Russia vs USA

Russia vs USA
Is it official??

in what, hockey?

Field hockey

We did it, Reddit!

No ww3
I think that trump is doing a fake out on putin

No, it's not. Fuck off spic.

It's a well known fact here

explain op

I second this almost all costa ricans are taught that russia will provoke the burgers

meant to reply to

more likely burgers will provoke, put in does not want war.

Put in?

no comprende senor

Cosa ricans arent supposed to think :^)

Fuck off you lazy Tico. I had a good time in your country the last 2 weeks fucking your women that crave western dick.

Go eat some beans and rice in your dirt floored shack.

Ty po?

fuck you hombre we are very rich nation you fuck moose while we have lots of hot qts

plus we are in the west 2

Yeah, very """""Rich"""""" nation when I can pay one of you lazy mother fuckers 1 Mil colones to wash my car, and clean my dirty toilet.

we have sloths and mokees you have fucking ice and moose

>Russia vs USA Is it official??
Vladimir Gluten has hacked the American food supply.

No, Russia is our new best friend and there is nothing the left can do about it.

We know this he used GMOs to hack the election as well