The ride never ends
France Yes
>mfw we are all doomed but I have to maintain my pokerface
This song literally supports the irradiation of French people and white people over all.
This is why there was more Nazi Supporters in France then French Resistance.
secularism and liberalism was a mistake.
France embraced both.
This is so hot
Those look like kids
Just will drop a redpill here
The responsible for this mess are the parents of this girl.
Wow, Sherlock is among us
Looks nice desu. I don't see the problem. They never kissed. So it's OK. Kinda like 'balls don't touch' logic.
Some good old kike pedophilia and nigger fetisch.
All in the same video. I'm impressed. The kike really outdid himself. Fucking pervert.
whites hate each other more than other races
you'd think we'd have learned this by now, but we probably never will
The video is not available in America it says.
Bogdanoffs' job?
>Black Merde (black sheeiit)
>the girl hair is literally the official blacked hair
I want to unsee it. Please. It's too much.
C'est le temps de déménagez au Québec, Jean...
>whites hate each other more than other races
not enough to exterminate and turn each other into mongrel niggers, that is kike sandnigger hate
The west is becoming brazil
>its even this shitty pitch-changer voice
I fucking hate this, theres a point in what Sup Forums declares degenerated that i still find acceptable but this is just stupid, i think this music makes people drooling mongoloids
what happened to the bongo bongo / traffic traffic guy?
do you like russians
HAHAHAHA dans vos mères fallait pas annuler son concert à verdun
Décalisse d'icitte, bougnoule...
>Not having auto mute function enabled
How do they keep getting away with this?
even if i dont, i dont want them to turn into churkas and muslims
My eyes.. it's hurting guys
I want to sleep but I can't because it's bleeding
Vous avez Trudeau vous c'est pas mieux...
Black Merde would organize rapmusic concert in Verdun commemoration.
Ta gueule, ça t'aurais fait plaisir, de danser sur les tombes des kouffar.
parle français fils de pute
Que merda isso. Eu nunca tinha visto lambada na minha vida. Que lixo isso aí só não é pior que funk.
>The nigger is mad because we canceled his verdun concert
Its complicated.
Simple answer is no, but there are a lot of exceptions.
They are better than you though.
nique bien ta mère fils de pute
>whites hate each other more than other races
Are you purposely being retarded?
t'es sur pol 24/7
do you think white liberals like you?
also btw, europe blames multiculturalism on the USA, they don't like american whites
Tes 3 petits points sont extrêmement irritants
t.Ahmed the new swede
>what is the Middle East
>what is Japan and China
>what is Africa enslaving itself and selling people to white Europeans.
Irish people may say "you whop fuck you took our flag!" and the Italian may respond with something potato related, but we are civilized enough not to genocide each other anymore.
Black lives matter ?
Aryans hate meds
Slavs hate aryans
Aryans hate slavs
Meds hate aryans
Slavs hate meds
Meds hate slavs
This will never stop
The fall of the roman empire was a mistake.
>huuur fucking juice did this
It's just the producer being nice and making sure POC feel at home, instead of the nattive society thinking bad things about then
if you separate races, or make the POC race look bad, then what do you except, thendy feel discriminated
you don't need this ''racemixing'' propaganda anyway.
thanks to natural selection, white women have been preferring POC anyway.
ever since black males first made eye contact with white women, it's been driving the white women wild
if white males are getting butthurt about it, then tough luck pal
people are having fun, get over it. no one care about skin colour, nor do they care about your divide and conquer ''evidence''
This burger speaks the truth.
Don't think they hate themselves based on the race.
Id say white people hate white people more for being white than black people hate black people for being black.
Tu peux me faire confiance, Jean...c'est mieux...
Je parles Québécois comme je veux, mon caliss de cabochon...
you must live in an alternate reality because the people who bring up all the SJW stuff in my college are usually white themselves
So they shitpost on a Nigerian river dancing forum about how stupid Americans are.
They don't go out, wrap a tire around our necks secured by razor wire, pour gasoline over us, then light us up so as we writhe in pain, we also cause ourselves even more pain by slicing ourselves up.
Fuck I didn't notice how many of these .webms I have of blacks necklacing each other.
Comme toi Kevin...
>you must be this cucked to watch this video
Underrated, nice trips.
>A-Class Atheist
interracial love is so pleasing to look it at, its the modern romeo and julia
it's my name over on r/, fuck off
i think you misunderstood me. i mean that whites hate other whites more than they hate blacks or other races.
