I believe that if jordan attacks isreal with full force in a secret surprise attack it can invade or liberate it in less than 1 week , considring palestenian support , jordan has one of the most trained and advanced armies in the middle east , it can seize israels nuke arsenal before it can use it and attack on the northern and southren fronts and divide israel in 4 parts.
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but then America would come and fuck ur shit :DDDD
everything is possible
Holy shit the delusion is real
support, when does this happen my friend?
lol piece of shit south american country fag
They have a couple of submarines with nuclear intercontinental balistic missiles. Even if you manage to take the nuclear silos in Israel, you and most of the Muslim world would still be turned to glass.
don't count on it
arabs have been "secret" surprise attacking israel for a while now. how has it worked out so far?
Jordan is ruled by a cuck clown of a king that follows Israel's orders.
To have a good army you must either have courage (like the Vietnamese) or an empire (like the British).
Jordan has neither.
Don't take it personally, only losers roleplay as countries.
israel has 1million 650k arabs which is 20% of israel population most of them would support jordanian attack
admit it
you just keep this guy alive just to fuck with the israelis
in the real world its impossible for all arabs countries to invade israel because nato will erase us sandniggers , im saying if it was only jordan vs israel , also jordanian moral will be very high since evvery muslims wet dream is liberating jerulasm
this basically. jordans a fake country, stop pretending you aren't bedouins (those of you that aren't palestinian anyway)
russia is keeping him alive not us
i agree thats jordans king is a cuck and the whole royal family is shit , but jordan aint that bad its pretty civilzed
lmao i thought he was assad for some reason , yeah these israeli sluts deserved it
You tried that already on the first day Israel was a country, and failed miserable. What makes you think you can do it now, when we have nuked and drones?
Alright it's time to shut down sandnigger delusion. Arabs have been talking for years on how superior they are to the "subhuman zionazis" for years now, but every time they go to war with them they get eternally BTFO'd.
Let's actually look at the numbers, disregarding morale, terrain and training.
>110,700 Armed personnel + 60k reserves
>Doesn't employ Conscription, only passes Israel in population by about a million.
>Budget: $2.5 Billion
>Never won a war before
>No Nukes, not sure even if they have Chemical weapons.
>Armored Corps backbone consists of old American M60's, strongest tank is locally produced version of the Challenger 1, an 80's era MBT.
>Shitty Artillery
>Shitty AA Defense Systems.
>Professionalism of Soldiers pretty much dependent on US intervention and training.
>Small Air force
Keep in mind that this will be a total war here, and that they're going against
>176,000 Active Personnel + 445,000 in Reserves
>Has conscription and state can greenlight emergency countermeasures within a week.
>Budget: $18,6 Billion
>Historically won every war, Defense doctorine states that a defeat is not acceptable. (2nd Lebanon can be subject to debate)
> Nukes, also chemical weapons.
>Armored Corps consists of Modern Merkava IV's and Merkava III's, also has plenty of upgraded modernized M60's in their reserve.
>An organized Artillery Corps
>Good Anti-Air systems and Iron Dome.
>Professionalism is high despite being a conscription army. Well organized hierarchy.
>Air Force among the best in the world, consisting of F15's and F-16's, first F-35 already in posession of the IAI.
And I haven't even got to the superior training, doctorine, and strategic planning of the IDF, while also posessing territorial advantage due to fighting a defensive war. Jordan doesn't stand a chance.
I get that you sandniggers love to circlejerk about how the kikes took "your land" or whatever but hot damn, I see why ya'll are the armpit of the world.
"Seize the nuclear arsenal" of a nation that has the nuclear triad, good one.
>honor killing
the Bedouins are based, If Jordan was ruled be Bedouins it would be better off.
it's a shame that in Jordan they indoctrinate you with anti-Semitic propaganda starting in elementary school. You've never had a chance to think for yourself regarding this issue. Sad. You couldn't take Isreal either.
didnt we just give you like 16 attack helicopters? for free?
anyway do attack, do it with the help of our local arabs please, it will give us the oprotunity to throw all of them to your dessert.
jordan is like 70% palestinian anyway
every Jews wet dream is keeping Jerusalem. (which by the way was their religious claim thousand years before islam). The morale of the only civilized, free nation in the middle east is higher than that of fanatic butthurt muslims.
>Arab country
>effective military force
>believing in religion
wew lad.
The issue isn't religion. What do you expect palis to do when the israelis literally took their land?
I actually don't give a fuck about giving moral support to Israel.
But when they start sending tax dollars, then it becomes an issue.
yes but you got those helis for free from us
Well, the fact is we don't even ask for it. We just get it.
The jihad didn't begin in 1948, you historically-ignorant product of American "education".
lmao. 10/10 b8.
The fact is that if we give you one less penny your president throws a shit fit
probably, we are merly riding on your govenment submition to your military indusreal complex.
its a way for the us gov to pay give them contract without adding military hardware to its own army
please do it.
send a refund
The first car bombing in the Middle east was done by the Irgun at the King David Hotel
under the cover of "supporting our greatest ally."
Do they not teach any history to arabs? Or do they teach some sort of mythology where arabs and muslims would win wars against Israel, but they haven't actually tried it yet?
>Well, the fact is we don't even ask for it. We just get it.
God. You're as delusional as OP.
Nigger, those kikes will glass the entire fucking Levant, themselves included.
I'm totally OK with that. You guys should prosecute your mandate forthwith.