I never knew these women were the brains behind us going into space. Why didn't they teach us this in high school?
I never knew these women were the brains behind us going into space. Why didn't they teach us this in high school?
High school is for learning not fantasy.
legit rofl right now
>implying the USA didn't get to space on the backs of Nazis.
There was an episode of Timeless about one of these women and they even made a joke about how unnotable she was until the characters went back in time and made her famous.
IIRC, even with a Math/Computer degree she was basically a pencil pusher.
oh dont worry itll be all the schools now
gonna just re-write history totally i suppose
So basically the White men develop the theories and equations and the subhumans put the numbers into the equation and crank the lever.
It's called delegation, it's what important people do to save their precious time by giving unimportant grunt work to underlings so that they can focus their time on more important things like going to the moon.
>the brains behind
Oh? Did they design the rockets? Formulate the propellants? Machine the parts, engineer the materials, develop the electronics or engineer any critical systems?
The did some math.
Was it important? Yes. Were they the only ones who could do it? Fuck no.
Would we have made it to the moon without them? Yup, and nobody would have noticed their absence.
BTW, one was 1/4 black, looked basically white (look up photos of her, she has light hair and skin), the other two were secretaries. The 1/4 black one checked computations by hand, it's not like she was an actual engineer or anything
I heard only Johnson was really important, basically a "human computer".
>fuck, marry, kill?
>I stole this credible information
As a space nerd, Katherine Johnson did solve an integral mathematical problem and had many noteworthy contributions to the early space program, but the other two aren't noteworthy at all really though. I mean their wikipedia's are hardly long (they'll be padded with hollywood "facts" soon enough). The one is only noteworthy for taking over the department of mathematicians after a Caucasian women passed away. She just became kind of, head TI-83. The other one was just a TI-83.
You do know one of these women has a medal from the president, right?
Did she suck him off or something?
>basically a "human computer"
Before the 60's there were rooms full of computers. These were clever girls sitting at desks just doing math all day with pencil and paper. They were called computers, because their job was to compute numbers.
The Manhattan Project had thousands of them. It was glamorous grunt work.
But I guess with today's education, imagining that someone could do long division, or calculations using function tables by hand is something magical.
Of course, women are the reason men tried to flee from this planet.
> i have no repeatable experiment on curved earth > space totally exists, guys, and niggers get us there
This x10000000000
>Of course, women are the reason men tried to flee from this planet.
Where's the upvote button...
came hear to say this.
Is this a Mel Brooks comedy?
Let's predict how many oscars this movie is going to win. I say 4 at least.
>It was glamorous grunt work.
>Unglamrorous grunt work
Spell check strikes again.
but....they still got a movie so....
>Of course, niggers are the reason men tried to flee from this planet
Finally, a movie about some inner city youths that actually dindu nuffin
>they still got a movie so....
So did a cartoon fish.
And that had a bigger box office. So which is more important in the scheme of things. Black number crunchers, or a blue cartoon fish.
Fleeing from niggers?
What kind of burger are you?
Even if this story is bullshit, you know what? I think it's okay. Maybe some self esteem will help some people, even if it isn't based in reality.
They will in ten years.
Go back to pleddit you fat fuck
Self esteem is not built from stealing or fabricating history.
Pretty soon they'll start thinking they were Caesar, or Kings...
>ask your self this.
who determines the relevancy?
Mr. von Braun would like to have a word with those filmmakers.
the one actually intelligent among them was equal to all of the her white male coleagues
she only gets the spotlight for being negroid and vaginoid
Nazi scientists should be on that cover.
Glamorous grunt work sounds better. It sounds sarcastic.
>Go back to pleddit you fat fuck
Figures France didn't get the joke.
That's the place they actually think mimes are funny...
un no
in this case its just mathmeticians
so it would be "WE WUZ MATHS AN' SHIT"
no, they were a few cogs among a few dozen thousand that made the whole thing happen
and obama got an award for being black
so fucken what?
Don't you DARE talk shit about Dory.
Why didn't they teach you that the Nazi scumfuck who rained fire on London was the real brains behind the whole space program? Because schools are dominated by female teachers and women are oriented by feelings not truth and so they teach the version of history that makes them feel good. Same with the movie. Makes history's victims and victim complexers feel good about themselves.
