling for Rahm's head.

It's truly mind blowing.

Without white people the areas with majority blacks will devolve into a feudal level of governing.

history backs this up.

I was born and raised in Chicago. For the past 11yrs I've been living in California and it seems like my mom wants to move back because that's where all our family lives. I don't want to go back. Her side of the family is nothing but niggers, you have to worry about them coming over and stealing something, half have been in gun fights and jail, and a few have died since I've been gone. The street I grew up on had one of those police cameras on the corner because of how bad it was.

I do look forward to seeing my dads side of the family though. They're traditional mexicans; they don't do any of that ghetto shit. From what I remember as a kid they always had a lot of get togethers and stuff like that.

A lot of conflicting feelings here. I worry about getting shot visiting my moms side. The good thing though is this is planned for a year away so things can change.

I don't blame the cops.

>enforce the law and get crucified by the media and have your life ruined
>be fired from force or put in prison for doing your job


>eat some doughnuts and wait about 45 minutes to show up to a shooting and fill out a report
>repeat until pension

You can't fault people for making logical decisions.

>(((Tim Wise)))
Every single time.

>shitskin moves from one shitskin containment area to another

As a white American I applaud your decision to stay in the designated shitskin areas. Don't think about moving to "flyover" states.

>point out that it's blacks killing blacks anywhere outside of Sup Forums
>get called a racist for stating facts

It's really a redpill to listen to that guy's Sophistry while knowing that he's a hypocritical Jew pretending to be white.

I think some of our greatest allies could be redpilled minorities

I'm less concerned with the genetics and far more concerned with the (((culture)))

The Chicago police scanner threads were a comfy time here. Check yo keys!
Wall in the south and west side of Chicago, then drop more guns and ammo, it'll solve itself in a year or so. Contain it and get the popcorn out.
It's why they have several kids each from a different partner, correct.

>no one is calling for Rahm's head
Who would? The blacks prefer lawlessness in their own neighborhoods and the white neighborhoods still have cops.

Move to N. Indiana. Much more based, low cost of living, jobs for humble laborers, great gun laws, and still accessible to the city

Normies are far too brainwashed to talk honestly about anything.

>The street I grew up on had one of those police cameras on the corner because of how bad it was.

Baltimore had cameras all over Freddie Gray's neighborhood, including in their apartment hallways and near shops, when they arrested him they were rolling through in a convoy of six armed men with an armored vehicle on a routine patrol. In short Sandtown was a dystopian police state that would put Orwell to shame, and even with all that the police STILL can't keep order. Really activates one's almonds.

Well it comes down to how it's affecting the rest of the city. Read this thread alone, let alone the rest of the internet or newspapers or television media, etc. You can talk until you're red in the face about how the rest of Chicago is incredibly safe and how you'll never see or hear any of this type of violence in those areas, but all a person sees or remembers is something akin to "Chicago is a warzone." This affects, not only tourism dollars, but the citizens of the state and region themselves. You saw it this year. Illinois and, by consequence, the city of Chicago lost more residents than any other area of the country. And when you lose these taxpayer dollars and you lose these tourism dollars and so on and so forth, particularly in a city that has been so financially mismanaged for decades, it's a recipe for disaster. Which is where the city and the state, headed by Rahm and the Chicago dems are speeding headlong into. Disaster.

I'm finding some cheap and ok looking houses with some land around them in Gary, Indiana, looks comfy as fuck! How is it there?

>democrats ruin a city
>democrats keep voting for more democrats

oh well

84% niggers
you decide

i have an internship in chicago this summer

what neighborhood should i move to where there arent many niggers/i wont get shot?

just fucking move to oak brook or something
stay the fuck out of crook county, it's worth the 45 minute commute

The south side, don't listen to these news articles and threads, what are the chances you're involved in anything? I mean think about it, just make sure you're home before nightfall and you'll be ok, and make sure the building is secure, metal door and bars on lower floor windows. Enjoy your cheap rent!

773 here, most of the northwest side is just fine

This is why I was so vehement about those giant nigger fights in the malls last week. The second people see giant roving gangs of niggers is the exact second working tax-paying whites never set foot there again.

If I see huge murder rates in Chicago, why would I start a business there? Why would I move to work there? There are plenty of places with far less degrees of nigger saturation.

The only good nigger is a dead nigger.

>tfw gary is preemptively fortifying his position
>reminder mayor had a camera set up filming people as they walked into cjh to protest the new apartments
>mayor is soon-to-be empty nest cuck who will probably move away once he is done shitting up first street and more

Avoid Gary like the plague. You will get killed.

