You can only post in this thread if your country is at least a semi-major military or economic power.
You can only post in this thread if your country is at least a semi-major military or economic power
>Canada outside of the "non-country" catagory
I'm going to request a moratorium on this one.
India has nukes
have to post before its too late
That was my fuckup
And shitting streets
Do you know the Joke where the Superpower goes to a war with some farmers ?
When i heard it, i lost it
I guess the German sense of humor knows no borders.
Their jokes always hit me like a truck.
>major military/economic power
They have weaponized shitposting, not to be trifled with.
Must be their superior "engineering"
Switzerland is possible at least because "muh nazi gold and sheit", but Indonesia? How?
Indonesias GDP is actually greater than Switzerland's for one. For another, you guys are one of the most populous nations on the planet, with ~250 million people and growing. You also have a pretty powerful military.
Reporting in
Daily reminder that American s are the most powerful race on the planet.
>the netherlands are french clay
That doesnt make them a power in any sense of the word, they have no ability to project force and they have no diplomatic clout
For some reason hong kong is also on the list when it is just china...
We're still a major military power? Wew lad. Reporting the fuck in lads.
tu avoir tort a amour les noirs
Also what the fuck is Belgium doing in the "relevant" section but not the non-country section?
Good enough?
> american "race"
Do you mean niggers?
If you means whites then sorry bud, their is no such thing as an american race, you guys are just european outcasts
Feels good man
This board is too good on us
Russia's nuclear arsenal almost have the energy of a medium sized volcano. Are you sure we're above them? I know we certainly are economically but militarily I'm not so sure.
You're an honorary global power because you're our best ally. Sorry we can't give you superpower status any more.
Because they can't into independance and need to be protected by their french natural masters
Power projection. I wouldn't be surprised if half of those missile silos are old and unmaintained and blew up in their face the moment they pushed a button.
The source may be a tad biased, although it was an eu study
Artefact of an earlier iteration
I bet even a few are empty kek
Likely, I've seen the state of their aircraft carriers and navy in general. But then again, we have 0 so perhaps I shouldn't mock them.
>Major Military/Economic Power
I was on the fence about it for a while, but I think you're right.
My country is in the wrong place
indonesia can zerg rush australia easily...
hk is ripe for foreign intervention to fuck with china when pre-war
is Jersey french clay?
Belgium was literally just a British invention to piss off the French as one of their presidents said.
Isn't Jersey some weird French-Anglo hybrid island?
How are they gonna cross the sea? What air power do they possess?
You'd think that, but Italy has the 8th largest economy in the world. Is your self esteem so low that you feel below Canada, Brazil and Turkey?
>not a non-country
I've already addressed that Hans.
GDP doesn't mean shit, nigga. GDP per capita is what you should be looking at. GDP with a huge population just means that there's a lot of poor people who make very little, to the point where they can amass huge sums of money. It's counter-acting each other.
Military might be on point tho. Maybe.
>not pooper power by 2020
>India by 2020
>GDP doesn't mean shit
I dunno, you are a member of the G20, and it's been growing at about 5% annually. Militarily, you're the biggest presence in southeast asia, and 14th overall in the world. It's in the correct category.
Well I'm going to address it again
>not a non-country
its a remnant of the kingdom of Normandy
i just wanted to know french opinion
You can only reply to this post if your country has the power to annihilate any country at any time from anywhere in the world with extreme precision.
Report in lads.
Surprised to hear that. I considered Indonesia an irrelevant shithole.
>indonesia can zerg rush australia easily...
You guys are almost as relevant as brazil. If anything you should be in category up.
I'm pretty sure the G20 is pretty shit and everyone hates it.
14th? Huh. I know we have an unnecessarily huge military, but I never thought it'd be that big.
they can't
but australia can't move away either
hence, semi-major power
>extreme precision.
So not the burgers then?
We're a major military power??? Neat!
>this woman has the power to shut down your countries parliament
Get fucked leafy.
How are China and Russia not listed as super powers? the American genius strikes again.
Surprisingly, yes.
yeah maybe 40 years ago.
our military is fag central, and our economy is in shambles, hanging by a thread spooled by Jew bankers who will leave our country at the slightest hint of worry.
America is not a superpower, but the Jews who control our governments, as well as the governments of Europe, as well as all industries throughout most of the world, as well as all the financial systems throughout the world, THEY are a superpower.
America is only their vehicle.
I hope this happens so we finally have an excuse to sever ties with this useless old hag. Can't believe someone several timezones away holds so much power over an entire country, and its a fucking WOMAN to boot.
Explain yourself.
this post is satire btw.
Jews are cool
This may come as a shock to you, but since the fall of the Soviet Union, America has been the sole superpower of the world. Even Putin says this is still the case. China has the potential to become one, but as of yet, are not.
I fucking love cock
True, but you have one hell of a nuclear arsenal. I said earlier Russia ALMOST has the energy of around a medium-sized volcano. Well the US probably does. And thats a fuckton of energy.
Australia didn't stop the Queen from having that power when the Queens Governor General fired the Prime Minister back in the 70s.
Wtf, how is South Korea a Major Power.
They're not above the Netherlands, Swizz, Austria or equal to Japan, Germany or Russia in any sense.
Neato. I guess I've just been too much of a self-hating lefty and underestimated my own country. I thought I passed that phase already, but I guess not.
Plus wouldn't getting rid of Trudeau, even if it meant getting cucked by old Lizzy, be a good thing?
Why is Ireland so low?
For one, they actually have a military. They have 20 times as many active duty soldiers as you do, and the sum of their active duty, reserve and paramilitary forces numbers over 6,000,000 compared to your ~50,000.
Also, reexamine , and you will see that they actually exceed the netherlands, switzerland and austria, and are on par with Russia economically.
Lmao, Ireland an economic/military power? Northern Ireland has that pleasure, but since the rest left the UK they don't.
Though Ireland has 1 power that makes them pretty prevalent, they have a huge population of Irish Americans in the US. Hell, many presidents and prominent politicians have been Irish American.
Ah yes, the hibernian menace. We must all watch out for the cryptomicks.
I fkn hate Canadians so much, you literally don't have a single redeeming feature. The misbegotten bastard child of the anglosphere
Never underestimate the power of bile, the guiness shits, and fuse wire ginger pubes.
>fuse wire ginger pubes
Thanks, but you're a bit late, see
for the latest revision. Unless you changed something besides Belgium being a non-country