Czechs are naturally better than everyone else

Czechs are naturally better than everyone else.

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fucking czechaboo

Hail allah

how unexpected from 60 %

Daily reminder Czechia is the only white place in europe.

endless kek Jane.
>what are vietnamese

Czechia is our former colony. We gave them a blue triangle and they've been happy since.

They make up only like 0.001%, plus they work hard and generally don't cause problems.

t. only droga expresova, no highways

daily reminder chinese are comin br u h!!!

The P10 better be a good gun. I hate glocks

how much did you pay south africa to use their flag design? it looks like an airline logo

back to >>/k/ontaiment

we wuz first

>90% atheist
>No sea access


haha enjoy your shitty droga expresova running thru villiages and towns while we enjoy highways :^)

Atheist != libcuck

We're one of the most xenophobic countries in europe.

tell that to Ngyuen :^)

>Being a filthy heathen

What a dumb picture. Why not have the guy holding a rifle made by them instead of a German one?

>not having enough highways
>not having fully completed rings around major cities
>not having houses fixed and repainted, for example in fucking Krakow there are many houses in shit state close to city centre

Poland 2017, everyone! still a shithole

the Vietnamese are pretty hot tho
also get that filthy german rifle outta the picture, where is VZ58 or BREN?

>ethnically cleansed/slaughtered/raped 3 million Sudeten krauts at the end of WWII
>working on doing the same to gyppos now
>most based country in yurop

To support Czechs I drink only Czech beer.

t. trudeau
ano ondro, užij si rasové míšení
>implying that was a good thing

Nguyen's xenophobic too, you know.

good eesti goi

we had navy under Austria Hungary and also freight fleet during CSSR :^)
kind of. bananove deti ftw

Alright faggot I hope you get another anschluss but this time with rapefugees.

I am a happy owner of your guns though.

don't race mix, just fuck em

best eurolands:

1) Switzerland
2) CZ
3) Liechtenstein


which ones do you have?

I own a Glock, kek.

they are going to be assraped by chinese tho
ahahah fucking bull back to austria dumb ass
hahahaha nah we dont have bill C-16 here :^))))
no lol
t. droga expresova and grey houses

>laugh at a landlocked country for not having any naval force

how was your navy working out for you at the start of WW2?

Better than your super modern tanks before the war even begun :^)

>while having mountian borders

polish intellectuals

Why Czech loves being occupied so much?

i would say about the same

We enjoy western dick, while you enjoy mongolian one :^) fucking subhuman rape baby

Reminder that dumb Czechs VOTED in the 40s for actual communists. Communists literally have won the elections in Czechoslovakia

I really like the Czech. They have a nice country, very pretty. Nice people too. It was very cool to see that they aren't totally cucked by English too; I met some people who knew very little English, some close to none.

How are the sanctions working out for you Ivan? Glad we are in NATO so we will never be under the rule of Russian subhumans again. We should also kill Russian 5th column here (commies).

you certainly deserve more political backstabs Hajnówka nigger

good gooy!


well, you have been waiting for this moment so long, and you even manage to fuck this up


i see that you subhuman can afford only such a small monitor? How many months with no food you must spend to pay debt? :^)

Czechs are nice
Not as good as Slovakians, but I still like them
great thumbnail bro

Vz58 cz75
Do you really think that bill actually means something? I live in a town that's 99% white conservative, there's a couple Philippinos


>Ever doing anything right

T. Kalousek

>believing that sanctions have any real impact and aren't just virtue signaling
How is life under Mama Merkel's glorious Caliphate? Ready to become part of Eurabia?
Btw, why so butthurt? We weren't the only ones, krauts did the same thing


oh wow you bigot!!!! how dare you to assume the identity of newcomers across thesea

>ever being relevant

ně more to je právda žadňy rasýzti tu něsú

to slovensko nase posial pero salo

russian intellectuals

whoa so funi I KEKE XDDD

>Sanctions not having a real impact
are you living on Mars or something? Check literally any source other than your governments and it's subsidised media.

We hate you both. More-so you because it is in the more recent memory.

we could take europe in one day nato is shit only the us can save you

eto podcelovek!

>hoping that you won't get cucked into submission by EU
We'll see what you'll have to say when the (((European Army))) will occupy your country for not filling refugee quotas

>getting your asses kicked by some "rebel" and ISIS subhumans in Syria and ukrops in Ukraine
>think you can do anything with NATO


whoa you can afford internet in Krasnoyarsky kraj? Im suprised

>we could take europe in one day
Then why can't you even take little shitty eastern parts of Ukraine since 2 years, Ivan?


I dont see any on your side though. Only empty phrases such as "caliphate"

Well..Russia actually did have many intellectuals..Cezekia on the other hand is only famous for blowing up marathons.


You are such a bigot for assuming identity of attackers, and trying to imply that people from this country are all in favor of terrorism.

Now go back to memorizing text of Bill C-16

čemu se smeješ dylyno ťy ukažu ferovku jesli chceš ně

we have aleppo we have crimea the czech republic 208.8 billion USD the russian gdp is 2 trillion so


dubz stealer

Only their women are.

not wrong

lol faggot i was born with blue eyes were you born with blue eyes

athiesm destroys the christian moral fabric of society so it can be replaced with something else. it was supposed to be replaced with communism but now it will probably be replaced with liberal cuckoldry

of course Saschen baby boi

well genetical mutations are not common between monlogs due to incest

t. pepa

in ur dreams

it was already replaced by patriotic hockeyism
one true G-d has no. 68

what the fuck are you even saying

non-czech spotted
go back to your country, Ivan

to co se mi snažíš namluvit ty mrdko z českomoravské vrchoviny? zatímco já si užívám údolí Labe tak ty hniješ někde na valašsku


Estonians are bit better than Czechs, though.

This is the most autistic thing I've ever read.

maybe, but its also true

can't remember one thing in which they are.

javellin maybe?

>t. Duka

czech partisans in 1945 were fucking evil


yeah you have that american suburb style of living
germanposter spotted

Ty vole i kdybych byl z valašska tak bych na tom pořád byl stokrát líp než žít někde u smradlavý setuzy v cigánským ústí věčně na perníku hahaha. Statisticky nejzamrdanější město a nejzamrdanější kraj v česku.

this thread is embarasment, i am so sorry u had to witness it. i am rly ashamed of my countrymen.

t. T.

The first bad thing about Czechs is that they're slavs. Borderline subhuman race.

>t. Prague citizen


drž píču ty samonenávistný kokote

ahaha já jsem z Děčína víš. To jest u národního parku, je tu čisto píčo :^)

Psst, Russians can even afford hacking US elections.

The bad thing about portugal is that they're niggers