>17 agencies have proof Russians hacked the election
>Sup Forums doesn't believe it because: ???
17 agencies have proof Russians hacked the election
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how long are you going to keep bitching that corruption inside the DNC was exposed?
No one "hacked the election". It's literally impossible to do, even Obama said it. Using this term is misleading. What they MAYBE did was hack the DNC and leak emails. The correct term would be "influencing the election".
because if you leak the illegal activities of one of the candidates it's not hacking. Hacking would be literally tampering with the voting machines
>Quoting Occupy Democrats for any reason other then to mock them
Top Kek Burgers. These are the same agencies who assured us that Iraq had WMDs and assured us China's tech stealing wasn't a problem until now.
>Implying osama bin laden wasn't already dead
>17 agencies have proof
Frankly we don't care.
The elites do whatever the fuck they want and don't give a fuck about the poor/middle class
If individuals want to hack em and hopefully find some dirt; fine with me.
It's not like they hacked the actual voting machines anyway.
Also, the Podesta leaks only made my faith in God stronger (picrelated)
17 agencies have proof which they wint release or show anyone.... meanwhile the hack was actually just a leak of shady dealings and illegal activities. Which is good for the people.
The CIA did not track down Bin Laden. Bin Laden was betrayed and ratted out for the reward money by a Pakistani.
The CIA is full of kikes and other traitors itching for war with Russia. Trump is absolutely correct to be skeptical.
Russian hackers are so good they can hack the paper inside of a ballot box.
It's impossible to hack the election.
One of those agencies found Hillary to be at fault, but couldn't prove intent I guess, so treason was just a big oopsie.
Where is the evidence? If they HAD any, you know they would make it public.
>(((17 agencies)))
The same agencies that had """"proofs"""" of WMD in Iraq?
Your reminder that 16 of those 17 are having to rely on ground Intel from the CIA
They don't have any tangible, digital proof
The funny part is, the Russians influencing in favor of trump is bad, but liberals across the world attacking trump isn't bad.
>(((17 agencies)))
>17 agencies have proof Russians hacked the election
says the guy who masturbates to cartoons
the FBI director came out and said that there is no evidence the Russians were involved.
8 years
agencies have proof Russians hacked the election
Must be a lot of proof. Weird that we havent seen any, isnt it?
>before the election
Hahaha, silly DRUMPFY thinks the election's gonna be rigged!! I can't wait to see the look on his orange-red face when he's melting down on twitter about how Clinton rigged the election XDDD doesn't he know it's literally impossible to rig an election in the U.S.?? what a dumbass haha
>after the election
Do you really believe usa doesnt try to hack other elections?
despite that the democrats had their chance to intodruce paper-only election and didnt it because they are "unhackeble"
Wheres the dirt on trump? this makes me think trump actually more powerful than mass media leads on.
>The correct term would be "influencing the election".
Which the Saudis, who were proven to be involved in 9/11, did as well via money given to Clinton yet nobody cares.
>russians did this
I care.
So if Trump kills the ISIS leaders, is the left going to respect him then?
What kind of dirt?
His name has been dragged thru the mud since the mid 80s with all his wrongs exposed along the way
Actually he listens to Palantir, which the 1 and only organization that found bin Ladin.
>implying Osama was actually killed by ST6 and isn't partying in a mansion hidden somewhere in the desert right now
Well shit, I guess we better invade Iraq.
He could mindfuck the republican congress into giving us single payer, government funded healthcare and they'd still call him Hitler
They can't just release classified info retards
>muh hackers
The only people that have been PROVEN to be tied to hacking this election was the Department of Homeland Security. Sorry that doesn't fit your narrative.
Right they only know from word of mouth from their sources on the ground supposedly
>they can't prove it because it didn't happen
If they had a shred of evidence, they would be parading it.
Exhibit A) WikiLeaks has a 10 year history of veracity. No one has ever disputed a single document, even though whole countries leadership have fallen over what has been released during that time.
Exhibit B) There is no evidence Russian hackers (who are always trying to penetrate US) found the emails.
Exhibit C) There is no evidence the Russians handed those data (emails) to Assange for publication on wikiLeaks
Exhibit D) Hillary Clinton was reported to be pissed at a number of people on election night, INCLUDING OBAMA. She felt he could have done more.
Exhibit E) Obama only released thin reports that mostly speak about how to protect a network, not detailed info on the hack or evidence showing Russia found the exact data and communicated with WikiLeaks
Exhibit F) Hillary will do anything and everything, Obama is a constitutional scholar, even he has a bar higher than crooked Hillary
This most certainly suggests the "proof" is much like WMD in Iraq, politically convenient. Obama for all he is, refused to take these actions before the election because he knew they have no real evidence and there would be calls for investigation. A BRIDGE TOO FAR.
THE CIA are conflating Russian penetration of networks, to finding and leaking data to wikiLeaks which no evidence has been provided. Lies about WMD helped another Admin not only invade a country over lies, but avoid prosecution.
