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i like it
pro constitution and super pro second amendment
if trump wasn't running we probably would've supported ted as the nominee.

Hand me the gavel Donald.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

he wouldnt have won..

not a chance, hes soft.. politically, hillary wouldve landslide him

No it wouldn't. It would be the zodiac killer vs moloch



Nope, say it with me Supreme Court Justice Poo in the Loo.

I have returned from the Bernstein dimension Dahnald

fuck drumpf and fuck white people

>*Ah, a post well spent* t. Leaf
Get cancer

i have yet to visit the endless vagina dimension and you're god damn right i mad about it
everyone else gets to hop around all over the fucking place and i dont get to go to just one

not a chance. his wife would affect his decision and move the country toward a pan america union

Remember when Sup Forums hated Cruz for being an Israel and Goldman Sachs shill? Yea boy do times change when Dear Leader all of a sudden likes them. This board is garbage and you all got played by the jews.

I hate Cruz but Trump putting him on the SC would ensure a consistent stream of liberal butthurt for the next 30+ years.

This exact post was made a few days ago. Let me give you the exact same correction leaf:

*People on welfare and gibmedats program all voted for Hillary*

Literally this. It was a copy from a post yesterday.

false.. i knew a bunch of people who were tremendously cucked who wanted hillary, including banakers

Sarah Palin in the supreme court
>Sarah Palin in the supreme court
Sarah Palin in the supreme court
>Sarah Palin in the supreme court
Sarah Palin in the supreme court
>Sarah Palin in the supreme court

>surviving on welfare in a city

Good luck with that shit.

muh joossss
nah, it's because ted is boring and not as an """extremist""" like trump (cruz it's just thougher on gays)

This picture upsets the Drumpf and demonstrates the superiority of people who voted Hillary

no it wouldnt have been any narrative like trump vs clinton..

it wouldve been boring political banter like muh wagecucks, muh healthcare, muh immigration..

alll painfully political. trump really fucked shit up.. gave the election a "ratings" boost and look what happened.. the bastard won.. hallelujah.. hopefully we stay red for awhile.

Do you ever get tired of posting the same, stale, uninteresting, dull uninspired, unfun, boring, tired, overdone copypasta?

based Texas Ted

why are you talking again about trump and hillary?

this thread is about cabinet picks and ted cruz

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.
City people all voted for Hillary.

>picking the person who forget what the Department of Energy was for the Department of Energy
>picking the person is called the biggest lier for Supreme Court

Has Cruz even expressed a desire to be put on the supreme court? It seems he wants to be president and came damn close this election. Why wouldn't he just run again once Trump's 8 years are over? Cruz is young, he still has a long political career ahead.

You can't do that! Only Canadians can do that!

Supreme Judge Cruz.

Has a certain ring to it.
And just when you thought his arc couldn't get better.

>City people

>we would've supported an evangelical cuckservative

Caps lock for Cruz control


>Sarah Palin in the supreme court

Cruz replaces Scalia, Palin replaces Ginsburg.

read Donald Trump on revenge, or audio version of it on YouTube. you are probably the faggot who think Romney was getting SoS as well


t. Cletus the inbred toothless meth head


No its too late! Take this!

>good for america

Obama will probably install "progressive" (very radical) judges soon before Trump can get in.

Old Ruth Ginsburg will be "made" to step down (she is with the progressive cause).

Clarence Thomas will be found mysteriously dead (Oooh, the left hates this "Uncle Tom").

John Roberts will suddenly resign due to "family reasons" (blackmail, remember the weird Obamacare ruling he did?)

The stakes are high; stopping Trump is their top priority.

They killed Scalia, now they have to deal with Soarin' Ted, famous for his redemption arc and delegates.

>Remember when Sup Forums hated Cruz for being an Israel and Goldman Sachs shill?
And we still hate him for being those things.

>Yea boy do times change when Dear Leader all of a sudden likes them.
Being pro-Israel (wasn't sudden, he was pro-Israel his whole campaign) is not the same as being controlled by Israel, like Ted Cruz.

Having former Goldman employees in the cabinet is not the same as being financialy beholden and owing your entire political career to Goldman Sachs, which is the case for Ted Cruz.

We need to choose the person who'll ensure the most liberal butthurt over the next few decades (So he has to be young), while also being a principled conservative. Ted Cruz might be a bit too weak, but a lifetime appointment could change him and get him to really trigger the left. I'd still prefer someone else who fits the criteria already.

Checked. KEK has spoken

Evangelicalism fine w/ pol because the majority here are Christian/Catholic.

Cuckservative is a deal breaker.

Lion Ted, the last of his pride.

Seriously guys this needs to happen, we need a strong constitutional Conservative on the bench! That's why President Cruz should appoint Ted Cruz for Supreme Court.

>president Cruz

I would have abstained from voting if Trump wasn't the nominee. NONE of the candidates generated enthusiasm like Trump did, they could only copy and paste.

>Obama will probably install "progressive" (very radical) judges soon before Trump can get in.
You have no idea how this process works. Obama already tried to replace Scalia, Mitch McConnell and the Senate GOP blocked him, so the next President could pick the nominee.