You say this like it means anything.
nice image
very nice
>Maybe some self esteem will help some people, even if it isn't based in reality.
It will only make them uppity and whine about oppression.
>how it be that we wuz kings n built da pyramids n went to space n shiet n ar ghettos be shit. it must be dem whiteys, youknowwhatimsayin?
Not even mathematicians. Mathematicians come up with new math. She checked computations. She was an arithmetic machine
>implying it wasn't recorded on a movie set
>in this case its just mathmeticians
Not only was he the brains, he would walk up behind the engineers and look over their shoulders and check their calculations with a slide rule. A fucking slide rule.
Didn't matter what they were working on, he understood every aspect of the work.
Because they'd rather tell kids how evil the Nazi scientists were, who also were the mastermind behind the space programs of both America and the USSR.
That tub on the right looks as if she's been widened through Photoshop
There's nothing white SJWs love more than fiction about magic niggers.
>She was an arithmetic machine
No, more like a fifth grader with a pencil and a lot of patience
And a dyke tv host got a medal by obongo
Maybe the kid is hungry because momma ain't....
I want a movie about the black man who invented peanut butter.
If they don't make one, they'd be nuts
Children in Americuck schools will be shown that movie for decades and in 40 years the mainstream history toaught everywhere will be that 3 sassy sheboons sent America to the moon
Nuke america literally worse than Sweden
>black man who invented peanut butter.
>If they don't make one, they'd be nuts
>they'd be nuts
The greatest non-white contribution to the NASA space program:
They got a movie because liberal hollywood wants to do everything in it's power to make the American race for space look anything like the actual white male dominated venture that it was because it's CURRENT YEAR and the POOR MINORITIES ARE SPECIAL TOO!!
You crackers are so insecure! you think you all have a monopoly on intelligence. As a black man I love coming here and learning how you beta cucks think. Its very flattering to know that we are always on your minds HAHA!
Pretty sure a black man did not invent peanut butter.
Using the internet(or any other modern technology) is appropriating white culture.
>They got a movie because liberal hollywood wants to do everything in it's power to make the American race for space look anything like the actual white male dominated venture that it was because it's CURRENT YEAR and the POOR MINORITIES ARE SPECIAL TOO!!
Actually I think it was because this is a Holocaust buy year.
2 holocaust movies, a "minority history", then holocaust, AIDS/homosexual/transgender, and the cycle repeats.
Bitch on the right looks like slippy from Star Fox 64
They worked as calculators, basically doing rote calculations that real scientists didn't have time for. There were thousands of scientists and engineers working at NASA doing much more important work, but nobody makes movies about them because they are fucking white males.
Gotcha Bitch (Dave Chapelle voice)
You Crackers are worthless. Black people are waking everybody up to your fuckery and you all hate it. We are the bat up your ass that wont go away. You can do shit. Your powerless in every way! lol.
thanks for posting this. Im gonna save the pic to use against u peckerwoods in the future!
Name one African country that has launched a rocket. Or produced it's own car. Maybe an electronics brand?
Give up?
Yeah, so did they. That's why all of the above are filed under Shit That Didn't And Won't Happen.
I still think it's hilarious that niggers think the ultimate win in life is to fuck a white girl.
zimbabwe was working on one
here ya go brother
Car Manufacturer in Ghana:
anymore questions about Africa?
tehehhe good one cracker... what else you got?
why do you rape babies to cure aids?
Come, Mister tally man, tally me spaceships
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Come, Mister tally man, tally me spaceships
Daylight come and me wan' go home
Nigerias GDP is higher than alot of Europeans GDP . lol
So does Ellen DeGeneres
hahah thats funny.. what else?
In other words, the Chinese have trained monkeys to put Legos together.
>Car Manufacturer in Ghana:
Not so fast there...
There was one lady iirc who designed the control system for the reentry attitude control.
Basically a 200 line program that will spin the command module to ensure that it doesn't come into the atmosphere too hot or too shallow.
Just like Ellen Degeneres
space program: in SA and Nigeria