Searching intelligent individuals with ADHD/ADD #2

Many of the children diagnosed with these conditions are, as we have seen, incredibly intelligent.

Their IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160. Recently I found out that the tests they once used for testing if a child was a genius is exactly the same test they now use to diagnose ADD and ADHD!

So it looks like the Doctors actually do know that the population of geniuses is on the increase.

The Psychic children are living proof of the human potential. This leads me to ask the question; why are these children put on Ritalin? And is there a valid reason to pump them full of dangerous pharmeaucital chemicals?

There are also some hints that indicate that there are connections to GATE students in a strikingly high concentration in the chan / pol / boards

Think of the hitlers wizard card

user if you are a truthresearcher diagnosed with add/adhd/autism or you have been a gate student why dont you join our closed international research team?

drop me your email and we will contact you

Other urls found in this thread:

Are intelligent, though may not have had top grades.

Are very creative and enjoy making things.

Always need to know WHY, especially why they are being asked to do something.

Had disgust and perhaps loathing for much of the required and repetitious work in school.

Were rebellious in school in that they refused to do homework and rejected authority of teachers, OR seriously wanted to rebel, but didn't DARE, usually due to parental pressure.

May have experienced early existential depression and feelings of helplessness. These may have ranged from sadness to utter despair. Suicidal feelings while still in high school or younger are not uncommon in the Indigo Adult.

Have difficulty in service-oriented jobs. Indigos resist authority and caste system of employment.

Prefer leadership positions or working alone to team positions.

Have deep empathy for others, yet an intolerance of stupidity.

May be extremely emotionally sensitive including crying at the drop of a hat (no shielding) Or may be the opposite and show no expression of emotion (full shielding).
May have trouble with RAGE.

Have trouble with systems they consider broken or ineffective, ie. political, educational, medical, and legal.

Alienation from or anger with politics - feeling your voice won't count and/or that the outcome really doesn't mattter.

Frustration with or rejection of the traditional American dream - 9-5 career, marriage, 2.5 children, house with white picket fence, etc.

Anger at rights being taken away, fear and/or fury at "Big Brother watching you."

Have a burning desire to do something to change and improve the world. May be stymied what to do. May have trouble identifying their path.

Have psychic or spiritual interest appear fairly young - in or before teen years.

Had few if any Indigo role models. Having had some doesn't mean you're not an indigo, though.

Have strong intuition.

Random behavior pattern or mind style - (symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder). May have trouble focusing on assigned tasks, may jump around in conversations.

Have had psychic experiences, such as premonitions, seeing angels or ghosts, out of body experiences, hearing voices.

May be electrically sensitive such as watches not working and street lights going out as you move under them, electrical equipment malfunctioning and lights blowing out.

May have awareness of other dimensions and parallel realities.

Sexually are very expressive and inventive OR may reject sexuality in boredom or with intention of achieving higher spiritual connection. May explore alternative types of sexuality.

Seek meaning to their life and understanding about the world May seek this through religion or spirituality, spiritual groups and books, self-help groups and books.

When they find balance they may become very strong, healthy, happy individuals.


im smart af, have studied the occult and metaphysics for years, was diagnosed with add at age 13, am busy writing a book right now, [email protected]

Wow! Smart AF and studied the occult and metaphysics? Definitely get this guy on the team of superheroes you're starting germany

Bet he's red pulled AF too, hit up this email asap

smells like slide.

Quit grasping at straws, kraut.

not being funny but isn't this "indigo child" just special snowflake syndrome? similar to the concept of neurodiversity vs autism..

a lot of the traits described are surely just correlated to high intelligence (rejection of authority, indifference towards tasks perceived to be pointless etc) -- or neuro"""diversity"""

not having a go as I fit the description almost perfectly, just my thoughts

My sister had ADHD and she's dumb as a rock. The only thing that straightened her out was getting married to a guy with a catholic family who had a good job.

All of these describe my life including being diagnosed with ADHD multiple times. The psychic stuff never happened though.

I don't believe the schizo conspiracy though. I just think modern education is very female oriented, aka paperwork and sitting for 8 hours doing boring stuff.

that's like 70% of Sup Forums

There is no correlation between high intelligence and ADHD.

>Their IQ’s are often as high as 130
Blatantly incorrect. All serious research has shown that the bell curve of IQ of ADHD patiënts is comparable to that of the general population.

Besides, most psychologists don't consider "ADD" to be a seperate disorder, instead terming it "ADHD-PI".

