Lend france your energy

France needs our help.
If elected the EU will be done for.

Other urls found in this thread:


Isn't it like the middle of the night in USA?

France, we're counting on you, take this memetic energy, make us proud.

We need more weaponized autism to win this battle

may kek be with her.

when will the election be?





Is that the same woman? She's a pretty sexy milf

When's the election? I'm not ready to hop back in the trench yet.

her niece

Marion Le Pen

Miss Le Pen can get the baguette



Saint-Denis? No, LORRAINE.

First vote 23th april
Nail in the coffin 7th march.

thanks for your support

Can't find my Le Pen pepe.

middle of the day you pomplemousse


>supporting this old whore
Fuck off

>hillary supporter thinks he knows better


I'm planning to resurrect and repurpose propaganda posters from WW1 and WW2. Just collecting raw materials now.

>PEPE Le Populist Pen


>screen capture mode enabled, captain

I'm with her

you havin' a laugh?

God speed and good luck France. Let us all hoe the Socialist monster that the EU has become is defeated in 2017 by France.

>baiting this hard

Come on. Replace Trudy with Geert Wilders and you're good.


That's because if you defeat him , he wins.

>French intellectuals

If the quality of memes in this thread is any indication, France is in big trouble. Let's get cracking, guys!

France needs your best memes!

Nice poster.



Let there be a new crusade.
If the FN isn't elected, let's go to crusade.
If the FN is elected, let's go to crusade.

i stand with her

>whole world fought memetic warfare for trump
>now americans abandon france
faggots give her meme magic

Better idea
We meme the Bogdanoff brothers into the presidency

Chrage memetic energy against the ((((whitest))) country in EUROPE

250 pm.

"Amid the darkness and horror of a world splintering apart, the armies of the true creators, we who were ancient at the dawn of time, will march forth once more. We shall sweep away all that is Chaos and Disorder, for ours is the true path, and none shall defy us!"

—Translation from ancient plaques attributed to Venerable Lord Kroak




>frog education

save us le pen, save us all

take my counterfeit pepe and use its power


Burger reporting in!

t. french intellectual

need sauce on these armours, they're gorgeous.

this is literally all i have

french bros need to help out

Another frog made the image, no idea mate

what do the frogs need help with? Do they need memes?

>Voting for a w*man to rule the state
It's like you guys have learned nothing from the history.

The next world war will be the US, Russia, and Britain saving France from Germany again.

>roach wants to to keep voting for shabbos goys

Somebody teach me some Arabic words so I can help with the French elections.

We need more gets. Lend your energy people

Okay you wanna know what will help get her elected? We gotta shill like SJW's because France is full of them. She is the only woman running with a hope of winning. We need to find a way to get women to vote for her and make the eurocucks like her as well.
We need to appeal to their white guilt using the same jew tactics that didn't work for clinton would probably work in France

Using leftist tactics seems like a bad idea

I like it, is that OC by you?

In the land of the left the right would find it hilarious and play along. The left is stupid enough to fall for it.

The tools of evil in the right hands work quite fine.

>How to save the west.

Even if EU collapses west is done for. You would have to start deporting all foreigners to 'uncuck' which will just not happen.


Basically using subterfuge and subversion to get the job done. But how does the country feel about the FN party?

>Canadian education

tack my energy make France grate again

Is she shit on most other issues? How does she compare to opponents?

were we too ungrateful after trump and kek abandoned us?

No. WW3 will be a holy war. No more Jew wars. Jews are no longer a Holy race. Catholic Christians VS Islam. Winner gets to nuke the Jews.

nah, is right, she could suck sandnigger dicks on TV she still would be dismissed because she's literally Hitler.
Leftist just don't care, they've been trained to hate her since fucking birth, in fucking school you're told you must hate anything FN related. She's been giving hints and winks to leftists and literal JEWS for the past few years and they still take huge dumps on her at any occasion.

Submission isn't a strategy. People want a candidate that can stand proud (like trump). If she gives in to the leftyjews not only won't she get the votes on cucks but she'll lose the votes of the nationalists as well.

She still doesn't seem to understand that well just yet, she still sounds like she can't decide if she says she's a cuck or admit she's "alt-right"

I only stopped because French are so low energy that they can't keep their own general going.

>vs islam
>not wanting to march toward israel to retake jerusalem

as soon the the jews fall islam will crumble upon itself. Deus vult

The helmet and the protection on the left shoulder indicate jousting armor, probably from the XIVth or XVth century. Both features are designed to prevent wooden spear to hir the head or splitter from the spears exploding on contact hitting the eyes.

Drum up nationalism, fear monger against the muzzies, discredit other candidates? Would that win her the election or has the leftist programming took root and everyone is too cucked to do anything?


IF (and I have my doubts) But IF Russia really is hacking elections they should do it to France too.
It's not that I'm not open to evidence of Russian hacking at all, but on the other hand where the hell is it???

We're too much cucked. We can't swindle the leftists because they've been trained since birth as I said, mudslims are all muh racisms up their asses and muh welfare (even though it's not even in the FN's program to get rid of it/them) and the "moderate" right is afraid to be called fascists. Basically the only FN voters are those who already voted for it and those who suffer a direct impact from the recent invasion.

Our only chance is to go full trump giving the middle finger left and right and hope for the best. But wether the FN passes or not, we're going into civil war.
If it passes all the msm and politics will rile up muslims to start shit in the streets (google le pen 2002 to understand)
If it doesn't pass WE will have to start civil war because it'll be our only hope left.

Why would we need to start shit up even though we'd be almost sure to lose (the arabs are armed, whites aren't). That's because other parties have already scheduled to kill whatever democracy was left in the country (just so you know how fucked we are, fillon has parts of his program written the fucking president of builderberg).

>skipped bra day


what percentage of the french voters are actually french and not some nth degree immigrant?

Fuck that sounds terrible, in case of a happening Molotovs and flare guns are pretty good for setting things ablaze. You guys can get petrol in containers right? How could one get the message across to marine she needs to double down on her position and give both the right and left the finger

Lending my energy to france, what is going on right now?

We are few and it starts to be late here.

I wish I knew. She has counsellors something akin to focus groups for movies and they may be (((compromised))) (a free mason, a CIA agent and a jew). Shit is dire.

Bagetue beam.

Her advisers sound like a bad joke, when's the second round of elections due?

march 7th



Vive la France


Obviously these need to be modernized but they're a good starting point


Prepare for meme dump


More FN posters

On it.