Hello. I fondly recall reading "Unqualified Reservations" as a guilty pleasure from 2007 to 2012. It seems to me that the present "Red Pill" movement is low-brow in comparison to what I recall. Is this a symptom of the times or an unfortunate reflection on how mills like Breitbart and InfoWars will appeal to the prole before the brahmin? Hope you're all having a wonderful New Year so far.
Survey of Alt-Right Ideology
Other urls found in this thread:
>Mixing Marxist and Hindu terminology
Because I can. Y knot?
Yeah sure shill, why do you talking about it then?
Alt-Right is Moldbug + Memes
More people would understand you for one.
I don't think any of nu-pol and the white nationalist/alt-right movement has even heard of moldbug
I'm just curious. I was aware of some stages in the development of the popular side of the ideology (Gamer Gate, the Trump Train / "Meme Magic", etc). I'm curious of the perceptions of others in how the ideology has developed since the heyday of Moldbug.
"alt-right" is an umbrella term for anyone who lives in a rural/suburban shithole
According to the extremists, the only real alt-rightists are the extremists. Not sure how credible they are because they still support Trump.
>came here because there's no subreddit that's a cross of iamverysmart and altright
>expects to slide under that radar while creating threads
It's going good. They're so scared of us we're getting the spotlight. We want a 50 year immigration ban. We want to keep a White majority.
Never said I was alt-right. Just curious. I'm flattered that you think iamverysmart. I'm aware that Sup Forums has served as a sounding board for elements of affiliated ideology since even before I began using it. I started a thread for my own amusement.
altright before Hillary speech/ spencer was just a demographic of non-evangelical. non-neocon and non-other traditional conservatives. After that they fell for the Marxist dialetic meme and we now have the low-brow non-intellectual white nationalists in the current (((altright)))
So am I correct in reading present developments as part ideological ambiguity, part interpretation in media. Are there still formalist/Moldbug types out there?
I'm glad you are pleased with present developments. As is ever the appropriate New Years greeting, may we live in interesting times.
Alt Right calls out kikes buddy
If they are they aren't vocal or in too small a number to matter. This alt-right thing will stifle any movement like that for a long time.
Thank you for stating the obvious. I never said anything to the contrary. Just poiting out you are falling for the Lefts framing.
Well if all else fails I think the cuckservatives are finished. The rightwing in general are gonna be a lot more edgy
Like i give a fuck what the left thinks.
I was afraid of that. In Moldbug's own words, Rule One is staying alive.
Also, it comes off as slightly childish- you seem to be throwing words around that you have no conception of.
You overestimate how many people in the altright there are.
You really ought to. They are you enemy, it is a most grevious mistake to ignore what your enemy is doing and how they think. Ever wonder about why Hillary made that speech? You don't think that was planned? You don't think the subsequent media framing of the alt-right was planned? You don't think the highlighting of Spencer above all others was intentional?
Sound's like you just hate White Nationalists kike
No. The idea of white nationalism is wonderful. I am critical of your methods and failure to see how you are merely serving the Left's interests.
The alt-right marches beneath a white flag.
Beneath a white flag huh? Hows that? You were just saying we were too hardcore for the left lol.
I never said you were too hardcore for the left.
Here is some recommended reading so you can better understand the tactics of the left.
Trotsky- Permanent Revolution
Saul Alinsky - Rules for Radicals
And because I know you are too lazy to ever read a book here is a short youtube video that addresses some of this. The rest of the series is very interesting too, and probably more to your liking because it doesn't criticise you and only the joos.
You sound like a loony from 8pol.
I hope you do make an attempt to read the books. Have a good day user.
No thanks.
>It seems to me that the present "Red Pill" movement is low-brow in comparison to what I recall
Most of the philosophical material exists within the NRx and DRx movements, not the Alt-Right.
With the election- which many of the NRx and DRx folks didn't care so much about- a greater proportion of Alt-Right content went to the horse race and debunking basic Leftists.
Now that he's in office, perhaps they can get back into better content.
Who are your influences, btw?
Land, Moldbug, Doolittle, Hoppe?
>how the ideology has developed since the heyday of Moldbug.
Neoreactionaryism and Dark Enlightenment has put out some interesting ideas, easily found on their respective sureddits, but generally fell to stagnation and disapproval of IRL activity.
As for the Alt-Right, its thought at highest brow was simply a second-hand version, a funhouse mirror, a watering down of Moldbug, Land, Hoppe, Evola, Spengler et al.
>E.g. Mike, Sven, and Bulbasaur from TRS admitted as such about therightstuff.biz; it was initially a Libertarian /Conservative group on Facebook that ended up being a Moldbug discussion club, which branched out into the site's blog platform and podcast network.
Its operations were Alinsky tactics applied to the Right.
>Or as someone else called it, Bolshevism for the modern shitlord
At lowest brow, it's policy and narrative breakdowns and discussion, as the Spencersphere did and does very well.
From inception to the current day, the Alt-Right was never heavy on philosophy. Sorry.
>altright before Hillary speech/ spencer
The purity spiral began before that, and that was during this past Summer of 2016.
TRS members, Spencer, and Stormfront got together and made sure everyone knew:
>Who the in-group was, i.e. the Alt-Right
>Who the out-group was, i.e. the 'Alt-Light' (Milo, PJW, Breitbart), and everyone else
Before that, it people who were a collection of pic related did and could adopt the label with no issue. Increasingly, entryists dropped the term, and after the "Heil!", they started picking up 'New Right'.