Can we have a ylyl thread?

Can we have a ylyl thread?

My grandma just died :( and I need something to lift me up.


Knock knock

Who's there?


A broken pencil


moybe my memoys will lift your spirit

Never mind it's pointless

A broken pencil who?



Never mind it's pointless





Just like a human life



Ofugg my sides HOLY shit

Sup Forums stands with Israel. I stand with Israel. Donald Trump stands with Israel. The alt-Right does not support anti-Semitic behaviour.



Did you guys get my joke


Today is my grandfather's birthday. He died a year and a half ago. There is no one I can imagine who is more deserving my respect. I wish to become a man like he was.

Sorry for your loss






sometimes this place is beautiful


Thanks. At the end we weren't that close, but she was still family.

Old here's another joke
Hillary Clinton hahaha






Fuck you



When I had friends they said I was funny, I don't have friends anymore though

Sorry for your loss.


Fuck off

Fuxk u


>this is your butthole
>this is your butthole in prison





Ha! Hilarious footnote jokes!

A (you) for (you)



the one in the center looks like the girl is having a religious experience due to the glory of dat ass


well done

no more mother sleep death pics pls

Not your gran


I'm sorry for your lose.



I now that feel, have a hug ;_;


Condolences for your loss

omg, the autism has me in tears







any time a brit tries to talk shit i just break this out

good for you, JIDF commando
>5 shekels loaned to you to be paid back at 50% interest

top zez




Í'm usually a real racist asshole on Sup Forums but for this one time i'd just like to say i'm sorry for your loss. Losing your meemaw is never fun. Take care you half roach nigger.

It's beat down! Time!











>All of them seem to be exercising decent TD.




lost right there