Exploring our oceans: Dont you fucking do it

You know how scientists are always clamoring about how we know more about outer space then we do our own oceans?

Maybe there is a fucking reason for that
1. The ocean sucks
2. Who wants to be around some faggy fish
3. Fuck salt

Let me explain to you something Sup Forums
We never need to explore our fucking oceans because theres nothing cool down there
So dont you go looking because your going to waste your time my time and humanities time

I dont understand why anyone would wanna go check out that bullshit

If you wanna get the same experience just go to the deepend of the pool or a pond and its the same exact shit just deeper

I repeat there is nothing cool in our unexplored oceans and aint nobody got time to find it out

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Tell me lads. Why haven't we drained the oceans yet? Whats the fucking point of it?

shut up fishman, what are you trying to hide?
I swear I will explore the ocean as soon as possilble

what if you find an old sailship full of GOLDEN BOOTY

> inb4 lmao kikes always think about gold

Because we cant.

And if we do, whole world will turn into Russia lol.

Fuck off just dont come down here okay

There isnt anything cool here
Leave me alone

Fuck salt gets me every single time!

Maddox is that you?

> a bong that hates the ocean
is it because it no longer favours you, Alfred Bonginton?


STFU fishFUCK, if we want we can fuck you shit up niggah fish fuck

I've seen this copy pasta before.

Ill make the water safe for refugees if you keep this up...

Ive said to much

Just leave me alone okay?

t. Kraken


>Maybe there is a fucking reason for that
>1. The ocean sucks
>2. Who wants to be around some faggy fish
>3. Fuck salt
That kind of humour was only vaguely funny 10+ years ago if you were a teenager

It's not copypasta


Exactly its super gay
just like the ocean
So dont come here

>We never need to explore our fucking oceans because theres nothing cool down there
Scientists suspect that the origin of life on Earth lies in the deep sea. It would be great to confirm this and actually understand how to create living substances from anorganic materials. It could be the first step to create life forms that are specifically tailored for our needs (plastic eaters, methane converters, ...)

i am selling all of my apple stocks to spend the rest of my life exploring the ocean, with a focus on the deep and unexplored parts. checkmate atheists.

its a little late for discovery hans
The colored people arent going to use that information

they dont even care

So just dont come down here


Nice pasta


The deep ones dont exist

Fuck off humans

>Implying the superior races won't unite and purge the Earth of all subhumans one day
Don't lose faith so quickly.

t. Jose Garcia

The brown ones are easier to control user

just dont come down here
its fucking gay down here


What kills the octopus?

Is this an extension of the Antarctica threads?
It feels like an extension of the Antarctica threads.

>inb4 pyramids on the Dogger bank

I have explored it and I encountered a mermaid

ask me anything

(all these newfags not knowing this thread)

btw Im dr waq


t. Demetrius Brown

do you bang her? and how did you bang her?

did you bang her


I did not bang her

I dont think she was the type that would bang on first dates

Looked quite fun desu


sorry, no other questions

RIP indeed

that was a pretty sweet sweet camera

>tfw, even mermaids wont bang me


The Bible warns against such things. You don't want to anger God again like you did when you tried to explore (((space))).

Wait until you get pulled down into the abyss on wall dive.



I wonder who is behind this post.

I disagree, we should make refugee centres at the bottom of the ocean of the Bermuda Triangle and send the entire population of Africa and the Middle East to live in them.

Did he died?

Seen this exact thread before?? Wtf? Why is this even a copypasta