Sweden = shit tier

daily reminder that denmark is literally the best country in the world.

its the country that deserves all of Scandinavia as rightful clay and the country that will uncuck all of northern europe on the day of the rope

sweden in comparison is literal shit tier:

let us have link related back so we can 1). Collect rightful clay 2). Eliminated the heathens

swedecucks btfo

Other urls found in this thread:


agreed, danmark best rige

Sweden belongs to Somalia, Norway belongs to Ancap. We used to be pretty ancap during viking times untill Harald Faggothair collected all the land and cucked everyone.

could not have said it better myself mate

Denmark is rightful German Clay, and germany belongs to the Ottoman Empire.


norway = danish right clay

stop taking our fish oilnigger

still luv u mountain monkey


Are you retarded?

Which has better health care denmark or sweden?

I love how all danes without question loves Norwegian, what is it about us bro?



I agree, true aryan people.


>tfw Danish ancestry on my dads side
Feels good man


>62467 ▶
>Which has better health care denmark or sweden?
denmark of course lmao

would you rather have a nigger """DOCTOR""" or a great Dane?

Anonymous (ID: UBoKnyWv) 01/02/17(Mon)19:12:11 No.105362443 ▶
Are you retarded?
Anonymous (ID: lR/dn1nT) 01/02/17(Mon)19:12:30 No.105362467 ▶ Which has better health care denmark or sweden?
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:12:30 No.105362469 ▶
I love how all danes without question loves Norwegian, what is it about us bro?
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:12:58 No.105362515 ▶
Anonymous (ID: 9fnbdE4B) 01/02/17(Mon)19:12:59 No.105362522 ▶ File: Dannebrog_3.jpg (388 KB, 2856x2004)
388 KB
Anonymous (ID: Flm1wmML) 01/02/17(Mon)19:13:07 No.105362539 ▶File: GjorslevGods8.jpg (2.72 MB, 3436x2292)
2.72 MB
I agree, true aryan people.
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:13:21 No.105362562 ▶
File: images[1].jpg (9 KB, 209x241)
9 KB
Anonymous (ID: 9Sra2Iyx) 01/02/17(Mon)19:13:36 No.105362579 ▶
>tfw Danish ancestry on my dads side
Feels good man
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:08 No.105362627 ▶
File: maxresdefault[1].jpg (85 KB, 1920x1080)
85 KB

While Denmark is a far better country than Sweden in it's current state it's far from a country I would ideolize.

Interesting, do you know from where in Denmark?

Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:08 No.105362627 ▶File: maxresdefault[1].jpg (85 KB, 1920x1080)
85 KB
Anonymous (ID: 9fnbdE4B) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:19 No.105362649 ▶
File: 41TbjdLdMOL.jpg (21 KB, 500x500)
21 KB
>62467 ▶ (You)
>Which has better health care denmark or sweden?
denmark of course lmao

would you rather have a nigger """DOCTOR""" or a great Dane?
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:45 No.105362686 ▶
File: norway_flag_symbol_color_(...).jpg (996 KB, 1920x1080)
996 KB
Anonymous (ID: UBoKnyWv) 01/02/17(Mon)19:12:11 No.105362443 ▶
(OP) (OP)
Are you retarded?
Anonymous (ID: lR/dn1nT) 01/02/17(Mon)19:12:30 No.105362467 ▶ (You) (You)


væk væk chav

agree, true aryan people.
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:13:21 No.105362562 ▶
File: images[1].jpg (9 KB, 209x241)
9 KB
Anonymous (ID: 9Sra2Iyx) 01/02/17(Mon)19:13:36 No.105362579 ▶
>tfw Danish ancestry on my dads side
Feels good man
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:08 No.105362627 ▶
File: maxresdefault[1].jpg (85 KB, 1920x1080)
85 KB
Anonymous (ID: C5aqbbS3) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:52 No.105362697 ▶
While Denmark is a far better country than Sweden in it's current state it's far from a country I would ideolize.
Anonymous (ID: Flm1wmML) 01/02/17(Mon)19:15:02 No.105362713 ▶
File: HindsgavlSlot.jpg (115 KB, 1180x664)
115 KB
Interesting, do you know from where in Denmark?
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:15:16 No.105362735 ▶
File: stock-vector-norway-flag-(...).jpg (327 KB, 1500x1195)
327 KB
Anonymous (ID: SQ1g+CuL) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:08 No.105362627 ▶ (You)
File: maxresdefault[1].jpg (85 KB, 1920x1080)
85 KB
Anonymous (ID: 9fnbdE4B) 01/02/17(Mon)19:14:19 No.105362649 ▶

>Not realizing that Norway and FInland are by FAR the best Scandi countries.

