When's the last time a massive amount of people like we see in South Korea in this image protested for anything worthwhile in America?
Americans are cowards who applaud tyranny rather than fight
If you think protesting ever actually accomplished anything, you're a fucking idiot.
If you think a mass number of people going out and expressing their beliefs never accomplished anything, it's probably because the only protests you've witnessed or participated in were anti-Trump rallies and Bernie Rallies that are unorganized and where nobody has a clue as to what they're fighting for.
>When's the last time a massive amount of people like we see in South Korea in this image protested for anything worthwhile in America?
When Hostess, the maker of Twinkies, almost went bankrupt.
I just pooped a little!
You had me at "poop"
We certainly didn't do it all those times our gun rights were stripped away. We didn't do it back when prohibition came into affect.
There is no "silent majority". There are cowards.
Protesting is not even a good option, anyways. is partly right, not completely.
10,000 people for impeaching Nixon. 1974
100,000 people against the shooting at Kent State. 1970
Million Man March, 1995
125,000 people for anti-nuclear march in. 1976
etc. etc.
>When's the last time a massive amount of people like we see in South Korea in this image protested for anything worthwhile in America?
The last presidential election.
Unless you are going to cling to history as evidence that this is a nation that is still politically active and willing to fight. That problem is made even worse if you weren't even born until the 80s or 90s
Americans successfully protested tyranny on November 8th by voting against it.
It's not that people are cowards, it's that not enough people understand the real problems to form meaningful protests. Though we did prevent Clinton from getting into office.
Remember when Americans protested martial law
Or protested hate crime legislation
Remembered when the "silent majority" (aka cowards) wrote letters, went out and protested, organized and fought for legislation and rights that have been stripped away?
We had people standing in the road for a month after Trump got elected.
Brave souls. Brilliant individuals. Their sacrifices will never be forgotten.
Americans don't fight when police officers shoot their unarmed elderly loved ones or other family members, especially in Los Angeles, California where niggers run rampant and gun rights have been stripped away.
They say they do, but it contradicts how little they actually do.
I do every time someone praises Trump, but not because they agree with him like I do. Oh, no, it's because they don't want to do anything for themselves and rather Trump do it all.
I do my part. I voted, but I also did my little bit to help the country. The rest of these cowards? "Leave it all to Trump".
These traitors are gonna turn their back on him when they don't get their Obamaphones, trust me. They don't really care about Trump like I do.
>When's the last time a massive amount of people
You'll see on January 20.
I just read entire wikipedia page about Million Man March and I still don't understand what it was all about
The anti-Trump antics have proven that clapistan doesn't even know how to protest anymore. The same people who decried that we needed to accept the results of the election regardless of the outcome threw massive bitch fits in spite of the fact that it won't change anything. Not only did they not accomplish anything, they wasted millions in security for Trump tower and other areas they decided to shit up.
I applaud tyranny when the protesters riot against my very existence
and yet that trout-faced woman is still in office. good job