Hillary needs cover for the biggest $1.8 Billion loss in a 100 years, the DNC needs cover for being washed out of government at every level. Pedosta/Hillary and the Clinton Foundation need to cover for the emails released to the public.
When Chelsea joined CF she started an investigation, she also hired a new CEO. That CEO found out a lot of bad stuff. He is now missing. He can also be the leaker. Seth Rich was found dead, Tech Lead for DNC, he can also be the leaker. Tribes in the Intel agencies also have a vendetta against the Clinton's they too can be the leakers.
He's dead dude. He died from Marfan Syndrome in 2001.
>Russia Hacked the election
>They made it more transparent
If Russia was really 'attacking' the USA and (((they))) needed more support they would make it unclassified andshare it to get more public support.
If it's true then it's a very urgent matter and the benifits of warning everyone would far out way the reasons for being classified in the first place
During the election nothing but the billy bush pussy tapes made it to MSM. There we rape allegations that were settled but no official statements. This makes me believe Trump is controlled opposition or is more powerful than the deep state government due to ties with Israel.
CIA's job is not to present the public with proof of foul play. It is to prevent those things from occurring in the first place. In this case, however, since the claims are all bullshit anyway there was no way they could have prevented it so they use this tactic of claiming something happened after it supposedly happened.
It's hilarious to see what the Emporer has turned the anti-war, anti-patriotism party into. These are the fakest of people.
17 agencies literally have no proof. In fact, 17 agencies never claimed to have proof. They all said it was one of many possibilities, which of course the democrats claimed was proof because 99% of the voting base will never read a source in their lifetime.
Burgers doesn't trust gov anymore. I literally cried when they "dropped" Osama Bin Laden's body to the sea.
>still believing bin laden was alive and killed during the obama presidency and then thrown to the sea before anybody could verify it
ayyyy lmao you probably think there were wmds in iraq, faggot
The real question here is "What is their agenda?"
Lol somebody needs a history lesson
why? their motive has no legal application.
>17 agencies
can you name them?
Don't worry, I'm sure President Trump will release all this information in 3 weeks.
You could have prevented this
>Department of Treasury
thats an intelligence agency?
>j-just take our word for it
What fucking spin rag do you get your "fake news" from?
They have strong evidence that Russia was behind the hacks, specifically to the groups dubbed Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear. The recent sanctions that Obama slapped on to Russia aren't so much punishments as they are a way to communicate to Putin that American intelligence services don't just know that Russia was behind the hacks, but that they know exactly who was involved in them.
You don't have to trust CNN or MSNBC, but what fucking mental gymnastics do you have to do in order to discount the world's most effective intelligence agencies?
>We swear we have proof, we just can't show it to you!
Yeah, ok.
>strong evidence
>world's most effective intelligence agencies?
>believing everything an intelligence agency is telling you
Just fuck off if you somehow think it's reasonable to take vested interests at face value.
We've all read the report idiot, theres a fucking Disclaimer on it basically saying they can't prove shit
I fucking hate Canadians, you're worse than a nigger to me.
I'm pretty sure trump will release obama birth certificate to proof he was right.
Because they literally never claimed to have proof, only a theory.
My mom told me to not trust strangers. Until someone shows the proof or at least enough evidence these claims are nothing but bullshite.
Exactly. They hacked the DNC, leaked e-mails and influenced the election. Fuck Clinton, anyone who doesn't think this should be concerning is stupid. It's not just that Russia *can* do this shit, it's that Russia *dares* to.
Used to be that only America was allowed to use their intelligence services to influence the outcomes of elections. You burgers are losing your stature in the world and because liberals are concerned about this, you're letting it become a wedge issue instead of realizing what it means for you. Trust me, Putin is not laughing with you, he's laughing at you.
>tracked down Osama bin Laden
where is the PROOFS
you stupid fucking Chink nigger
>Trust me
ahahahahaha you're a fucking faggot.
>releasing a private citizen's birth certificate
>Coast Guard
To be clear to you op
Hillary would rather allow CP to be legal because of the fact her chairman was a pedo.
>the guys who tracked down Osama bin Laden
You mean the same guys he worked for?
> because: ???
1. Obama said election cannot be hacked. They changed their opinion only when Trump won.
2. No proof whatsoever was presented. They keep saying that it exists, but right now its even less credible than Iraq WMD.
One of my new years resolutions is to approach issues like this pragmatically instead of ideologically (so I might not be able to post here much longer... lol).
That in mind:
A) Sup Forums is not one fucking person
B) there is widespread disbelief because their evidence is shitty and next to non-existant
C) their reasons for not sharing their evidence are suspect. Snowden already told us how the CIA and FBI track the location of a hacker, it's already a cat that's out of the bag, there is literally nothing to lose by telling us where the fucking hack came from.
D) Good luck proving Russian government involvement even if you do release such evidence. A guy in Russia hacking the DNC does NOT equal the same weight of evidence as, say, a hand-written order by Putin or a GRU office being connected to the hack.
Here's what has to happen for this to go anywhere:
A) CIA, FBI and other agencies produce evidence the American people can actually look at and discuss.