Denmark is almost literally a half step better than sweden.

No idea mate. I'd have to ask my Dad he might know as it was his family who did the ancestral tree.

Snälla Danmark, ta tillbaka Skåne, Blekinge och Halland och låt mig bli dansk igen

>not sure if legitimate Ameritard or next level trolling

snart senpai
not gunna fix ur gay gov though :^)

Danish people are like cats.

I spent over 3 months in Copenhagen. I found the locals cold, had no manners, and miserable. I spoke with American colleague who had lived there for a long time he mentioned that due to the high taxes and social welfare that the people presume their duty to others has been taken care of and they don't owe anyone anything, not even courtesy.

There was some exceptions of course. However, Most of the bars and clubs at night was full of pakis and North Africans, and the local Danish girls seemed easy prey for them. The doors were run by North Africans and the drugs too.

Denmark is cucked, don't let them fool you. The sooner Scandinavia makes like Atlantis the better DESU

Sweden will soon surpass Denmark through the power of the NB movement. WE


Men ta bara över för helvete

Ser ni inte att vi lider?

norway wouldnt be nuffin would their oil
what does denmark have in land resources? Farmland? And yet denmark is STILL comparable to norway rofl


You better be a Dane on holiday or thats fucking pathetic.

most of you obviously think everything is great :))

>not knowing the origins of the Angles

55% and dropping friend


Bow to the Queen Emperor and declare your loyalty to the Danish Throne, peasant. Perhaps you will be accepted. Perhaps you will be keelhauled.

>3 alphas in sweden is enough to remove kebab

is nuuk greenland comfy?

Well it's better than eternally cucked Sweden that's for sure. Bunch of Stockholm syndrome babies


no, greenlanders are degenerate petrol sniffing faggots.

Ignore the OP my fellow europeans, like 90% of the Americans, he probably never even left his hometown. Good evening to you all gentleman ( if you are european :3 )


we wuz vikangs n shiiet


What the hell kind of trash format respons is this?

What is it about people from the ME and Maghreb that they are so universally shitty. It's not just a problem in one country, but in every country they go to, they fucked shit up.

some one with grade A autism obviously

its just spam from a muzzy living in oslo

take my money.jpg

Scandicucks can only beat Netherlands if they cheat with oil shekels.


Fucking oilniggers.

>the netherlands
>not having a SHIT TONNE of NON WHITES
kek rofl what a shit place to live with all the race mixing going on,

Which clubs/bars did you visit?

Never seen any brown men where I go. Doormen are all white and usually instructed not to let brown men in because they cause so much trouble. Girls don't like them and feel unsafe around them and boys fight them.

As for the cultural coldness or whatever it is, it's not something I recognize. But I could imagine that if you are more outgoing like Brits and Americans usually are, people here might not respond to that...

I live in central Copenhagen btw.

what a lovely little cuck shed.

im going to be in copenhagen in 2 days, whats the best place to be at this time of year?

You know how Finland is generally kinda miserable and inhabited by people with some mongol blood, right?

Take the 50,000 Finns who are the most miserable and with highest concentration of Mongol blood in them and put them somewhere even more barren, desolate, cold and sparsely populated. That is Greenland

>Capital most like more cucked than Sweden
>Roughly 60-70% of voters support heavy taxes and a bureaucratic state
>Military spending at 1.1% of GDP and declining
>Disregard for pride in national values in general

Don't get me wrong, I love my country. But we're far from the best country in the world.

Countries like Switzerland and Germany are in my top 5.

>0,3% muslims

try again Obongo Bixnood

>Mosquito my shit up senpai

You mean like in terms of clubbing?

What are you into? And what are you like (style, dressing, etc.)

All Fennoscandians have this so called mongol blood to some extent

And Balts too

im not a degen, not looking to get into some gash in copenhagen. Just looking to see some cool historical stuff. Places for history/european beauty nerds

What are you doing in Merica, Natt?

Just the northern fennoscandis actually

thats where the reindeer herder lads reside

>>Capital most like more cucked than Sweden
Wrong man. I live in central CPH, pretty white and based for the most part. Just ignore Vesterbro (hipsters) and Norrebro (hipsters and mudshits)
>>Roughly 60-70% of voters support heavy taxes and a bureaucratic state
>>Military spending at 1.1% of GDP and declining
True, unfortunately. But with Russia acting up and a US less involved in NATO things seem to be changing
>>Disregard for pride in national values in general
If you mean the cultural degeneracy pushed by DR, then yeah - to some extent. But a national pride of our heritage is still very prevalent in society - even here in Copenhagen

Norway > Finland >>>>> Denmark > Iceland >>>>>>>>>> Sweden desu


>Here in Copenhagen

From your views I guess we can conclude that everything i relative then.

