>G-goy believe in science, really! it's the best for you
>G-goy believe in science, really! it's the best for you
Other urls found in this thread:
>everything on earth was under layers of new sand &sand
>every. bit. of. the.surface.
Nobody can give a good answer asto where the new sand and dirt came from, they only say erosion.. erosion from where? a place that ALSO has new sand and dirt?
There is new matter being introduced to this planet at an alarming rate.
Fossil fuel is just a meme then?
I dont know about that, I mean everything that is old is under several feet of dirt.
Roman stuff, Native American stuff, Egypt, china, fucking everywhere. The old stuff is all buried under new layers of dirt, every time.
Where did the dirt come from.
>current year
>still believing matter can't be created or destroyed
Everything is a meme
Petroleum hasn't been considered a "fossil" fuel in years. I don't know what's left that they still consider a "fossil" fuel other than methane and the fact that lifeless Titan has seas of liquid methane pretty much kills that too.
It's pretty much a dead theory at this point. The fact that people still use the term "fossil fuel" to refer to petroleum shows how ignorant they are since it hasn't been considered one for quite some time.
Fossil fuel is probably just a jewish hoax like everything else
so it's geologically created?
>Petroleum hasn't been considered a "fossil" fuel in years.
Gonna need a source on that.
Interested bump. What else do the Ruskies know that we don't?
Almost all animal remains have gone through so much shit its a miracle its still recognizable, tsunamis, meteor crashes, massive earthquakes, super volcano eruptions, intense storms, extreme solar radiation etc. The fact that most land fossils are found so close to the ground suggests that those that don't may have died in hole or so (common among animals like dogs).
When it comes to ancient civilizations, most of them dug deep deliberately because it was the only way to keep shit hidden and safe. Which is why each time some excavation team finds something buried they're usually valuables like vases and jewelry.
Why doesn't this article know the difference between different carbohydrates?
>The alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are refined into gasoline, the ones from nonane (C9H20) to hexadecane (C16H34) into diesel fuel, kerosene and jet fuel. Alkanes with more than 16 carbon atoms can be refined into fuel oil and lubricating oil. At the heavier end of the range, paraffin wax is an alkane with approximately 25 carbon atoms, while asphalt has 35 and up, although these are usually cracked by modern refineries into more valuable products. The shortest molecules, those with four or fewer carbon atoms, are in a gaseous state at room temperature. They are the petroleum gases. Depending on demand and the cost of recovery, these gases are either flared off, sold as liquefied petroleum gas under pressure, or used to power the refinery's own burners.
Methane is with only one Carbon atom entirely different from the carbohydrates we harvest here on earth which are refined into fuel. I really don't get this article.
>"As such, long-held fears about Earth’s shrinking ‘fossil fuel’ reserves may be bogus."
How does the discovery of methane on Saturn's moon disprove fears of shrinking fossil fuel reserves? It's not economically viable to harvest it from there. It's the equivalent of claiming famine in Africa doesn't exist because people in Europe have enough food.
>In the 1980’s distinguished British scientist, Sir Fred Hoyle FRS was one who tried and failed to expose the chicanery of proponents of the fossil fuel theory and diminishing world oil reserves.
What would a cosmologist know about fossil fuels though?
Note than I'm not against fossil fuels. I would even agree that fear-mongering about depleting fuel reserves are exaggerated or unfounded. But at least don't fucking make shit up.
dirt moves around.
take a bucket and fill it with sand and dense rocks.
shake up the bucket, the sand rises to the top as the dense stuff burrows under.
the earth isnt static, theres dust flying around, storms that move tons of water onto things, wash things into different areas. leaves that decompose. shit that decomposes. dead wood.
it all adds up into dirt.
If you don't clean stuff it gets dirty
if you don't clean it for a few years it gets really dirty
if you don't clean it for a few thousand years it ends up under a lot of dirt
A source for a non-controversial fact? Google it you lazy American retard
>300-400 million years ago
stopped reading there
Its not science in traditional sence but it has same propability as teories made by science people.
Yes. Hydrocarbons form in the crust and are present on all planets.
Well decaying organics can release methane and you can form hydrocarbons.
But yes, the majority of that shit is geologic.
I've thought this for a long time.
Petroleum is literally Space Goo and no one knows where it came from.
How Can History Be Real If Dirt Isn't Real
Daaaaaaaaamn. That's a Pratchett book I haven't seen in a long time. I read that when I was.. 10? Great book. Btw, in English, it's called Strata. Worth the time IMO.
>dirt is a conspiracy
You know the worst part is I think you genuinely believe you're onto something here.
Dirt is the result of rocks being ground against each other and being worn away by wind and water. Dirt is ground up rocks. Retard.
>science people
stopped reading right there
Thats kinda lame before you could say every time you went to buy something you were carrying your stuff inside a dinosaur corpse
Petroleum is called a fossil fuel, however, it is no longer considered to be of fossil origin (decomposed dinosaur flesh, dino poop, dino jizz, plants, etc).
It's sort of like calling American bison buffalo or koala bears as bears. Refried beans, etc. Problem is most people are confused and still think petroleum has fossil origins
I fucking love Sup Forums humor.
I did, google told me that petroleum is a fossil fuel formed from the remains of aquatic organisms that died millions of years ago.
>Petroleum formation occurs by various hydrocarbons combining with certain minerals such as sulphur under extreme pressure. Modern day scientists have proven that most if not all petroleum fields were created by the remains of small animal and plant life being compressed on the sea bed by billions of tons of silt and sand several million years ago.
>Petroleum (also known as crude oil or simply oil) is a fossil fuel that was formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms.
