Anyone else getting nervous about this?

She actually has tons of support and a really good chance of winning.

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Literally no one cares about your future failed run for congress, you deranged tranny. Stop posting threads.


If he wins, we get to witness the most asinine laws go up for a vote

If he loses, we get to say 'see! he's shit'


He has literally no shot.
One of the only damn things you need for congress in his state is to register to vote. Johnny boy never has. Ever.
Let's not even start about the insane history of lies.

Depends on the state.

that dude is gross and a man-child whack job

no one but far left idiots will support him

pretty sure the minute she enters the public eye Sup Forums will have a field day

he* damn it

Nervous? Hell, if I lived there, I'd vote for Wu. Think about it. Wu has no experience in anything except as a failed cartoonist, failed game designer and a bunch of SJ crap that no one in the real world cares about, even liberals. Wu will be a total dead weight when it comes to discussing anything that involves actual politics. It will wake more than few people up and set a precedent for what happens when people like this are elected.

Hope he primaries out a real Democrat in Massachusetts.

Then we show the people what the dog killer is all about and the GOP wins a seat in Mass.


The second he opens his mouth no one will vote for him.

Who would elect a congressman who was featured on a cyberbullying tv show on the Syfy channel?

Hopefully Wu will pass the primary and give the republicans whatever constituency she's running in.


thats why it is running for congress in boston

honestly as a resident of that city i feel like running against her on the ticket of building a giant statue in the middle of the bay


So what difference is another loony politician in libshit areas?

All anyone has to do is run an attack ad talking about all the crazy shit he's done on the internet and also talk about the fact that it's a fucking man, highlighting the extreme mental illness this person possess, he's got 0 fucking chance to win.

>Who would elect a congressman who was featured on a cyberbullying tv show on the Syfy channel?

I live in Massachusetts and I fear that we would.

Hi Brian please stop posting thanks

Can't ______ the Wu

Nervous? No. I'd love to see him actually get in and have a nervous breakdown from the weight of responsibility, and the publicity.

How about someone who murdered a doggo through neglect?

He is going to give the GOP a shot at picking up a "safe" seat for the Dems.

Yeah MA used to have a congressman who got re-elected six times AFTER he was caught fucking a 16 year old boy

also a wall around the rhode island border to keep their drivers the fuck out

Did not know he was a man. Has no chance, nonetheless.

Can't Jew the Wu

Someone should pretend to support Wu with phrases like that and Garrison-ize the whole campaign.

Does she plan on running with that daddy issues 16 year old dyed hair? If she is there's nothing to worry about. Literally a joke.

Brianna wu vs chris chan, who wins? My money is on chris and his can of bear mace.


Sup Forums backs him 100%. You are obviously from reddit because you can't into 8d underwater hopscotch

Chris would wreck her



boston liberals and college kids are just retarded enough to vote him in

that much autism in one place might cause some sort of time rift, or something

my money's on CWC, of course

Someone gets it, primaries are still aways off.

We push him hard in the primaries then when they end up losing a safe seat cause they nominated a animal torturer max keks will be had.

No, Brian. I don't believe anyone here is scared.

he will kill himself once his whole life is made public by his political rivals


1 post by this id


If a bunch of Sup Forums and Sup Forums contributed $1 each towards making a shitty video compilation and getting it on public television in the Boston area she'd be done in a day.

Leftist cucks are a minority desu senpai. Most normies are moderate. if you think the average baby boomer moderate is going to vote for that snowflake you're mistaken. They'll never take him seriously.

Given how Dem Mass is how would she even make it out of the primary? The Democratic primaries there have got to be ridiculously competitive given winning it pretty much guarantees a seat.

I want him to win. I want Democrats to drive themselves as far to the radical-left as possible so that they never stand a chance again.

>an institution filled with people who have become so far out of touch with reality and the average, law-abiding, hardworking citizen

what's the problem here again?

Is this person really a tranny or was that all just le ebin troll?

She's watching..... she's always watching...

yeah i know theres a lot of conservatives in this city but theyre also democrats who vote for anyone with a blue tie or an irish last name


Kek he is fucking homely.


this meme needs to die. he'll fail horribly, screencap this post.

True comedy

I'd actually like to see chris in the congress
he'd be showing the world the real face of transger-insanity mixed with autism and shizophrenia

also barb would be really proud once in her live
I feel really bad for her desu

Stop making threads about yourself you stupid fucking faggot.


Make it of Larry bird. For extra negro salt.


Hopefully after the primaries.


go away, john, you freak

Except a congressional campaign would put Wu under a lot of additional scrutiny and could seriously cause a lot of Gamergate shit to be reopened.

So...why not? Let Wu screw itself over an ego trip.

I'll doubt he has realistic chance of getting elected. All his GG related bullshit and self victimization stunts will become much more public than those are now.

This psychotic faggot is the perfect candidate to represent the loony left in 2016.
All he's missing is an islamist running mate to chop Flynt's head off when he loses.

i don't know i feel like our particular brand of liberalism isn't quite as identity-driven as the west coast variety and that someone would at least have to demonstrate some skill or merit (i.e. things other than "yelled at autists online", "made ((game)) with 1996-tier graphics" or "partially mutilated genitals") in order to at least initially get elected
t. massfag


This is going to be good, this deranged dude makes an ass of himself each time he's on tape, and he looks uncanny as fuck, and gives off a creepy vibe

When did someone say: "Hey guys know what Congress needs? A Bearded Lady."

you seem bored today, josh

And hopefully Sup Forums will help her to win because it's fucking funny

We also get to watch it get triggered in the court room when its proposals are all shot down by cis white old men

Mass gets fucked over by old Union identity shit, IMO.

A degenerate like would be a positive to bring it back into the fold.

I think he could win a primary but lose badly in the general with a bit of autism and magiks.

pretty much this, whoever runs against it will have the easiest election of all time

but mass college liberals are literal fucking commies so our brand of liberalism will probably get very bad soon

Cool. I can't wait for Wu to angrily tweet for a month, do absolutely nothing to run, get nothing done, and then still repeat over and over that she won and got everything she wanted.

I hope you called John "she" ironically.

Stop with this retarded meme.

You're trying too hard Wu.

He was born on Megatron and isn't eligible to run for congress. The Decepticon isn't a U.S. citizen!

t. facebook dad

All the hottest low-res memes and obama-themed demotivationals constantly shitting up your timeline or your money back!


>Implying based Megatron has anything to do with Wu.

Come on man...

He's a freak. A mentally ill freak who dresses like a woman and spreads drama nonstop. I'm no psychologist, but I'd bet on borderline personality disorder. There are no more dangerous people in a social setting than people with BPD.

Also don't Dems have low turn outs in mid terms? GOP pick up could very well happen.


That's a tranny

>transformer detected

Fuck off, Optimus!

That is true generally speaking but the demographics of MA and New England in general is just fucked.

i have a feeling a Sup Forumsack will try and troll her irl...

i figured it'd be obvious usually, but I think he actually voted this time around.

Everyone here is aware that the psychotic faggot, John Flynt, is the OP.


No way! Muh energon cubes! ;^)


Nope. Records proved it. lol.


Can't impregnate the wu



When literal 80 IQ dumb ass niggers like Elijah Cummings can get a seat in the senate really nothing surprises me any more.

I know this has been discussed before. But what are the odds that this is Larry Flynt's grandson? The weird facial structure, the wealthy parents, the bizarre compulsion to stir shit up and get attention...

Is this insane piece of filth the daughter of a historic filth merchant?


guaranteed flop and waste of money.


>1 post by this shill d