>Literally our former colony
>(((Best country in Scandinavia)))


I have watch a bunch of danish videos criticizing feminism. Unlike sweedcucks your people seem to be redpilled in this matter.

Am i right?

Feminism i frowned upon because of the extremism of the 3rd wave

Frederiksstaden in the Inner City (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederiksstaden) has beatufiul architecture everywhere. Royal palaces, Marble Church and mansions built by Danish noblemen and high achieving Danes. There's a day's worth of activity there, 2 if you're really into it and also spend some time visiting shops etc.

Another thing I'd recommend is to take a walk around Kastellet (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kastellet,_Copenhagen) which is an old fortress. It's very nice. You can combine it with a visit to the Little Mermaid, as the Mermaid isn't worth too much time.

Other than the above, popular turist attractions are walking down Stroget/Kobmagergade to Christiansborg Palace (Parliament) and see Nyhavn. If they do channel tours in the winter, go for one!

Christianshavn (Christania) doesn't have much to offer IMO. Especially if you're not a degenerate

tak pham

>what is Royal Dutch Shell

The title is ours, bitch

Norway is allright to.


The ones about Gender and Race are insane.. Literally everything Sup Forums believes, created by and broadcasted on the National Norwegian television - financed by the tax payers...

Because you are Danes.

There was a couple of bars most would go from work, I think it was called flogging Molly's. Brit pub was like two or 3 doors down. On a weekend the top floor would become a dance floor, it was full of brown men walking round with a bottle of grey goose.

Yeh, I worked with a large bookmaker in Denmark, so I got to meet quite a few Danes in different environments. I just found on the whole, they were quite cold but could be just culturalal differences.

They put me up near the train station, literally the red light district, so maybe I saw the worse side.

Leftists in Spain praise Denmark's welfare system very often. They think that's the main reason your country is based.

I think good welfare is not the cause of your prosperity, i think it's the consequence of having a healthy economy (no leftist shit)


Its because we are/were homogenous and white.

Train Station in Vesterbro? Vesterport station?

Never went to bars/clubs in Vesterbro

Seriously, If you have the time, watch number 1 and number 6.
*Spoiler* they interview the guy behind "the bell curve" and to balance the program then they interview a guy from Racism-SOS or some shit like that.. it's brutal to watch.

Norway-senpai is honestly the best, here is the true scandi ranking based on factual science:

1. Fjordway
2. Dænmårk
2½. Honorary snowniggers: Finrand
3. Dacians of Romania
4. Estonia
5. ????
9001. Sweden

Slav countries are the whitest and most homogeneous, yet miserable

How do you explain that?

>all these pride threads from irrelevant germanic countries
>not dumping qt germanic women
fucks sake boys your flags arent that interesting

Pure gold.

This is the most redpill-documentary I've ever watched. It's literally Science vs PC culture. Kek, they even shut down a gender studies centre (NIKK).

Although I have the feeling more norwegians are buying the third-wave feminist ideology than danes. Maybe I'm wrong.

>3. Dacians of Romania

Norway and estonia are basically just danish clay which's supervision has been outsourced to a 3rd party atm so ill allow it.

Rosie Mcgees it was called, 'old english' pub was a few doors down. Close to Tivoli gardens.

>Norway and estonia are basically just danish clay which's supervision has been outsourced to a 3rd party atm so ill allow it.
Agreed, Estonia received special consideration for their outstanding dental hygiene.

Well they are not miserable now are they? Ive been to several and they are lovely countries.

I'd blame communism and mongrelization.

Danes fuck animals in animal brothels

Oh yeah, I know that. Haven't heard to well of it either.

Been to the Scottish Pub which is right next door a few times. Great place.

But neither of the two enforce a strict policy at the door which could explain the problem with sand niggers

Gommunism XDDD
No really, fuck that shit.
The moment law and judicial system reforms are introduced and the former communist establishment gets kicked out of office (yet to be done here)
Growth picks up, wage growth and wealth increase etc, you get the picture.
Compare economic activity dynamics between Bulgaria and Romania. The former is unreformed and entangled in corruption and ex communist status quo, the latter is moving towards a society free from their degenerate past. Tell me what you find.


Can't be that since their average IQ is roughly the same as in western Europe.


It's already 26 years since that.


>a fucking leaf

Thank god I'm not a snownigger though desu. They get skin cancer even though they don't have summer whatsoever, which is pretty ridiculous