>Oil and natural gas were formed from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals—that’s why they’re called fossil fuels. Hundreds of millions of years ago, prehistoric plant and animal remains settled into the seas along with sand, silt and rocks. As the rocks and silt settled, layer upon layer piled up in rivers, along coastlines and on the sea bottom trapping the organic material.
God provides coal and oil for us. They are the safest and cleanest power sources out there and they will never run out. Don't trust the Nuclear Devil.
sage and ignore anti-science shills
Reminder that god knows how many tons of sand is blown into Europe from Sahara every fucking year. And tectonic movements are a thing unless we're still living the early 20th.
>spreading jewish lies
We've known oil was abiotic since the 1950s.
If oil is abundant, how come only selected countries have it?
The great genius Nikola Tesla speculated that dirt is the result of electricity.
It's called the electric dirt theory. Google. it.
We are pro-Science. We are anti-(((science))).
"But don't you believe in science?!" said the liberal arts major
The National Geographic is a far more trustworthy source than an user on Sup Forums so unless you can give me a source to back up your claims like I asked originally then you can fuck right off.
>and the fact that lifeless Titan has seas of liquid methane pretty much kills that too
How so?
Titan is a lie. (((NASA))) made it up.
Be "we" do you mean a subset of Soviet scientists whose hypotheses never gained wide acceptance nor succeeded in predicting the locations of new oil fields or what?
>there are people who are so stupid they genuinely do not know how basic geology works
>they see their mother's house hasn't went even an inch into the dirt the entire 35 years he has lived there
Conspiracy theorists are hilarious, they're all dumb as (new)dirt and they think they're geniuses.
I thought atheists loved scepticism
Russia is the only trust-worthy country left in the entire world, desu.
googled it and there was nothing
you lied to me user
this will not be forgotten
Damn CIA must have delete it already.
The basic idea is that electricity creates the dirt.
If you run it at the right frequency you get dirt.
This makes a lot of sense. Look at how much dust TVs and computers generate.
Oil deposits have biomarkers indicating the biological source of the oil.
Show me some real science please.
It sounds retarded to me too, sorta borderline "expanding eart" shit.
It just seems theres a whole lot of dirt coving stuff all over the planet, like dig 10 feet down ANYWHERE and you could find something, how can the whole planet be uniformly covered in a layer of new dirt, erosion would imply there are hole sections of dirt missing, but instead it looks like pic related everywhere.
'Abiotic petroleum' is flat-earth society tinfoil hat tier.
Christians are the cancer of this board
>what are volcanoes
>flat Earth
>tinfoil hat
Fuck off. There is more evidence for a flat Earth than there is against it.
Magnetic stress points.
He's also semi-retarded, he missed out where a large component of soil is organic components, like leaves and such. Compost and mulch becomes soil for example.
>Hole sections of dirt missing
>Looks like pic-related everywhere
There are many places on earth where the soil coverage over basement rock layers is very thin, and where rock outcroppings pierce through. Usually in places where erosive forces are large, i.e. lots of rain or wind or both (e.g. rocky deserts, islands and coasts)
If this isn't a joke then you deserve to be raped and killed by muslims because you're even dumber than they are.
ok, so there is new dirt and thin soil areas so Im not just a nut. Thanks.
this thread and the 432 Hz thread are always shilled hard for the "scientific" mainstream lies.
you must be one of those autist I hear so much about
The funny thing is, that image is the definition of recycling, technically.
>432 Hz thread
what's this?
> I don't understand basic physics: The Post
You're only pretending to be retarded, right? This whole thread is only pretending to be retarded?
>Atheists will refute this.
It's called gravity.
Unlearn the shit that (((they))) filled your head with when you were at school.
It migrated from africa and the middle east like all other dirt
Pick one hombre
In the interest of eugenics, I sincerely hope you've been sterilized. You are far too stupid to be permitted to reproduce.
it didnt have life there to produce the methane
Who cares. What me worry?
A fossil fuel, petroleum is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, usually zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and subjected to both intense heat and pressure.
>somehow gravity keeps the earth in a perfect round shape
Oof. That's kind of the point, laddie. Cut it out with the paint chips
There are large sections where the old layers are exposed. This is how Lucy was found - Olduvai Gorge.
i dont get it though what happens to the bugs on a chemical level that causes them to turn into something that can make cars go and why cant it be reproduced in a lab?
Oil is abiotic. God creates it for us.
God was created to suck my cock.
>Be petroleum engineer
I love reading threads like this
>fuel created by dinos
>universe created randomly for no reason is a valid "explanation"
>dark matter, you just can't see it bro
science is literally just religion for edgelords
have fun in hell, my friend
Have fun getting gang raped by muslims.
Coal can actually run out though. Everything else you said is true.
>Coal can actually run out though.
how do i work for big oil?
>currently IT
Lmao fuck off
I'm in the middle of my third raff through of Pratchett excellent the kids books and stopping at snuff.
I love the covers from outside the US so much, they really fucked them up here
Times are pretty rough, but oddly enough the non-engineering positions are still fairly decent. I'd look into analytics or trading. Bigger companies (Conoco (not hiring), Exxon, Chevron, etc) have built in marketing and trading divisions. Right now you could probably get a cozy job at an energy consulting company, they're trying to pick up talent while the oil companies are trying to balance budgets.
Or you could go for simulation technology like at Schlumberger or Weatherford. I did a little of that in college, the problem is that they may want coders with an engineering background. It's worth a shot though.
>working in oil in 2016
Why would you want to do this?
I make 6 figures a year and I'm 26. Pretty hard to do this elsewhere even if I get taxfucked by Uncle Sam.
Get some fake tits, some arse implants, and learn to suck a dick.
apply for a job as a cashier at a gas station and work your way up the ladder