Who else here thinks Trump will be worse than Obama?

Who else here thinks Trump will be worse than Obama?

Hillary would have been even worse though.

He bombed the fuck out of a bunch of countties and helped cause the migrant issues in Europe. Obama's foreign policy could be improved upon by Trump doing absolutely nothing at this point.

>Obama being an incompetent leader is made up

obixnood bombed 6 countries and doubled the us debt, it's very hard to be worst than that

Obama is a fucking nigger.

Did I make that up?


>push middle east into complete chaos and destabilize yurop so he can score an oilpipe for the kikes
>create isis
>nobel peace prize
top kek


>Didn't end any of the wars he promised to
>On the contrary, he intensified them
>Doubled debt
>Destroyed the race relationships he swore to strenghten
>Is setting a million of ticking bombs for Trump on his last few weeks
>mfw the "tolerantest leader"deported more people that the reps

Modern Peace Nobel everyone!

>ITT obama had nothing to do with obamacare

So liberals admit that Trump is more honest?

Well he did make up his birth certificate.

of course the retards who voted him in did so because they knew he would be worse

>Occupy democrats

Dumbest shit on the internet

>If we dont like it, its made-up

>If we like it, its based on undeniable fact and we refuse to debate!

So Guantanamo isn't open and all those dead civilians in the Middle East were just sleeping? Good to know.


yes and so lets suppose this image's state is true,

so fucking what?

The difference is that the people whining about Trump's negatives are all women, jews, or minorities.

>Started like 5 wars
>Drones children in their sleep
>More debt than all of the other presidents combined
>Ruined race relations for the next decades probably
>Russia and China increased their power and influence in the world
>Northern Africa and the Middle-East are in ruins

pretty sure trump can do nothing to stop the united jews of america

Trump is corrupt

The journey was more fun than the destination.
I stopped giving a shit the moment he was elected desu senpai.

We are still on the ride, we aren't there yet.

I've looked a couple times for lefty meme pages that were funny or made good points... there's nothing.