So it begins : Italy calls for mass migrant deportations as half a million refugees arrive
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Rejecting diversity?! What the hell is their problem?
>w-we are gonna be tough i swear
>pls don't stop voting left
The amazing plan is to double deportations from 5 thousands to 10 thousands, with about 170 thousand arrivals
Why would you send all these highly skilled people back?
They LITERALLY ferried them over from the coast of Libya during all of last year.
Every weekend there'd be at least 2000-3000 new arrivals.
The Italian coast guard would go to the coast of Libya and just pick them up and bring them over to Europe.
Fuck Italians.
They deserve it.
wtf I hate maths now
Bit of a rag desu
>The Italian coast guard
Remove kebab
>Current voluntary contributors to Operation Triton are Croatia,
>n 2015, Croatian warship BŠ-72 Andrija Mohorovičić joined the rescue efforts.
The fuck!?!?!?!?
Fucking Germans have been ferrying in Illegals as well. Fuck them.
Do you think the link you provided makes you look any better? It doesn't.
>under Italian control
>The operation was undertaken after Italy ended Operation Mare Nostrum, which had become too costly for a single country to fund; it was costing the Italian government €9 million per month for an operation that lasted 12 months.
And what about Operation Mare Nostrum?
>Operation Mare Nostrum (after the ancient Roman name in Latin for the Mediterranean: Mare Nostrum, "Our Sea") was a year-long naval and air operation commenced by the Italian government on October 18, 2013 to tackle the increased immigration to Europe during the second half of 2013 and migratory ship wreckages off Lampedusa.[1] During the operation at least 150,000 migrants, mainly from Africa and the Middle East, arrived safely to Europe.[2] The operation ended on 31 October 2014[3] and was superseded by Frontex's Operation Triton.
>the closest country has the responsibility to save the drowning boat people
Surprising, i know
But it was mostly about the fact that while articles especially on english media says "italian coastguard" in the headlines, most of the boats are from other european countries
The kikes, always playing in the shadows.
literally who
who is this
what is this flag
go back to your fucking commie block, you disgusting shitstain
not our fault if fucking thousands of niggers literally sink their own boats near our own ones calling for international rescue laws and operations
we aren't importing niggers like germany, sweden and the united kingdom are doing, we are guilty of saving these motherfuckers and then sending 'em back to where the fuck they came from
your fucking worthless country would do the same, if it had sea access.
oh no wait it wouldn't, because you are literally third worlders
everyone here hates refugees and muslims with a burning passion but fucking commies, which are fed by the local jews overlords puppeted by the big zionist ones
our job is akin a reverse charon, we are forced by EU and international laws to save these motherfucking bastards, shower 'em, give 'em our food (which they fucking spit and reject, ungrateful mongrels) and then we either send 'em back if they don't have documents or back to germany\any other "Refugee Community Centre" stocked nation
so fuck off, you fucking reject of a slav
t. mad italian
Don't save them. Just pretend you are saving them. Sink the boats, but don't talk about it.
>implying we're not doing this already
the other nations are cucking us and saving them for us
nice and comfy here in aus
No matter what you think of him, stopping the boats was an effective measure.
They need to start ferrying them directly to Israel
You should try to convince them, you have quite a lot of experience in dealing with jews
ya you having a good time destroying the great barrier reef?
better a reef than a leaf
Its almost as if a no toleration policy regarding boats works.
This won't stop until we start opening fire on migrant boats.
Pull any survivors out and drop them back in Africa so they can tell the story.
whats great is that we say "it doesnt matter what country you come from, you will never settle in australia"
so basically the only illegal boats come from third world countries, and we never get any from 1st world, so we can say we accept no one and never worry about sending away our own kind
we can say "it doesnt matter if you are indonesian or english, if you come here illegally you cannot settle"
we have never had illegal english people so we have never had to actually send them to offshore detention, because we probably wouldnt
>be Italy
>experiencing banking crisis
>EU sends you 500,000 refugees
Is this the year Italy votes to leave the EU?
>Implying there are rules in international waters.
>Implying your navy couldn't """""""accidentally""""""""""" ram a couple of those savior boats.
Well you probably have quite a few illegals from developed countries as well, they are just well. More civilizes. Its mostly comming on a visa then overstaying and trying to get a job and staying.
But its the only legit policy you can have. I mean if someone is so willing to break the law of a country he wants to settle in, what makes you think he would follow the other laws.
Too late. After you are hit with this shit you are suddenly dependant on european gibmedats.
Fucking stupid serbs talk shit without doing research.