Many of the children diagnosed with these conditions are, as we have seen, incredibly intelligent.
Their IQ’s are often as high as 130; 100 is the average. Many have IQ’s in the genius range of 160. Recently I found out that the tests they once used for testing if a child was a genius is exactly the same test they now use to diagnose ADD and ADHD!
So it looks like the Doctors actually do know that the population of geniuses is on the increase.
The Psychic children are living proof of the human potential. This leads me to ask the question; why are these children put on Ritalin? And is there a valid reason to pump them full of dangerous pharmeaucital chemicals?
There are also some hints that indicate that there are connections to GATE students in a strikingly high concentration in the chan / pol / boards
Think of the hitlers wizard card
user if you are a truthresearcher diagnosed with add/adhd/autism or you have been a gate student why dont you join our closed international research team?
drop me your email and we will contact you