Try Highland, Griffith, Whiting, Munster, St. John, Dyer, Schererville, and Crown Point. Mostly white cities.

Avoid Gary, Black Oak, East Chicago, Cedar Lake.

>liberal co-worker points out that "because its gang violence in black neighborhoods no one will care"
>realize that I don't care
>co-worker notices me not caring
>calls me a racist

have to go further and further away for white flight now

i dont live in chicago but i live in another major city and when my dad built his house it was far away from the urban crime center, by the time i was of age it had creeped into our neighborhood and my dad's house was the only one that was well kept and looked nice

i had to move another 40 miles away from the city center to buy some more time

shit's scary

Fuck off with your kike king, burger.

Sure, I'm a "shitskin," but I have values and goals. I'm not wasting my life doing drugs or joining some gang. I'm currently in college working towards an electrical engineering degree. I'm pretty damn redpilled and when I have kids in the future I'm going to make sure they turn out redpilled and working members of society.

As said, you shouldn't worry about genetics. From my experience there are some pretty based and redpilled blacks and mexicans I've met. At the same time there are also whites I've met who lower than niggers. Don't group people based on genetics, half the time your expectations won't be met.

Kek Rahm will bend the knee and so will other mayors, they wont be able to maintain the santuary for illegals

Some nigger activist once said of white flight "we'll chase you down every exit on the freeway."


whats number one then

I wonder if they want them gone, but can't do it politically. Making a big stink out of it could allow Trump to deflect blame.

NorthEast Indiana, you mean.

Or at least require all sec 8 outside of the shit zones, that all adult inhabitants must be full time employed, or face moving back to shit zone in 2 months. So those zones are a sort of gradual escape from the hood if people work for it.

Normally I'd agree wholeheartedly, but given the corrupt political machines running in that city, he might be on to something.

this is what Kanye's visit to Trump Tower was about - Kanye feels betrayed by Obama b/c he did nothing for Chicago
Really good way for Trump to win some black support for the 2020 runback

stl, then atl.

HUEfag here who has actually lived in Chicago.

I attended Loyola for gradschool.

I remember campus safety constantly e-mailing us about shootings, robberies and whatnot. They always happened close to the Lake Shore Campus (in Rogers Park).

The description of the perp was always "African-American".

Water Tower Campus is kinda safer, but there's a McDonald's close to the red line entrance that's always full of niggers. What's the deal with niggers and McDonald's? Anyway, went to the Chick-fil-A on the corner of Wabash and Chicago all the time for food. Not many niggers there.

Call me a favelanigger if you will, but I'm from the South of Brazil, which is much more developed than Chicago will ever be. Where I live there are no favelas or niggers. Believe it or not, I'm glad to be back.

Isn't it all drug related? Don't they make decent money too? I mean it's a reason they say they don't work because it pays more. I guess they waste it on drugs and stupid shit.

>quarantine them
>problem solved
You should have said that in German.

>shooting victims

If he still wants to be close to the city.... then.... no..... If he doesn't mind a 3-4 hour drive to Chicago, then sure why not.

If the local people don't want to fix it why do you care? It is their problem, if they are happy in shit let them live in shit.

my buddy ;_;

These are results of a young ambitious community organizer.

>Lived in Chicago
>Moved back to Brazil

Are you thinking what I'm thinking /pol?

Liberals don't like to be challenged. I unfortunately have the displeasure of hanging out with a few online friends and I let them be ignorant on American politics since they're Americans. They spout Drumpf all day but one time they talked about Brexit and how bad it was, I retaliated and they immediately went quiet and just changed subject.

They can be stupid fucks with their politics, but they can't be stupid fucks who only get their information from (((CNN))) on foreign politics.

>reminder mayor had a camera set up filming people as they walked into cjh to protest the new apartments

Also, I didn't know that. Fucked up man. I don't even know who the mayor is but I want to go neck the cunt. Unfortunately when the demonstrations were going on I didn't even know what they were about or I would have raised some hell.

so what are the feds gonna do exactly

Chiraq Fag here. Currently live just south of the city now. It's just the blacks, it's unreal. The difference in quality between black neighborhoods and everything else is night and day.

Can't even escape it now. The high school I went to was majority white 20 some years ago, but is now 70% black. Quality of education lowers with that too. Oh and don't forget about your friendly suburban gangs and the no go areas for whites. Its a Fucking travesty

He was problably a exchange student and when the gov here cut the exchange programs he was sent back.

Lawfag here.

Do you know what a DA's biggest nightmare is for a nigger client? A jury full of normal black people.

Black juries have an absurdly high incarceration rate for niggers. Largely because normal black people are usually the victims of niggers nigging out.