I was diagnosed with add when I was about 14. Currently prescribed dextroamphet. Can I join

My meds haven't kicked in yet, forgot email. [email protected]


*points and laughs at the cuck* is mohammed done raping your wife yet you faggot?

i dont really think there's much of a correlation, i have adhd and a problem where my brain doesn't recognize its need for sleep and a tested iq of 146 . i have never found anyone else with adhd with a high iq, they are just spurgs

What are the meds for anyway? For attention, or for not being an insufferable unrelenting talking faggot?

My doctor told me if I didn't take them I'd turn into this guy, a mindless zombie who would roam the streets looking for innocent girls for ficki ficki.

I was in the gifted children's program at school when I was very young.

I don't remember any political subversion but like I said it was a long time ago.

I remember everything being incredibly easy tho.

[email protected]

Is my email address if you want to shoot me any questions.

.f(a)[email protected]

I think most of us can put a check to the majority of those criterions. This place is a normie repellent. We're all intelligent and curious individuals who see through the thin veneer of sanity that covers society and operate on another plane of existence than most people.

i am, its lit senpai XD

some ADHD's are stupid as fuck
My sister has it too and she's fucking stupid Also ADD isn't the only disorder to look at germany

from what I understand its a spectrum, going from ADD->Bipolar->full on paranoid schizophrenic

the "hearing voices" shit you describe used to happen to me, but stopped once I started taking antipsychotics

>another plain of existence

Well that's a given. The ideas discussed here, even some of the shitposting, would never cross the mind of the average person. Hell most of the shit we talk about is enough to make most people lay and cry out of sheardespair and helplessness.

[email protected]
I'm fairly certain this is bullshit, but on the offchance it is...

Literally me

Does it also explain why I love to post smug anime faces on a Burmese rug making board?

Schizophrenia central reporting in



totally bullshit

many of us are beeing monitored

we will reverse this process



but you autists probably don't mind being used. so fuck it

I was in the GATE program from 5th grade until I graduated high school. My senior year, our normal instructor retired and was replaced by a Marxist """intellectual""". Maybe he's the reason I'm so hardline right wing now. If they are conditioning people I don't think it's towards leftist ideologies.

Anyway, [email protected]

all posted emails will be get notified soon. check your inbox in the next 1-3hours.

ADHD/ADD, aspergers and red hair came from neanderthals. ADHD is good for hunting because it gives intense focus and high energy levels. Current society is just so much different than forest where you had to hunt for living.

Neanderthals actually had 10% bigger brains than current humans due hard natural selection in cold environment where you needed brains to survive. They were several times stronger also.

Current human is hybrid from neanderthals and africa humans. Only race what doesn't have neanderthal genes are niggers. Africa has food and warmth throughout the year so it was all about multiplying and killing rival tribes for living space.

I have ADHD/ADD/aspergers and reddish hair just like my whole family. I got 144 from IQ test but in some things I feel stupid. I can remember stuff really well even after years if it's interesting. I've felt like I'm different race for my whole life and I feel deep connection to whole universe. "Normal" people are just so stupid. I've never understood why people bow down to some "authority" or accept everything without questioning it first.

I recommend studying body language because it helps a lot in everything. I'm highly empathetic and socially pretty skilled but I need my own time after social occasion.

Animals love me and I love them too. I feel like home in Finland's large forests. I think that finns have much neanderthal genes because more north you go, more neanderthal genes people have. I have occipital bun at the back of my skull and it's pretty common in here.

Cavemans rule. Neanderthals were the original white people.

Stop this. We just want to live in peace. Labels are bullshit, school is bullshit, and working is bullshit.

Just let us have our fun.

I've had ADHD for my whole life. IQ tested at 171.

What should I be researching? Pizzagate?

>my brain doesn't recognize its need for sleep

How does this manifest? Do you just stay up until you suddenly pass out?

these comments caught my attention, I've had my internet cut off being on here before, weird stuff...

Never seen this thread during the day before, kek

what is this??? holy fuckin' deja vu

Great job listing shit that anyone can identify with

I supposedly have ADHD, and my IQ is supposedly 147. (Why would I lie on an Anonymous Mexican Hobbyist Help Board)

It sucks that my GPA is 1.8 (out of 4) because I suck at being on time.

I might be intelligent, but I will never do anything great. I'll settle for finishing my engineering degree and maybe finding a wife that would be the mother of my children.

>I will never do anything great

Why dont you find out the opposite?

oh god, not this dumb larping shit again.

>m-muh autism is actually a sign of me being a genius

>im a virgin who watches anime and eats chicken tendies but also a transcended being

>aspergers/adhd was actually observed in neanderthals, even albert einstein and tesla were aspies

>i just took an iq test online and apparently im smarter than 99.999% of the human population, thats why im on Sup Forums right now

What do you mean mk'd?

