Tfw no right wing parties in your country

>tfw no right wing parties in your country

Other urls found in this thread:

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

>What is Nordic Resistance Movement

>Entire country is right wing


They all are cuckservative or center right

Do NOT give the leaf (You)s

So the working class voted for Trump and the spending class (leeches) voted for Shillary...


People whose brains aren't evolved enough to build cities voted for the retard candidate.

People with the mental capacity to build complex societies voted for Hillary.


Hopefully we will soon see some in America. I can't wait for the rise of fascism

I shouldn't reply to this, but this is for everyone else. There was a recent study that shows that living in the city causes degeneracy. City people are degenerate. Degenerates voted for Hillary

>Right wing


I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

> complex societies?
> societies?
in a city?
full of degeneracy?
where you don't even know your neighbours?
please, end yourself, leaf...




>both left and right wing are corrupt and don't work for the people
>only non-corrupt party are "progressives"
Just kill me senpai, really thinking of starting a political party or getting into politics

The make one like I'm doing

Such salt


We don't have any either.

>the furthest right wing party in France in socialist

Parliamentary system is garbage

its just choose between AP or Hoyre once every few years

*People who built complex societies voted for Trump
*People whose brains are focused like a microscope mooch off of those societies voted for Hillary
ftfy faggot

Day of the rake when

Fifty shades of social democracy

>tfw i was so blind to hold hope for macri

I know that feel... I really know it...

but you had the military, what about them now? Im sure they counted as a nationalist unofficial party back in the day

Thinking about moving to Norway with my fiance. How bad is it?

Nice meme.

Macri que?

like many argentines on this board i believed he was the fascist the opposition parties led us to believe thus i voted. I am so ashamed of myself now.

We´ll come and rescue you soon.

Kek approves the meme.
Praise Kek.

Then make one

not a single decent one here too..

Pro is the most right-leaning party you can get, and it's still centre-right (at least economically). When I speak my mind to people that Macri govt is too lefty, they're always shocked and look at me with disgust.

Sweden has



Have no fear. Hadia will bring sharia.

I know your feel way more than you imagine

They will come when they are needed Norwaybro. They were needed here, and SD rose from nothingness in response.
>NMR being relevant


EKRE 2019

Every time

Make one.

What about these guys?

We have a cuckservative party that occasionally produces a good leader.

What was that about no right wing parties?
FrP and Hoyre are the ones in charge in fact

How is the situation for CHP in Turkey at the moment? Are they cucked/based? Are they gaining popularity after all the terrorist attacks? Do they have any real chance of taking down King Roach and the AKP?

Sold their soul for power.

We basically have now real opposition in Norway


Absolutely cucked. They mourned for Fidel Castro's death and they barely have any proper policies of their own. They are basically "we are not AKP" party.

More like selling their soul to stay in charge desu senpai.
Things will radically change if the ArbeiderPartiet gets in power with its butt buddies, we narrowly dodged a bullet last election

then make one

IKTF. No serious parties anyway. If you don't wanna raise taxes and minimum wage, you're a fascist over here.

>I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage
>I managed to write a novel without developing the muscle memory to choose "its" vs "it's"

cool story bro

So make your own

Same here. This shithole is doomed anyway, send nukes please.

>not going on left wing parties and redpilling friends and foes
lmao @ u goof

>There was a recent study that shows that living in the city causes degeneracy.

If it would help you, I would like to put our AfD in a box and send it to you.

Make one you potential school shooter.

Hoyre haven't been a konservative party since that fat cow got in power.

and let's not talk about how huge a disappointment FrP is.

>tfw no likable party leaders

>i believed he was the fascist the opposition parties led us to believe
There's still hope for you user
He literally wanted to name his party "Partido Nacional Socialista de los Trabajadores"

Fuck off liberal. We national socialists now.

This must be pasta, is it pasta??

Damn, had hoped that a proper based secular party still had a place in the spotlight in Turkey. Is the age of true Kemalism over?

I've seen this guy post this about a million times.
Is this a new copypasta or something?