Pewdiepie really is our guy
redpilling an entire generation.
Ladies and gentleman, we got him
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Him and Filthy Frank have been like this for awhile. Filth even said the Holocaust never happened in one of his videos.
>Tfw edgy memes will save the white race.
Isn't Papa Franku actually some liberal douchebag that is ironically making fun of the Alt-right in every single one of his videos? When he's out of character, he looks, acts, and speaks exactly like one, and has even admitted that the whole thing is a joke before. He's also a complete degenerate, hangs out with complete degenerates, and makes the majority of his money eating vomit.
I'm also confused
When did memetic warfare become so powerful? How is it one of the most effective ways to fight the brainwashing institutions?
What did we stumble upon?
I don't know if he's being ironic about it or not. Most people that watch his videos are younger I'd say and they imitate what they see. I feel like it's the new generations version of Jackass. Yeah it's stupid and senseless, but kids will still think it's cool and listen to the stupid and senseless stuff.
I still feel he's been at it for too long to only be targeting the alt-right just now.
Your first mistake is assuming that he gives a shit. He's never gotten political, he just rolls around in his own shit for money.
And there's something noble about that.
>When did memetic warfare become so powerful?
its always been powerful
jewish influence is memetic in nature
we only just started fighting back, our enemies are slacking, destructive and neurotic, its really no wonder why our memes are starting to outperform theirs
Get this anti-Semitic shit off of /pol
The alt-Right stands with Donald Trump and Israel.
Israel is our friend
Couldn't have explained it better myself... Meme wars have been going on since the dawn of time, but meme wars... Meme wars have changed. Slowly, we are perfecting it.
when did his content become 18+, I thought he was some autist that pre teens enjoyed?
That is entirely incorrect. There are even some videos where he seems(?) to be on our side.
I'm just not sure whether he's actually being ironic and making fun of us, or if he's just saying that to cover for the fact that he's completely serious. Because "Joji" seems like a liberal douche, I'm inclined to believe the former, but I just don't know myself.
>Some clickbaiting cunt laughs at Family Guy-tier jokes
>OMG he's so redpilled!
You faggots are too gullible.
>And there's something noble about that.
There's nothing noble in being a degenerate.
Hows that EU membership going, cuck?
How's that Jew-loving, fag-enabling Orange President going, nigger?
Trump is based. He's going to be part of the Israeli/Russian/American alliance.
He's a funny guy.
>There are people who aren't in support of a successful ethnostate
If you don't support Israel, you are a cuckold.
He is going to break with his qt italian mozarella, get lonely, reject his liberal friends, start raging all day.
Stop taking the red pills pewds only chaos and madness awaits! Dont do it
im lmaoing @ ur life
Duck a fat dick slave jew rat
Illegal settlements will burn with real america's blessing
Israel is for faggots
Pewdiepie is the pure master race that all of you wish to become. He just knows how to subtly give the new generation propaganda.
Your president supports Israel. You should too. It's treasonous if you don't.
Mr. President, is that you?
Not noble, but extremely funny, even if at some times I want to vomit. There is something truly hilarious about the suffering of other human beings, in limited circumstances (such as when they are willingly subjecting themselves to it for money.) YouTube has made beggars great again, except now they call themselves "vloggers" and "entertainers," and compete with each other to see who can mutilate themselves the most, and hold your attention span the longest.
>makes a (non-politically charged) joke involving hitler in his videos
>one of us
this logic does not follow. Cute fantasy though.
what leads you to this conclusion? Moreover, why do you feel the need for validation from pewdiepie?
I meant Barack "THREE MORE WEEKS" Obama.
I'm really starting to enjoy him for some reason. He's reminding me more of Sam Hyde with every video.
He makes fon of sjws and anti-sjws as near as I can tell.
He is a liberal, but he is a mix race nutjob who seems to have legit personality splitting, probably from drug use.
I saw the video where he says he holocaust never happened, and it does seem like he believes that when he is in character.
He's also a fag.
>pol makes me watch 12 year olds stars
in one of his latest vids he said youtube doesnt want him to be a the top because hes white
>open video
>pewdiepie says he will take the top comment on the wall behid him and discuss it
>this fucking site is known for fucking withonline polls
>we can do the same shit witha youtube comment
screencap this
didn't bother to link proofs?
PewDiePie is literally the gayest sounding name I've ever heard.
>You faggots are too gullible.
>coming from khazar khaganate
He is Swedish
Pewdiepie said in 2014 how he hates racists and wants more immigration to Sweden, and spoke about how sad are a scary evil party who only awful people vote for.
He's bluepilled as fuck and is just another Swedish cuck.
He is worth more than all of Canada combined.
link pls
I feel this is a victory for autists.
First we took the worlds money with Silicon Valley
Now we're controlling politics which we never controlled before on account of being autistic using internet memes.
If shit like this keeps happens Autists are gonna reach Jew status.
nice viral marketin shills
at 9:07
In 2016 he said that he didnt even recognize his neighborhood anymore.
Life hits you fast.
I've read his Wikipedia bio. He plays video games all day. So fuck you.
You be the judge.
This is from his youtube channel.
>Filthy Frank is the embodiment of everything a person should not be. He is anti-PC, anti-social, and anti-couth. He behaves and reacts excessively to everything expressly to highlight the ridiculousness of racism, misogyny, legalism, injustice, ignorance and other social blights. He also sets an example to show how easy it is in the social media for any zany material to gain traction/followings by simply sharing unsavoury opinions and joking about topics many find offensive.There is no denying that the show is terribly offensive, but this terrible offensiveness is a deliberate and unapologetic parody of the whole social media machine and a reflection of the human microcosm that that social media is. OR MAYBE IM JUST FUCKING RETARDED.
proof of both these quotes
idubbbz is sort of based as well, in the cancer comments vid he says ironically he believes all races and religions are equal