I am an ugly man

I am an ugly man

Only two types of women I could ever date:

Ugly and stupid whites

Smart and pretty asians

Give me one reason why I shouldn't racemix

I didn't understand the yellow fever meme until recently. They're so much better than white women.

>implying women aren't attracted to money
>implying women don't want a father that can support a family
ugly fucks can get attractive women too

i thought hungarians were turkic peoples, at least that is what jobbik was saying

>Smart and pretty asians

LOL they're not gonna fuck you unless you're rich. They're far more materialistic than whites.

>"I am an ugly man"
>no redeeming qualities listed (smart, hardworking, etc.)
Hell, you shouldn't even breed.

If you're ugly you're still not getting an Asian girl that looks like that unless you happen to be rich. If you're rich you can just get the 10/10 white girl though anyway so why mix?

Eurasian racemixing is the only acceptable racemixing. Hapas are the true master race.

>being a poorfag
sucks to be you

get /fit/ speak confidently and competently your face wont matter. when your kids have slanted eyes and an identity crisis you will realize you fucked up. your happiness is your responsibility.

throw up the black pill.

Stop being a race traitor degenerate.

I have a Chinese girlfriend. They are simultaneously passive and demanding. Like they will conform to whatever your beliefs are and won't have an original creative thought but expect you to pay for/do everything.

The Asian women are smart meme is based on them being able to study for and pass tests, which makes them good accountants and shit but they can't really think for themselves.

>crying about being ugly to your internet friends

Pretty sure your face isn't the real problem, buddy.

>you have never met an asian

they are dumb as fuck. Dunaujvaros is full of them, you cuck.

The problem is with you.

This tbqph
Imagine your kids will inherit all your shitty qualities and will be happas on top of that
Why would you condemn them to it?

You just listed all the reasons you should plug in the toaster while taking a bath.


Asian pussy is the best. Go to Japan and fuck a lot of bitches and get them pregnant. Japanese males are too busy fapping to anime anyway.

if white births weren't in the negative i would agree, but desperate times.

because you'll end up with a supreme gentleman

>I am an ugly man
you're probably just a faggot desu senpai

>implying any smart pretty Asian would want you

meanwhile, Iiniku Ushijima kinda reminds me of an artist and cosplay girl I know.

I strongly suspect that the "east Asian women love white men" rumour is greatly exaggerated. I strongly doubt that they're just gona throw themselves at an ugly/poor/low-status white guy.

Was the "Supreme Gentleman" an ubermensch in your oppinion?

Stay away from Chinese girls. They are very demanding and usually from rich parents. So they expect you to be rich too.
Best is to go to Japan with a working holiday visa and find someone there. If you can't speak Japanese forget about it. You don't want one of those gaijin-hunter who would do anything to move away from Japan. They are depressed, suicidal, etc.

Also nothing wrong with race-mixing as long as you both are in good condition. If you are a beta who can't get white girls then your son won't be any different - even worse. And if the Japanese wife hates her own race it doesn't make it easier either.

They throw themselves at money/status before all else, like most women do. Sup Forums is just full of cucks that fap to Asian women thinking they won't disregard them the same way their own have.

>the only acceptable race mixing

has the highest chance of mental illness