B) Once that's done and there is at least beyond a reasonable doubt evidence of Russian Government involvement, a full investigation should be launched.
C) If the investigation concludes that Russia indeed did this (doubtful because of reasons listed above) then we go from there.
Until then no one knows anything because the Government is not sharing what they know.
i never looked at it like that, I guess I support principal skinner now, you're right
russians almost definitely hacked dnc (everybody hacks)
russian government may have been responsible but it could be someone else in russia or with russian botnet or something
unclear whether they also leaked the info
assange & murray say its not but they might not even know the original sauce
in the end it doesnt matter america is fucking hypocritical for being upset at foreign powers hacking and meddling in elections i mean for fucks sake they are so much worse when it comes to this kinda shit
who the fuck killed that seth guy?
assange stated he would have leaked anything about trump if he could, but trump doesn't use email lmao
17 agencies was actually just James Clapper, the person in charge of 17 agencies. Many of the agencies he leads had no assessment.
If you're so deluded that you think that a conspiracy is being orchestrated across multiple three letter agencies just to spite Trump or something then you're a fucking idiot.
Holy fuck you clearly didn't read the report or you're willfully elevating your standard of proof for the sake of covering your own partisan insecurities. Russian intelligence is not an American citizen entitled to innocence unless proved beyond reasonable doubt. There's absolutely a preponderance of evidence that makes it more likely that Russia is responsible than not. The alternative is that you're facing such a technologically skilled adversary that they're able to imitate and frame Russian intelligence agencies.
In the end, all you feeble-minded niggers are more willing to accept zero evidence that all the major American intelligence agencies are conspiring to mislead the public, than you are to accept the significant evidence that Russia hacked the DNC to influence the outcome of the election. This shit is why I can never get liberal friends of mine to give any credibility to conservatives because so many of you are mouth-breathing tinfoil hats who are willing to bend logic just to be contrary to liberals.
The "proof" came months after the accusations. Don't be so naive.
>Trump is a racist sexist cheeto but you guys won't elect someone over inconsequential EMAILS
>Lets start a war with the only nation in the world with more nukes than us because they showed the American public her inconsequential EMAILS
>it's cool to let hillary sell russia our uranium
I genuinely hate the left more and more every day.
>Sup Forums doesn't believe
>17 agencies
>under one goverment
Are burgers really THAT retarded? I thought that's just a meme.
u realize every one of those agency heads probably has 74 kids locked in their basements waiting to torture and fuck then right? no shit they're all gonna say russia fucking hacked it because I AN KING nigger cunt would otherwise have them suicided cuz they didn't try and stop trump.
>Lets start a war with the only nation in the world with more nukes than us because they showed the American public her inconsequential EMAILS
>Lets go to war with China because said cheeto believes they created global warming.
Exactly. Americans are somehow pretending that this shit is unthinkable, when it's literally what they've been doing in so many foreign governments. Forget the CIA-led coups, there are hundreds of opposition parties and candidates, many living in exile, funded by the American government for the express purpose of influencing elections in favour of US interests.
The point is that nobody used to dare to do this shit to America, and now Russia has done this, and half of you have your hands over your ears going "LA LA LA NO PROOF THERE'S NO PROOF"
Someone name the 17 intel agencies
>going to war with usa or eu
ayyy lmahmed
It's classified because if they are revealed Russian hackers will ifconfig them into oblivion, making Trump win.
>you think that a conspiracy is being orchestrated across multiple three letter agencies just to spite Trump or something then you're a fucking idiot.
there's your problem you believe everything the fucking government tells you you fucking retarded fucking leaf. god you're so stupid how do they allow you on the internet.
>alternative is that you're facing such a technologically skilled adversary that they're able to imitate and frame russian intelligence agencies.
are you fucking kidding me? rapist podesta fell for a fucking PHISHING SCAM jesus christ look it up. he was too fucking retarded to see the difference between a real google email and a fake one. and his password was p@ssw0rd so he was all about security. u hear s of seth rich? look him up he was the LEAKER of the dnc shit there was no HACK.
go back to sucking trudeau's cock.
For unknown reasons, really
whats even funnier is that americans are bitching about russia funding far-right groups in europe, when geert wilders is likely funded by american corporations (who are probably getting instructions from the US government)
"Fuck the EU" indeed
thanks a lot americunts
"I have proof and I'm intelligent so just believe me ok"
Not an argument. Literally an improper appeal to authority.
unless its hosted in a private home's closet on an out of date installation of microsoft exchange.
Is this image satire? Bin Laden is literally a US agency employee
A lie repeated ad-infintum, is none the less a lie.
This whole hacking thing went from FBI found no evidence of hacking to CIA report says there was bu we can't give details, to now all Federal agencies says it happened....
And two Christians were acutally put in jail over the video that stirred up libyans against us in bengahzi...the IRS executives were never prosecuted for targeting tea partiers, Eric Holder got away scott free for the murder of a US border patrol agent, and if you like your plan you can keep your plan....
how stupid is the american public to let all of this pass?