I am a lost "genius" who had neglectful parents who didnt bother to put me ahead, even though in school it was recommended I be placed ahead 3 or 4 years.

I've fallen off the face of the earth and just about anything would be better than this.

I'm pretty certain I was born with ADHD, self taught myself autism through this website and gained Tourette's from years of smoking weed.

It comes to no surprise to me that I am smart. As a radical centralist, it only makes sense.

Here is my black ops email
>[email protected]


I'll take the bait [email protected]

ADHD-PI IQ around 140, 24 years old, med school drop out.

ADHD, 147 IQ, Law

I was diagnosed with ADD, had above average intelligence as a kid, was even put in a special group of kids and got to leave class.

They definitely try to fuck with us on purpose, get us to do drugs, get on us ADD medication (basically meth) and get us in trouble with the law so we can't affect the populous.

I even met one of the dudes who was following me once. I'm not stupid I see the dots, but if I ever tried to point out what was going on to anyone they would think I am crazy.

What makes me the most mad is the sexual fetishes they program into us using this stupid fucking Sup Forums website and others.

But whatever, OP I doubt you are real consider you are located in Germany, home of EU, global NWO, and origin of the Rothschilds.

That seems to be a nice beginning of schizophrenia !
Who was following you?
Ever heard of something called *free will*?

To explain it simply, we lack a few screws and bolts. And that imperfection, puts us closer to perfection. Because we become aware when we grow up, that in some weird areas of human behaviour we are part of the norm and yet totally different from it.

Some fag asked why people take ritalin? Well its like eating a literal bluepill to turn off the redpill for a short moment . So you can "function" in society, because most people with ADD , ADHD or Derpbergers has to fix into the model or get rejected.

From my own observation and effects of drugs designed for this shit, I would call it a tool and nothing more. My mind has literal no damm filter, which is good or bad depending on how it is used and the situation.

Pros: timing, rythm, eye movements, body language, reading the mood, social analytics etc.

You mostly have a "in the NOW" mind without, and can really be great when used with certain techniques.

Cons: cant focus on one Thing.

All of these apply to me.
Even the malfunctioning electrical equipment.

The only one not really applying is the psychic experiences, though I did have an experience with a demon who may or may not still be lying dormant, that was feeding off my energy for 2-3 years before I finally got rid of them.

>What makes me the most mad is the sexual fetishes they program into us using this stupid fucking Sup Forums website and others.

No one forces you to fap to underage anime girls smearing shit all over themselves. It's your own fault you let your porn habits to escalate to that point. I've been here since 2007 and still fap to pics of amateur teens and milfs.

Didn't fall for the gifted programs, USAF recruiters or any of the other shit. Use my intelligence as I see fit but i know it could be harnessed to better purpose. Tmkoopman71@gmail

He was a bald dude.

This happened after I tried talking to other people about the control grid system, matrix, and manipulation by what Sup Forums calls the jews.

The next day I was out with my family and went for a smoke. A bald ugly old man in a MAGA hat sat next to me. I told him I liked his hat and he told me to "stop doing what you're doing".

They know I literally don't give a fuck at all though.

There is also a lot of freemasons and satanists in my area, so I get fucked with a lot by them.

Its different when you start going on here since before you can get boners.

It doesn't change the point. You only have yourself to blame, not some unknown entity trying to brainwash you.

>The customer you have called is not available for the moment .
>Please try again later !

Nice try at disinfo.

But it is obvious, I've been keeping track of the pornographic patterns across the boards.

The fetishes are designed to keep us from mating and make us apart from human society.

Also entities love to feed off of sexual energy ESPECIALLY if there is guilt involved with it.

I no longer masterbate, so it isn't important, but other people are victims of this.

Especially the huge increase in trannies, all caused on purpose by government psy ops just to see if they can and to alienate populations with knowledge.

Same reason the flat earth theories appear whenever Sup Forums has some knowledge so people associate Sup Forums with retarded conspiracy theories.

i keep forgetting taking my meds. i dont wanna take my concerta


Try hiking instead.

You just need natural stimulus for your brain.

When I hike once I day, I find it much easier to focus on normie tasks, because the stimulation provided by nature is what our brains need to be calm.

My phone is broken, try my home number.

>alienate populations with knowledge
nope schizo fag you can't do that ... don't forget that knoledge is power ...we are on /pol not /x
>be prepared

Don't try to turn me into a hans.

Why don't you give me something to really think about? I don't give a fuck, I've had helicopters flying around before.
I'm aware of the checkmate you guys have me in legally, I don't care about that. I want the truth god damnt.

i don't want to call your home matt get over it

Hah you think I'm that monarch controlled guy. Its disturbing how you guys think you're the only one with programs.