>Clarence Thomas will be found mysteriously dead (Oooh, the left hates this "Uncle Tom").
Another replacement Trump gets to pick

>John Roberts will suddenly resign due to "family reasons" (blackmail, remember the weird Obamacare ruling he did?)
Another justice Trump gets to replace

Obama needs the Senate to replace them, and he doesn't have the Senate.

nope, that's kanye's turn

"Cruz Control: The True Story of Lion Ted"

>The Senate would confirm Obama's appointees
think before you post please

The best we can hope for is Ruth "South Africa has a model constitution" Ginsberg to croak before 2020 elections

You thought it was over Dahnald?

just imagine the liberal butthurt

The degree to which it would trigger libshits would be delicious.

Are you disrespecting our president? If you keep this up I'll have to report you to General Cruz.

>The 45 is the same color as the rest of the hat

stop crosstimeline posting. we need a rangeban on other dimensions, this is gay as fuck.

I hope President Hillary does something soon.

fuck off

There's no way in fucking hell cruz is being appointed as a supreme court justice

I'm not sure who don would pick, but it's not going to be cruz or anyone else related to the elections. For really important positions, don looks for competent people. The fillers - like cruz and ben carson - get pointless jobs literally anyone could do.

simpsons maymays

I don't care that he's already older than all other justices. This man would be a legendary Supreme Court Justice.

If this happens the tears will be uncontrollable

40 days and 40 nights

Sup Forums only turned against Cruz when he and his campaign were acting dishonest.
>tfw the Colorado primary
Never forget. The delegates. Cruz took them all.



No, it's too late for us. Our savor was turned away by the masses

If the places you live at are so rich why do you make so little money?

yeah...what if Dr. No begins to say no to conservatives too? also, the age is a big issue.


He'll pick George Soros instead and his supporters will clap.

>what if Dr. No begins to say no to conservatives too?

The same conservatives who passed the Patriot Act? good.

The first thing I heard about him when he wanted to give the death penalty to an illegal immigrant and Dubya vetoed it. He's a good pick.

Don't you have to be a judge to even have a chance with Congress approval?

Seems silly to appoint a guy you use to call Lyin' Ted

I don't trust him.
He showed bad character in the primaries.

We did support a jew though

Check the archives friend, he's been saying it since the day after the election

Not necessarily

Traditionally supreme court justices have been federal judges. But there is no requirement for this.

This guy's an idiot. He's another "What is Aleppo?"

I've seen him pronounce it ALOOHA AKBAR many times.

Sup Forums loved Cruz and thought he should be the VP until he started attacking Dohanld.

>Evangelical "Judeo-Christianity is fine
>"if you don't stand with Israel and the Jews, I don't stand with you" is fine

>Marching to Zion

>Yuri Bezmenov - Why we need God

>Father Coughlin: Jews & Communism


>Cultural (((Marxism))): The Corruption of America

>Christianity is Not Jewish

>/christian/ books

>For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, “Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law, and do them.”
(Galatians 3:10 ESV)

>Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes? Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
(Matthew 21:42-43, 45 KJVA)

>But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel,
(Romans 9:6 ESV)

>And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise.
(Galatians 3:29 ESV)

>For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:
(Romans 4:13-14 KJVA)

My body is ready for Cruz missiles of Supreme Court justice

the taxpayers voted trump

This has been discussed. It's a great idea because he loves the constitution, he's young, and the senate would LOVE to get him out.

Not when it's stacked in your parties favor.

Would have probably supported Rand Paul. Everyone know that.

You idiot. Carson was the front-runner before Trump declared. They had the same platform and Trump absorbed Carson's support. Carson likely would have been /our/ negro if Trump hadn't run.

he is a lawyer and when it comes to the law he is everything we want.I would never give him control of the immigration system as the executive but He is sold for the supreme court

Honestly more likely to believe Mike Lee to be the guy on the Supreme Court. Seems like something Trump would do to win over Cruz's endorsement and it gets rid of a "Never Trumper" from the Senate.

He would be but jesus that is putting ideology over politics to the next level...He's got 10 years max cruz would be on the bench for 30

The intention of the right is clearly treasonous. They want public confidence in the institution of government to disappear so that corporations can claim total control. A strong institution and constitutional protections are not in their interest, so Cruz would be a perfect choice.

It is not what they say, but what they do, unless it is also what they say and do. This has been the program since the 1940s. Instead of going after communists, we should have purged the fascists once and for all.


I don't know if it's been said before, but I can't tell what her outfit is saying while she's wearing it. 0/10 bad modern art display


It looks like a secret message that's been encrypted

Carson never had a chance. Give me a break, if the republicans would have stopped the man filling up stadiums again they would be a dead party today

Got to love that a real thread about politics is empty but bait threads are flying...Goddam new fags, go back to r.e.d.d.it

Cruz is a bitch nigger.
Who do you guys think is truly worthy of filling the hole that big Tony left when he died?

Hand over the gavel dahnald so I can assume my perfect form.

He's probably going to get 3 picks so I don't mind if Ted is one of them..Plus we can troll Ben Shapiro for years if he is picked