So this is the country that will vote for Le Pen??? AHAHA
Even USA who is 56% white uncucked itself
Québec est littéralement le pire endroit ou être un français de souche
N'importe quelle autre bastion français au canada, mais pas quebec
>Sauf si tu veux passer 15 min dans un boulangerie parce que ta pas appeler un cookie "biscuit"
Jesus Christ.
I know it's not all their fault, but niggers are really starting to piss me off.
y'a beaucoup de cacadermes ou pas ?
Blacks over here attack eachother with machetes over being from either Haiti or the Bahamas and constantly hate on one another because of the darkness or lightness of their skin. Whites infact dislike certain other grouos of whites but not as deep as the negro hates himself.
They look cute.
This is below them. An underling further down the chain maybe.
i was not even talking about blacks in my first statement
i said whites hate other whites more than they hate other races.
sure, maybe blacks hate blacks more than they do whites. but i wasn't talking about them.
I think they did that because they're dumb black shits, not because they hate other niggers.
>N'importe quelle autre bastion français au canada, mais pas quebec
Lel, les francos du ROC sont des dead frogs, Kevin...
MTL oui, mais le reste du Québec est blanc comme neige...
Parler, c'est aussi respecter la grammaire; vos opinions, on s'en câlisse.
They don't hate because of the black skin they hate because of opposing cultures.
With this logic i could just point you to the amount of wars between Denmark and Sweden.
I guess the aryans have a deep self hatred then huh?
Really makes the noggin go for a joggin huh?
>those likes and views
most of them are either blacks, jews or perverted arab teenagers
ignore it
also, youtube is controlled by them. the view count may be completely falsified.
Oh, maybe I did misunderstand you. In any case, I need an excuse to keep dumping these.
This, when I lived in Florida in the 90's the fuckers would always try to kill eachother
Ouain, comme tu dis Bubba...
Genetics determines more than just skin color you dumb negro. When we allow the cross-breeding of two markedly distinct, by intelligence and achievement, races, the resulting stock of human beings is a malfeasance and abominable at best. It is a shameless attempt of one race to destroy another, not by outright war, but by insidious tactics that destroys the cultural heritage of the enemy race along with it. Just look at the French soccer team. Would it be wrong to question what happened to France? Where did all he French go and from where did these negroes come? Was there a war that happened and we forgot? No, there was a more insidious war that was won by the lesser of the two races and the French let them win, but are now facing the consequences for it. Pic related is what happens when a population is replaced by race-mixing negroes.
One more and I'm done.
The point was whites hate each other more than any other race. Those are self hating whites and I never said we don't cannibalize, but most of those "white people" are probably Jewish. Blacks literally keep their own population in check by killing like its 1940.
Yeah the comment section is full of shitskins and kids
>not available in your cunt
Okay I'm done now. just wanted to upload all of them.
jews are 2% of the population and hillary got 40% of the white vote. quite obvious that many of those supporters are not jewish. unless you think 40% of white americans are jews.
plus, don't forget liberal whites in europe. you think the majority of swedes are jewish? nope, there is a lot of division.
and it's not even just political. a lot of ethnic groups in europe don't like each other. there have been plenty of ethnic wars.
Aie du respect pour ta langue, le reste suivra.
Why are they killing these niggers, anyways? What did they do? Unless it's just for being niggers.
The nigger even punches her in the video.
At second 39 even without sound I clearly hear (i dindu nuthing!me gut dindu!and i can see his "bbc")aaaahhhh they took the fun of those public executions from us
(Expat not jap)
No I think that the vocal minority could possibly be Jewish and they don't consider themselves white. Like a wolf in sheeps clothing. I know white democrats and they're mostly union workers and a few are self hating college retards.
As far as Sweden goes, they are letting themselves be controlled by rich elites. They love Muslims they don't hate other whites.
How many ethnic wars have been fought in the western Hal of Europe in the past century? Now give me the same number for Africa.
even more
>slavs hate slavs
>aryans hate aryans
>meds hate meds
He was the nigger (((they))) tried to schedule for the Battle of Verdun commemoration but he got cancelled because of the outrage it caused.
there was the balkan wars
WWI and WW2 weren't ethnic wars, but it was whites vs. other whites
hang all niggers
Why is it always white woman and black man?
>those likes and dislikes
How fucking cucked can a country even be?
I think they were all found to be raping women and/or stealing shit. Of course, that isn't your typical due process like you find in civilized countries so it's all """"alleged""""" but I think it has been a long time coming for them all. Finally the citizens of their little townships or whatever decided to take action outside the law (whatever law even exists in those hellholes)