They thought I had add at first because I have many of the traits you listed but after being evaluated by two psychiatrists they concluded that I'm bipolar. I wonder why bipolar people have many similarities to add.

Well, whatever floats your boat. It's of course comfortable pointing fingers at external factors when you've made stupid decisions.

yeah basically if i dont have extremely strong sleeping pills, half the strength of the ones given to those with schizophrenia, i dont sleep until i pass out from exhaustion

Ultimately it was my decisions, but I will point fingers at those trying to manipulate children into sexual degeneracy you moral less mongrel cunt.

This is Les Crap de B'ull. I'm smarter than 99% of the population and I don't have ADHD or autism. Many of those with a diagnosis are dumb as fuck. People who think they're smarter than others are delusional retards incapable of accomplishing anything.

>I'm smarter than 99% of the population
>People who think they're smarter than others are delusional retards incapable of accomplishing anything.

I have had ADD all my life. IQ tested at 134. Grades are shit though simply because its hard to apply myself when I lose interest in reciting facts over and over again or studying equations, requiring more time for breaks than someone without ADD. Having trouble maintaining a steady conversation flow makes me come off as an autist sometimes. The psychic thing is bullshit though.

It's Darwinism at its best. Just like hard drug abuse.


This german is obviously fishing for autists to scam.

I actually had ADD all my life too with about the same IQ, I've always tested well, because I can see the answers in other questions on the test, thus by knowing 50% of the knowledge i can get 90% on the test.

The conversation flow makes people think I am quirky or crazy, rarely autistic.

>stopped once I started taking antipsychotics

Of course the voices stopped! The jews don't want you to open your third eye so they gives you pills to close it. Stop taking that poison.

This sounds like me, but I was never formally diagnosed with ADD/ADHD.

Darwinism is bullshit and should not be applied to human societies, which thrive based on COOPERATION. You damn psychopaths will never fit well into a human future. You are accidents, abominations of god; the only future you are destined to create is one of evil and robotics, and thus you must be purged for the God of HUMAN kind.

technically dropped out after 9th grade (high school for none americans)
still smarter than most people i know
IQ ranges in 130 or higher.
my intelligence is focused in quick (none mathematical) problem solving, english writing, and i can dabble in metaphysical concepts.
throw away email is [email protected]

>thus by knowing 50% of the knowledge i can get 90% on the test
please do tell

>I've always tested well, because I can see the answers in other questions on the test,

>I can see the answers in other questions on the test
Oh trust me that's how I pass exams when it comes to blanking on open response questions

When you view the test as a puzzle you can fill in the parts you know and use them to get the answers to other problems you didn't know, whatever you can't solve using that you simple guess using elimination of least likely solutions. Always gotten high marks in school, never studied, except for Biology and some History, but I found the subject interesting.

some tests retardedly put the answers to the previous question in the question of the next.

I don't know I even did this well. I think my brain subconsciously stores information, because I never paid attention, but somehow knew all the answers.

Lets say for Example you have a question:

Blah blah blah

A = the real answer
B = a close but not real
C = an answer unrelated
D = something random

In your head you classify all the options and then apply them in the future. By doing this you see what potential options are correct in what areas in the future questions in the test.

It's the other way around: you're defective and need to be burgerd.

Whenever these threads show up I see some weird shit that makes me feel like I'm being personally targeted by them. Perhaps Sup Forums is all a big experiment/cicada related??

Synchronicity is crazy stuff. Let's see if you have something interesting to tell us? Funny I had some extreme deja vu for the first time in a while prior to finding this. I expect trolling, but what the hell.

Some weird shit's been going on lately, and I'm curious.

[email protected]

Prepare your inbox for pooping cat photos, you filthy leaf.

>tfw to smart to get good grades cuz muh adhd

Humanity is a cooperative species based upon Love. You are actually defective and are incapable of successful cooperation and loving. You are aware of this and have decided to corrupt the rest of humanity. Your only virtue is vengeance upon the source from which your genetic abnormality originated.

You are a simple machine. You will never be able to interpret the depths of thought of even the most simple of human beings, because you lack the ability to love.

kek's new psyops to get together only the most powerful autists among us, pull out brain power together to make his meme magic unstoppable.
or something

Yeah, applicable.

[email protected]

>not using a throw away email
>not having a throw away email

Fuck it, [email protected]

>based on love
lol what?
humans are cooperative based on mutual wanting to help each other to feel better about themselves.
i can operate just fine without others.
>inb4 muh anecdotal evidence
how to you think all of Sup Forums operates?